HCwDB Halloween 2010
If you and your loved one are considering going in HCwDB tandem for Halloween this weekend, take costumic inspiration from previous years.
The HCwDB Comments Threads regulars for HCwDB Halloween:
Memphis Doucheworkers Local 421 and his Lady busts some quality Halloween HCwDB
Army of Doucheness does Gunter
Army of Doucheness’s Gunter #2. Scary good work, AoD. Now sing me “Summer Holiday.”
Archidouchies busts some classic HCwDB stylin’
Major Malfunction and Lady bust the Bra!! Gunshow, complete with Startatt
Reader Mike and Boozy Hott recreate “Chug Life,” with URC watching
Douchebag Mike goes full-on faux to amuse an Asian Hott
And in Pic #2, DBag Mike HCwDBs with a Bunny
Douchey Douche manages to get double-pop and arm tatts into his costume for his lady
And Ubiquitous Anonymous Lurker goes solo Orange
Other reader submitted pics:
Reader Red and his Lady do some Bathroom Doggie ‘Baggin’
If Grant didn’t have the fake arms, I’d be running him and his lady hott in a Weekly.
Eric and his Bro assure me this really was for Halloween
Anon assures me this really was him and his girlfriend doing ‘Jerz HCwDB’, although it’s so real it’s frightening.
Spiro creeps me out in a hotel hallway
Michael brings the Vegas Power Douche
Pat and his Lady Hott are just a little too convincing as Inland Empire HCwDB
Sleiman and his ‘Boyz’ fail to convince me they haven’t done this before
Tyler brings fuel in case he runs out of energy
Reader Greg Busts some Hott Hott and Douchey Douche.
Charles oranges it up at a ‘Ween house party
Alex and his Girl bring the ingenious ‘Cross Dressing HCwDB’
Blaque Jesus does the Mirror ‘Bag
Chris M and Girlfriend go full orange
An Anon Reader busts ‘Kissylips Dancer’
Monica and her Man provide before/after evidence of the HCwDB transformation
Ari and his ‘Boyz’ nail the DB but forget the HC
Bonobo and his Hott also bust classic HCwDB
Charles brings the Heineken
Kristen dresses up her boyfriend as ‘Armybag’
Brandon and His Girl bust HCwGGW
Brotha L.B. and his Magic Lady mock Yuppie Douche
Matt mixes metaphors with ‘Fidel Castro Douche’
Brian achieves truly spectacular ‘Pink Pop Collar,’ as well as wins the Best Halloween Douche Utility Belt Award
Captain S.P. brings his Army Hott along for the ride
Telly and his Lady go ‘Hot Mermaid with Power Douche’
Another Brian busts Rockerbag
Scott and his Lady do ‘The Jerz’
Chaz and his Lady bring the Literal Summers Eve
But wait, there’s more!
Chocolate Douche reminds us the Brothas can mock the Brothabags too
Chris with the brilliant ‘Hello My Name is Douchebag’ snags a Tall Cornfed Hott at the party
Cort gets into his D.B. persona with some awesome kissy lips
Drake and Girlfriend do ‘Hot Dorothys with Douchebags’
Evan and ‘Bro’ bring the West Coast ‘Bag, along with their girl’s ‘Sexy Cop’
Sean and Becky do ‘Hot Sailorettes with Douchebags’
Gordo writes in from Canada where he busts some D.J. Douche with Barely Legal Hott
Graeme goes solo douche with some Homemade Ed Hardy
Hoboken Brian busts Jerz
Hugh and his Ladies Bring the ‘Ween Party up to HCwDB standards
Not quite HCwDB, exactly, but here’s Halloween Nerd/Hott Google.
Josh and Friend take HCwDB to 11
Lance and his Lady’s Costume are so good, they scared their dog
2009 was a banner year for HCwDB costumes. But 2008 wasn’t so shabby neither.
1. KH and Asian Sailorette storm the beaches at Douchemandy.
2. Brett M Guidos it Up in style.
3. Carson Y Macks. And then muscles it up to some boobies.
4. Cathie B brings the Winehouse while her boyfriend busts ‘Bag.
5. Cory B’s costume is so good, I almost ran it as a real pic.
6. Crissy and her boyfriend bring tremendous hottie/douchey forces into play.
7. Seth M busts literal signage, multi-colors and two hotts. Good work, Seth.
8. The Anti-Douche and his Hott overwhelm with a perfect Halloween combo.
9. Tom L and his Smokin’ Hott are almost too realistic. Are you sure this is Halloween?
10. I’m not convinced Dante is really in costume. But the limo is genius.
10a. Cim’s costume finds the key to the DB1’s heart.
