Jim makes the Soccer ‘Bag Tag:
Despite being voted the best soccer player in the world, Ronaldouche’s careless over extension into douchitude has rendered him insolvent.
Much like his team’s sponsor AIG, Ronaldouche has finally defaulted on his non-douche liquidity, and must now be propped up by an ever dwindling pool of scrote bailout in the form of advertisements and brand name sponsorship.
And 45 Degree Hat Tilt and Jesus Bling. At the beach.
However, L’italiano’s boobinos are tutto buono. Even if she looks a bit bucktoothy here. But we should grant leeway due to the awkward position.
Speaking of Italian Hottness, mmm…. Monica Bellucci. I would Mary her Magdelines while Matrixing her, uhm, boobs.