HCwDB of the Week
Bring it. Here are your finalists:
HCwDB of the Week Finalist #1: Mechachin and the Tartar Sisters
Paid-to-pose hotts with Paid-to-Douche asswipe? Perhaps.
But for this, there is no excuse.
Mechachin is classic party pud. His actual violations are more thematic and descriptive rather than performative.
Well, okay, they’re actual, too. That shirt makes makes the Babby Buddha spittle.
The Tartar Twins are not classic hotts neither, but their sexy supple curves and employed on-the-clock blankness have a quality sexiness that is worth honoring with chafe.
Are they our weekly winner? On to finalist #2:
HCwDB of the Week Finalist #2: Dave Templescrote and Lori
Dave Templescrote is a subtle choadmunch.
Not overpowering. But stenchworthy, nonetheless.
The racing stripes and hair fwip, not to mention the grey on grey silk doucherman label look. All bad. But subtly bad. Not usually that loud Weekly Winner ‘bag bad.
Lori is all that is tight, firm and eye wateringly suckle thigh.
Together, this is real world violation, as Dave Templescrote likely gets to fondle her gagingas in private. Her privates in gaginga.
Never forget the extra helping of violation when racing striped templed wankpuds get a quality hott like Lori.
And speaking of quality hott, that leads us to #3:
HCwDB of the Week Finalist #3: The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle
Now before you dismiss these fratty puds for lack of overt douchescrotery in presence of hott, hear me out.
For one thing, we have yet to truly mock the whole Zima Ice “Bros Icing Bros” nonsense. Secondly, aging fraternity brothers acting like jackasses will always have a home on HCwDB. Ne’er should it be otherwise.
And thirdly, Arielle is teeth rattling, spleen shaking, grandma rocking chair flipping, circular firecracker fuel.
And the Hott is 1/2 the equation.
But are the Fratpuds douchey enough to win?
(Dis)honorable mention to the skeezosity of The Power Choad, the baglings and sexy Euroblonde of Manya’s Mistake, The freakish genius of The Redneckbag, The Douchepocalypse Coupling (too paid to burleque to make the finals), and Average Mohawk Guy who was just too average.
This Weekly is a real world weekly. No douchestars, but all worthy puds and quality suckle thighs. Them’s your three. Which coupling deserves to call itself HCwDB of the Week?
Vote, as always, in the comments thread.
Whoops, sorry fellow ‘bag hunters, in my inebriated post Halloween state, I’d shut voting off. It’s on now. The voter’s will be heard!
– Management
The Fratters fist-pumping Zima hits my hot button alright, but Arielle and setting sun of her strap bringing on the pale orb of the night hits my Hott button, and by Hott button I mean my beef log punching bag.

Arielle FTF (For the Fap) because she is actually more awesome than Batman fighting a shark with a fuccen light saber. Observe:
I can’t compete with Darksock’s post. I simply assert my agreement that Arielle is all that could be, should be, and ever will be. Arielle and Whatever She’s With for the MFW. A vote for anyone else only proves you’re a dudes fag. FACT.
That crinkle nosed ‘Bewitched’ blond gives me naughty feelings. So does Arrielle.
I’ll go with the blond virgin.
Arielle is about one Smirnoff Ice away from whipping a titty out, and she is undeniably gorgeous. For that, she gets my vote. I didn’t even have to notice the douches this week! I like not having to start out Mondays with eye bleach.
Really? There are three choices this week? I think not! The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle for the win.
Arielle for HoH, but Templescrote is the biggest ‘bag. Those lines are absolutely not allowed, ever.
Very weak line up this week sadly.
I Vote for Arielle.
Fratbrosephus Bros are indulging in their usual homoerotic frolic oblivious to young Catherine Zeta Jones’ chemise sliding off makes them auto-winners, if you can call that winning. Honorable mention to Lori for being wonderful. Clean up you act Dave Templescrote or you’re next.
Quite a Halloween in the new hood. A few fellows getting their weed on while walking and a few middle aged garage keggers to keep my groove going. Only douchebag I saw all night was some kicker in the late game on TV.
Gotta vote for Arielle for the areola and to avoid King Triton’s wrath.
The answer is clearly and plainly unequivocal in its unambiguous clarity.
Arielle and Fratbros for the explicitly clear-cut winner.
Because the hott chick side of the equation is ALWAYS weighed heavier than the douchebag side as long as my beef log punching bag has any say in the matter.
Arielle and damn her necklace for weighing down her blouse.
Holy crapfwap, if I didn’t exercise my right to vote today, a part of me would have surely died. Which part? Hopefully it would have been that weird skintag I have on my side. That things been really bugging me.
But the voting has been turned on. Gracias DB1 for crawling out beneath your booze fueled-coma to get a little democracy into play.
Having said that, my vote goes to that little Capuchin Mechachin. He continues to anger me with his bedazzled sweatshirt and “Look at me! Look at what these girls instinctively do when I’m around as to avoid actually kissing me!”-look.
Here are some cymbols Mechachin, for it is your turn to dance when the music plays.
Mechachin – Fook You-Fook Me FTW! He looks too much like the Sugar Ray guy whom defines DOUCHE in my little world.
