Ask DB1: Johnny Bravo?
I think you should investigate what was the origin of the animated dbag.
I speak of Johnny Bravo.
As funny as the show was, he should be labelled as a Stage 3. Yes, there is a lack of Ed Hardy or Affliction, but he was a juice monkey, used horrible lines, constantly wearing his shades a la Corey Hart, and most importantly, large amounts of gel in the hair. Could this be an addition to the Grieco virus?
– Deputy Dawg
Well argued DD, and J.B. is definitely proto ‘bag, but I would trace cartoon ‘baggery as really beginning with Jughead. A crown at 10 degree tilt? In the 50’s? Retro douche.
Johnny Bravo = choad.
Just as our favorite Ho Ho snacks use animation to inculcate children into their sugary folds, so too is the Greico virus using cartoons as an insidious vector to infect the next generation. Sure, Johnny Bravo may not be targeted to the pre-pubescent set, but neither was Joe Camel (or so they claimed). A big Bravo to Deputy Dawg for this astute find. PS – Liking the new site. Death to blogger.
popeye and bluto were both douchebags, and olive oyl was definitely a bleeth, especially in the shorts they showed in the movies…really if you think about it, it goes way back….
Euripidouche: I’ll go with both Popeye and Bluto being douchebags – Popeye was tatted up and had the 10 degree hat tilt as a bonus, and Bluto was 100% on the juice. But Olive Oyl a bleeth? No. At best, a jump-off.
Anybody that was after Betty Boop’s animated carpoon was a douchebag.
Are all the avatars off right now, or am I just failing?
Is he fuck.
This shit’s giving me a headache.
No, Darksock, everything’s fine here!
* withholding laughter *
I’ve got avatars, trash cans, “review” buttons, and 3-dimensional scratch-n-sniff ass pears on my screen right now. Man this shit is awesome! Wish you could see it…
So, I left this comment after Bagnonymous @ 1:00 pm, which should mean that my comment shows up as number 10.
But it hasn’t. It’s here instead.
But now it has.
Judy Jetson was a Bleeth. She had a HCwDB moment when she won the radio station promo and had a date with The Gremlin, a blue and pink Mohawked douchebag that did however have a skill as he played a three necked guitar.
How do I know this? Don’t ask or you’ll rue the consequences (hint: it’s like trying to be coherent in this blogger. WordPress is really fun)
You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.
I am more confused than Plinky’s mom reading a diet book.
“3-dimensional scratch-n-sniff ass pears on my screen right now. Man this shit is awesome! Wish you could see it…”
I wonder if DarkSock shares our scat fetish, Bagnonymous?
A dumb-ass blonde Elvis impersonator written by a crew of dumb-ass Elvis fans.
Personally, I found Johnny Bravo to be a fucking hilarious cartoon. But that’s because it mocked the ‘bag as much as it displayed it.
I would say that Johnny Bravo was actually the beginning of douche-mockery. While he was a complete d-bag, he was constantly being made fun of, shot down, and generally getting his ass kicked. If anything the show provided a good example of just how to treat those infected with the Greico virus. The show was more like an early animated version of HCwDB, than it was anything that would actually spread the scrotal-plague we are seeing now.
How could any mention of ’50’s retro-douche omit the protean (albeit teenage) presence of one, Eddie Haskell? He was the living embodiment of an unctuous, smarmy, self-impressed douche-in-training. The only reason June let him hang with Wally and The Beav was because his douche-sense made him wise to the fact that she was secretly a lesbian.
I’m just sayin’…
Yeah, that Mickey Mouse was a real douche, too.
It’s so hard to see with these teeny avatars. My new pic is a horse peeing in me and you can’t even tell. What a waste of a trip to the paddock.
no way in hell a guy that looks like that and calls himself Johnny Bravo is EVAR getting a notta’ from me
I also thought it was Reggie, not Jughead who was the retrodouche.