Sunday, August 22, 2010

Don Ed Hardy

Way too long, with a heavy “nod” to HCwDB, but kinda catchy in its own way.

# posted by douchebag1
8:38 am August, 22 Wheezer said...

I…..sat through…..the…..whole…..thing…..
My last…..will…..& testament…..>.<

9:00 am August, 22 Douchble Helix said...

I got through about 30 seconds.

“Where the Hell’s the singing cats?”

9:06 am August, 22 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

That was too fucking much. Fuck Fish Slap.

9:12 am August, 22 Baleen said...

Ed Hardy- clothes that look like vomit.

9:27 am August, 22 Jay said...

It means well though.

9:29 am August, 22 Ed Hardouche said...

I woke up and this was the first thing I looked at when I got online. Looks like another tequila breakfast to ease the pain.

9:33 am August, 22 G said...

5 mins of wasted space on the internet…

9:39 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

That’s right, guys….keep on bitching and we’ll get another Sunday Frolic eye-gouger.

9:53 am August, 22 Al said...

People I need your help.

Ed Hardy is coming to Cardiff,UK. The shop is due to open, but what can I do to stop the spread of Douchebaggery in my beloved city?

10:02 am August, 22 Wheezer said...

^^You must get all your baghunter friends together and picket, and by picket, I mean point, laugh, and mock.

10:07 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

douchebags have made Christian Audigier so rich he only touches wicker and subsists on a hand-fed diet of raw bear cancer.

10:07 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Christian Audigier is so rich he has his internal organs spray-tanned.

10:08 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Christian Audigier is so rich his butt plugs are made from freshly severed erect human cockks.

10:14 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Christian Audigier is so rich his spray tan is made from tea boiled from patches of George Hamilton’s back flesh.

10:15 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Christian Audigier is so rich his donuts are powdered with Columbian.

10:15 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Christian Audigier is so rich he pays other people to take his shits.

10:16 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Christian Audigier is so rich he can stick his finger up Bono’s ass whenever he likes.

10:20 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Anagrams for “Don Ed Hardy”:
Added Horny
Yon Herd – A.D.D.
Dandy Red Ho’

and my favorite: “Dyed Hard-On

10:57 am August, 22 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

This video was so vile that I miss my Sunday Frolic.

11:04 am August, 22 Troy Tempest said...

The piece itself isn’t so bad – it’s just stupendously badly produced.

It should have been “douched up” musically. Autotune would have fixed the vocal deficiencies, and then blow them through a vocoder – that would make it totally douche-a-phonic. also, the plame-ass pseudo-rock beat was weak. Just go all on douche and dump an unsa beat into it. (Unsa is the latest version of the “Standard Stupid Dance Beat” that started with disco in the 70s (tiss-ip), then went new wave in the 80s (boom-tosh), then dancy-ravey in the 90s (doof doof) then all squelchy in the 00 (ta-shump) and now all douchie in the teens (unsa) – a good solid unsa beat would have really make this thing swing with grease.

11:06 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

I got something that swings with grease…in my pants.

11:09 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

Troy gets my nomination for “Don Martin Memorial Onomatopoeia Award” for the spot-on disco-beat descriptions thru the ages.
Bawm-SHEE * Bawm-SHEE * Bawm-SHEE *
Don Martin, Mad’s maddest artist, was the master. A bent saw hitting someone in the face? FOIN-SAPP!!!
A large boob squirting out of an over-tightened bustier? POIT!

11:11 am August, 22 chewbacca said...

ed hardy must be destroyed.

11:18 am August, 22 DarkSock said...

“Bukkida Bakkida Bukkida” is the sound eminating from the executive washroom at Crucial’s firm 2 minutes after Ass Pear Friday is posted.

11:47 am August, 22 Yankpud said...

Early August is past, you’re doomed.

2:38 pm August, 22 Chugger McGee said...

What is the sound of one hand fwapping?

2:41 pm August, 22 Pudd McSpank said...

Did I just see Hitlary Clinton, Marilyn Hanson, Dennis Quaid, A-Rod, Larry King, Lil’ Jon and one of the Yin Yang Twins sporting ed hardy. What visual and audio pollution.

2:52 pm August, 22 Steamrolla G said...

what a bunch of fucking jag off wastes of air. You, not them. theres nothing wrong with my ed hardy threads. the bad threads are the feeble comments on this silly ass hater forum. you big asses need to get a bike or a hobby and go do something with yourselfs. really. no, really.

2:53 pm August, 22 Steamrolla G said...

don’t hate soemthing just b/c u cannot afford it. now you just learnd something. PEACE OUT

3:05 pm August, 22 Wheezer said...

Yes, SteamTROLLa G, we learned something…..errrr, no, you reaffirmed something: “hater” as an insult is the first refuge of the asshat.
Go find a busy freeway and take a nap on it.

3:16 pm August, 22 Stephanie said...

Now you see why it’s so sad and bad,when Larry King wears it,it’s not cool anymore. Ed Hardy just rips off of rock t-shirts with antique tattoos flash/designs that aren’t copyrighted.

I’m thinking the next douche bag shirt is the kind where there’s absolutely no silkscreen or transfers on it of any antique tattoo flash, there will be cut outs in the t-shirt and the cut outs will have clear plastic on that area so people can show off their roided bodies and bad tats.That’s the next foul thing, I bet!

3:25 pm August, 22 Honore de Ballzsac said...

that sounds like Meatus Murders. really.
only example readily available to a dummy like me, via youtube, was: “Scottie Pippen”

from “More Songs About Balling and Food”. 2006.

3:37 pm August, 22 skrag2112 said...

When the Intergalactic Tribunal puts the human race on trial for crimes against the universe, this video will be Exhibit A. The destruction of our planet is pretty much guaranteed.

3:43 pm August, 22 paging Dr Kevorkian said...

Take it down to the mall shitrolla gimp and sport your ed hardy with the rest of the poseur cunts.

7:00 pm August, 22 creature said...

made me think someone should do a developmental montage of oompa prompas
foinsapp, classic… I was just thinking about Don Martin on friday… genius!

8:06 pm August, 22 Steve L. said...

Chrisian Audigier with Hilary Clinton?
the State Department is fucked.

8:22 pm August, 22 massengill said...

Head Don Dry – Isn’t that a Fela Kuti song?
Had Nerdy Do
Daddy or Hen?

11:31 pm August, 22 Crucial Head said...

Oh how I wish I didn’t spend the day installing new cabinets in the kitchen. DarkSock sites one of the best sludge-core bands of the late 80’s, Raw Bear Cancer, and rolls it into an epic spliff of LOLZICOPTRZZZZ!1!!
I cannot top that… but I do think Christian Audigier is so rich his bidet emits pygmy midgets with fairy wings and terrycloth brushes, that commence to assembly-line washing his Corinthian balls the moment he pinches a bullion-colored scatlet into an American Standard® chalice that’s encrusted with each follicle lost to fate from the pate of Don Trump during his earliest days at Wharton.

1:07 pm August, 23 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

That looks like the Millenium Bag of yore…

2:07 pm August, 23 Army of Douche-ness said...

this is the only song i’ve listened to in 13 years and i listen to iut 6x daily:

5:38 am August, 24 Chevy Doucherado said...

Good to see Peaches again.

Fuck you Peaches!

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