Hot Chicks With Douche Bags
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Hall of Scrote
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- The Rooster Wank and Holy Blue Triangle 2
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- Fung (Stage 2 Prompa Larvae)
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- The Ab Lobster 2 3 4 5 6
- Peaches 2 3 4 5 6
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- The Stereodouchtonic Twins (STDS) 2 3 4
- The Crustacean 2 3
- He Just Bangs Bitches and Drinks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Millennium 'Bag
- Deathtongue 2
- Velveeta 'Bag 2 3 4 5
- King Douchuous the IV 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Bra!! Broheim!! Brahemian Rhapsody!! Brosephus? Brosekis! Mr. Broboto!! Bra? Bro. Dude, seriously. Bra. Bromeo!! dude. Bra. Bro-verkill
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- Johnny Blaze 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Tighty Armani 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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- E-Blo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gayblo
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5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. - Brothabag Leon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Mack the Nozzle 2 3 4 5 Archie McScrote 7 8 9 10
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- Sleepy Jerkenstein 2
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Hall of Hott
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- Ass Not What Your Country Can Do For You
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Waxy McBrow's Rachelle 2 3 - Larry the Claims Processor's Elizabeth
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Purg Hottie
Samurai Scrote
Hall of Mock
- Pfah
- DarkSock
- Baron Von Goolo
- Troy Tempest
- Steve L
- Wheezer
- Medusa Oblongata
- creature
- Crucial Head
- Mr. White
- Archidoucheis
- Mr. Biggs
- Vin Douchal
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- boatbutter
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- Whoop-di-douche
- Jacques Doucheteau
- massengill
- Dr. Bunsen Honeydouche
- Mr. Scrotato Head
- Deltus
- The Reverend Chad Kroeger
- mr.reeve
- Wedgie
- Et Tu Douche?
- Eliza Douchcoo
- dbBen
- soy bomb
- DoucheyWallnuts
- I R A Darth Aggie
- jonezy
- Hermit
- Chris in ‘Baghdad
- Douchble Helix
- the douche is alright
- Choad the Douche Sprocket
- Stephanie
- The Dude
- Dude McCrudeshoes
- Sir David Douchenborough
- Il Douché
- Bag A
- douche equis
- Capt. James T. Douche
- Charles Nelson Douchely
- Merle Baggard
- ehcuodouche
- Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
- Charles Douchewin
- FredN.
- Ol' Dirty Douchebag
- In memoriam: bcs

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In America, butts grab you!!
Feh, I have hot chicks fart on my head all the time. No biggie.
His next act is a bear riding a bicycle.
His showing in the 'what a country' drama buys him an automatic, no-vote-necessary HCWDB of the week
Yuri the valet manager likes his farts in stereo to compliment his Axe/body odor stench. And the hotts were about to escape until he came along. Fuccen greaseball.
Ruski-Douche, no doubt, but I do like the cross on his middle finger. Nothing like thinking about Jesus while being told to "fuck off."
Yuri says "Watch me eat Easter egg out from Agnieska and Valentina's assholes. Vodka, you don't know Vodka American pig dog swine. But I vant to be just like you so I goes to club with leopard skin seat and funky disco vest. See my big watch and flat face?"
Fuck Off Yuri. If you put those two together you wouldn't get a 10. You would get herpes herpes you commy fagburglar.
It's cold in Russia–gotta keep them ears warm with some hot little asses. Can't blame Yuri there.
Hey ladies, my pee-pee is cold! Could you come warm it up for me?
We got it, Yuri. The hotts ain't that hott, but they feel great and you have a great imagination.
Two ass pears for price of one! This is a great country!
I think we're all misinterpreting this photo. The pic was snapped just before Yuri the Bouncer pushed these two bleeths' heads through the back wall with one mighty shove. That's what you get for putting your dirty shoes on the couches, whores.
Shart me, Amadeus.
Yuri was longing for the stench of his home town, and so fed these semis borscht and beans and waited until his nose was reminded of the old country.
