Friday Thoughts and Links
The Leatherbag is still leathery. Even when out of his furry vest. And even when hanging with the cast of Vampiros Lesbos: The Texas College Years.
But I know what I like.
And I like boobies and Fig Newtons.
Sometimes I like boobies with Fig Newtons.
Sometimes I dip the Fig Newtons in boobies.
But mostly I dip the Fig Newtons in milk. And not boobie milk. That would be gross. Cow milk is not gross. Because it has become normalized.
Yup. I’m babblin’. Time to start drinkin’.
Here’s your links:
An eagle-eyed reader in Vegas caught me out and about on the town. Dammit. My cover is blown.
Support your fellow ‘bag tagger: HCwDB’s own douche equis is one of the producers of the hilarious looking 70s retro comedy, Black Dynamite, which opens in select cites today. Checkitout! This thing looks great.
Douchiest iPhone app of the Week: Amp Energy Drink.
Speaking of the iPhone, a reader sends in his iPear. Slide to Unlock, indeed.
From the YouTube vault: The writing staff of the brilliant early 1990s sketch comedy show, The Ben Stiller Show, the morning after winning their Emmy. After they’d already been canceled.
Here’s a montage of images of last week’s Quartasian Librarian Boobie Hottie, set to some awful Kayne West Casio doodlings.
John Mayer. Still alive. Still a huge ballsack of douchescrote.
‘Bags banned at Michigan Stadium. Wouldn’t that eliminate about half the crowd?
A global douchepocyalpse is forming in the “dating” habits of celebudouche Russell Brand and talentless vortex of suck, Katy Perry, who are now something or other. I liked Katy Perry better back when she had talent and went by “Zooey Deschanel.”
One thing we do know. A bear scats in the woods.
And finally, to salute your efforts this week, enjoy. Beach Pear. Go forth and congregate.