And here’s a sampling of some of the other notable submits:
Baggin M ‘bags it up.
Brian C gets down.
Dante and his Boyz formed a Halloween douche posse.
Donk Diggler goes to town.
Gaw says “Whassup?”
Erik K is orange.
FSDU’s Douche Costume is minimal but his hott is for real. Goddamn.
Frankie forgets the Hott but makes a helluva douche.
Les Douches are actually kind of scaring me.
Double X has the costume, but where are the kissy lips?
Paul A earns a kiss for his costumed douchosity.
Billy B has the perfect costume and sidekick, but no hotts, sadly.
The Minnesotans know how to mock the douche.
Michael M goes “Double Pop” with a Sailor Cutie in tow.
Steve Makes Kissy Lips with a Naughty Nun.
Jordan J’s Tatts look just a tad too real to be costumey douche.
Billy B Busts a Move
LL is a Douche Bandit with yet another Sailor Hott.
GT and Alice make a surreal hott/douche coupling.
Here’s Mike and Randy, who just sent me one last pic to make the cut.
I love reruning these links on the site, so much genius work. In the age of The Jersey Shore, it’ll never be just us again. But remember when you see all those “Situation” and “J-Woww” costumes tonight, who was there first.
Thanks for the repeat of these pics, Boss! I must say that Memphis landed a total hottie there – good work, fellow ‘baghunter!
OK, so I’m going to be busy fwappin’ to all of our ‘baghunter hotts…..and to 2008’s Asian Sailorette, for whom I will forever carry a Hall of Hott torch.
Halloween is Gay Pride Day for straight people.
@ AOD–Is that a tattoo of a dime bag on your chest?
Troy is right.
It’s also an excuse for every “nice” chick to wear the slutty- hooker clothes they so want to wear the rest of the year, but can’t.
And, I’m OK with that.
Classic…thanks for the pics!
Seems like the video game “Big Buck Hunter” is omniscient when it comes to Douchebag Bank Accounts.
You’re blurring the lines between complete douchebags and people playing them…a new board game huh?
guys…thats our only day, called halloween, where we, the ordinary ppl can and are allowed to rise to the bag dimension and feel ourselves as if the whole universe belong to us . use that power when u have the opportunity! Dress yourself like a douchebag!
^ I feel myself all the time.
I, for one, do not feel that experiencing a carbide steel erection upon viewing this image makes a person “gay”. Discuss.

We remember, Boss. How could we ever forget?… unless we get old and senile and demented .
@DarkSock (7:24): getting an erection at that pic doesn’t make you gay. Neither does masturbating to it to a quick and thunderous completion. At least, that’s my completely disinterested and uninvolved opinion on the matter.
one of the recurring themes in my recent erotic dreams involves hot chicks dressed like Claymores.
mmm… slender, beautiful, and demonically powered wimminz…
that’d make my Halloween.
Photo #6 from the 2008 collection is none other than porn star Crissy Moran. She might be a pro, but she’s still tastylicious.
Alls I knows is They Live is playing on my TV right now. This damn movie was ahead of its time.
this thread just proves that the majority of “baghunters” are actual wannabe douches themselves and use halloween or themed parties as in excuse to dress like one claiming “oh no its just a costume” sure it is. if that were the case why would one go to such great lengths to be one? including buying authentic affliction shirts which dont come cheap even if the douches that were them do (unless of course they didnt buy them specifically for a costume i.e they already had them which would mean they were genuine douches all along)
to conclude this investigation of mass hypocrisy beyond belief with mutton dressed as lamb. the jury of mocks should consider that cross examination when convicting a douche.
have a happy halloween, talkin of which halloweens always a good time to die so seriously think about doing so. that is all.
^You stepped in what?
“You all secretly douchebags! Durr hurrr! Troll get no candy tonight! Troll whine like baby!”
@ Steve
Thumps up to the nice Claymore reference btw.
@ pointerouter 12:04 PM,
when did incoherent sentences qualify as an “investigation”?
<@ Steve L:
"When did incoherent sentences qualify as an “investigation”?”
Ummmmm. Dunno….hard to say, really.
But at least our collective assholes hadn’t been splayed open for penetration by the ruthless toothless Wall Street Meat Lancers….who know, through afflictions such as Elephantheimers hell, those were the good old days.
@ steve l
in response to your question the answer is when its the truth and heres a rhetorical one for you since when did mocking douches while secretly wanting to be one qualify as a hobby for losers?”
@ pointerouter 3:45 PM,
i didn’t dress up for Halloween, asshole.
wrong target.