Listen, if you just did a ten spot at the Gulag, you'd raise a little hell upon your release, too.
Go Yuri. Das Vidania.
Zo, I go to ze clob, end who ees dere? Ees Ekatarina end hair frant Ludmilla, you know, beach fram hairs salon. Zo, I goes ap to Ekatarina end I esk, "Yo, babeee, zo like you suck my lav pump now?" End she saz "No way bubby – you stank like shits" and so I saz "Yo babeee, I lav you stanky pussy too. Come give zum lav." Den, Ludmilla starts a yappin wit hair nazty voice – beech talks trou her nose stanky beech – and so she yapps "Hey Yuri, you lookin cute tonight. We like you. We let you grab our ass on camera, good?"
So, I tink – yeh – sure ting babeee, and so dey hops up on couch end sit dere asses on my choulders, end just as my boddy, Sergei, snaps dey shots, deh beeches fahking fart, like long loose smelly tings. Like dey been eatin cabbage and Navvy Bins fer weeks end holdin it in just to gas me dat night. Fahking beeches.
Zo, dey farts like dat end I start all gaspin end cryin for air and dese beeches just giggle at me.
Zo, dats when I tell Ludmilla I fahk her leetle sister last night, who was virgin night before, end I fill her leetle pussy wit de babies batter. Dis makes Ludmilla angry so she insist on blowing me. I say no? No! So I drop de trow end yank de crank end wit my pants at my ankules, she fahking knees me in de nahts! Fahkin beech!
Now, I gets eye infection from her farts and I gets one less nots to for makin babies batter. Fahk my life.
washed up strippers are always a handful
Two for poo.
Once, hands like those hovered over nuclear missle launch buttons somewhere deep in Siberia. Now…. white shirt, black vest, cheetah upholstery.
Russians love giving anal tongue darts, which they deliver with the devastating accuracy of an ICBM.
Took me like 10 minutes to read Troy's first-person account of Yuri's evening, on account of the heavy accent and all. But it was worth it.
Focking beehotches.
A chubby, Russian girlfriend with bad circulation is a good thing to have; at least for the Alarm Clock part of the hareem.
As, I find, an ice-cold hand on your nuts will wake you right out of a sound sleep.
Spasiba, Svetlana; now go make breakfast, da?
Hey Yuri, I got a question for you. Oh wait never mind, it looks like you have a lot on your hands right now.
While sittin in a club in St. Petersburg Yuri Kalashnikov got an idea for a new semi-automatic rifle. Here he is demonstrating the latest advances in the AK poo-poo rifle. The original blow-back system in the AK-47 will now be replaced by the shoulder-mounted, borscht-filled Svetlana system. Once charged, you will be able to throw rounds downrange at a whopping rate of 70,000 rounds/minute with the added capability of chemical warfare thrown in at no extra cost.
The original asshat.
I still wish I had an ass like either one of them. The rest, not so much, but an ass like that, yeah.
Troy, you made me LOL. And I was hearing it perfectly in my head. I can't hate on these Russkie party dudes. Their lives are so fuccen horrible, I'm actually glad to see them have a good time. You know, all the snow, the alcoholism and radiation poisoning, a handful of warm ass on a cold night is comforting. Na Zdrowie, Yuri.
Couldn't say anything that has a chance at topping Troy's. Bit my tongue five times just trying to read it to myself.
Meh; Russians are so far behind the West. I have girl farts in 5.1 (a fat chick is the .1 sub channel)
@darksock, i dunno,
i suppose for some the performance of a surround sound, solid state system is the state of the art…
however, there are a fair number who prefer the smooth, warm rich smooth output from a tube amplifier.
anyway you look at it, i think we can agree,the input impedance of the amplifier is a load for the source device.
@all, thank you.
Well, big catskin prints on the furniture are nothing short of pure animal desire.
And I'm talking about those two blonde pussies Yuri's got a handle on.
what a country indeed!
because there are no Chechen rebels.