Mechachin and the Tartar Sisters
Mechachin has the look that he thinks this is how life should be- that he would subject all that comment her to mock- Tatar on the right has the look of fear that she just realized that a second round of Cipro will be expensive and hard to explain to her Mom-
I am willing to give Dave a break and hope the shave grows in after he gets no where with Lori- she is tease
Fratbrosephus Bros just seem like two guys whose wives let thme out for a night. It is temporary. Arielle to her credit is able to continue with her come hither look despite her disgust. Her ability to flash so much breast without being trashy should be high on her resume.
Mechachin for the weekly
although mechachin doesn’t have the finest meat wallets in the group he does have dribble coming down every part of his face. he wins
None of the d’bags is truly mock worthy; 21 Jump Street guy is just a fool in love, but that red dress at least gives him an excuse.
In the absence of real d’bags, I always go with the hottest girl, in honor of this site’s name. So Arielle and her two sidekicks (literally) gets the vote this week. And the high hard one next week.
Arielle FTW, because she is so damn hott that clams would bake in her presence, jump out of their shells and offer themselves as a full, perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. The Fratbrosephus Bros would concur by consuming more vodka and fwapping their tongues and their tweeters against her and each other.
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW. Just like last week’s winner, the bleeth is responsible for the win. As mentioned ad bonerum, Arielle’s askew right shoulder strap has been responsible for much onanism for almost a week, and rightly so. Saying any more is just gilding the lily.
The frat boys,Matthew McCouneghy and Vince Vaughn?
^^^^ That’s not a vote, just a question.
Just as tomorrow I will look at a list of people that want but do not deserve my vote, so goes the Weekly.
While little blondie could provide me with minutes of entertainment, I must cast my vote for the Frats and Arielle. Arielle has already provided me with about ninety minutes of entertainment with “F&F: Tokyo Drift”. And by entertainment, I mean self abuse.
Oh by the way, your shoe is untied—you totally looked, bra, TOTALLY. Suck down that Ice!!!
I fell in love with Lori the first time I saw her. She’s so sweet and cute! She is in serious danger being so close to Dave Templescrote’s bad hair decisions so it’s them two for the loss!
Arielle & Frat Bros FTW, She brings the quality Hott and the shoulder strap dangle hintingly exposing her supple breast is intoxicating. Fratbrosephus Bros bring the annoying, look at me D-baggery along with the whole Smirnoff Ice fad/fail .
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW! Why? Really, do you need to ask? OK, they’re more interested in EACH OTHER than they are in Arielle. I guess they are the next contestants on The Big Sloppy Beiber Meatwich Spoon-a-thon. She knows this and highly approves of it as long as they let her go.
Weak field this week, boss.
I’m with Dicy….Lori inhaling deeply and far too closely to avoid TempleScrote taint.
Lori FTW
wtf: metal sucks site? where’d that come from….
The jackoff twins and Arielle FTMFW. Arielle is gorgeous, let alone the only chick even close to the “hot chicks” required by the title; likewise, dickknob number 2 brings the pudwhackery by choking the life out of the aforesaid numnumcup in order to display his man-love for another greasy bastard. This pic starts out subtle, but the more you think about it, the more you want to stab stab stab (the chick, figuratively, the douche. literally). And that’s that.
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle have it, with a close second by Dave Templescrote and Lori. Mechachin and the Tartar Sisters aren’t even in the running.
The Bros Fratbrosephus have enough douchal signifiers to warrant true scorn. Douchey drinks, too much hairy chestal reveal, mock-licking your bros’ face, acting like a taintwad in front of such loveliness as Arielle, all indictable offenses.
It’s Arielle that puts this over the top though. Perfect features, smoldering dark eyes, a look that tells you she knows she’s the hottest thing around. And the near boobal reveal. Waiting for it to drop, bystanders wouldn’t have been that on the edge of their seats since Dr. Frank N. Furter could tell our hearts were filled with anticip………………………………………………………..pation.
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW, and me FTT (for the tissues, the better to clean my groin spillage with after staring at Arielle).
I’m going to vote Lori solely on the sage advice I once heard: “Son, in this life, you don’t ever walk by a red dress” – Buck O’Neil
Has to be Dave Templescrote. Something about those racing stripes…….
The Tartar girls cannot be saved, they are too far gone. Mechachin, the classic slimy strip club lurker can have them, he is in his stinky element. Arielle (HoH) is unreal, the night godess i grasp for in my deepest sleep. But that knowing smile and the twinkle in her eye tells me she is impervious to the baggery on display behind- she is safe tonight. I cant however take my eyes off Loris g-string reveal, and the fact that she has succum to the advances of Dave- the kind of scrote who works at a vodafone store yet dresses like an investment banker- is a violation. Dave Templescrote FTW.
I do enjoy the taut curves and giggly smile of Lori, and what can one say about Arielle’s amazing sultriness that hasn’t already been broadcast in the international code of fappage by every guy who frequents this site?
Still– Mechachin. I hate the entitlement he feel to cop feels on the plainly disinterested PTP semi-hotts. I hate the douchey shirt and insipid chin fung and soul patch. It’s like he’s trying to be club-bag and hipster-bag at the same time.
Mechachin looks like Charlie Sheen went on another coke and booze-fueled bender, raped Apolo Anton Ohno and this scrote is what their infernal union begat. Yes, I said he looks like he sprang fully-formed from the rectum of an Olympic gold medalist after being violated by a professional Hollywood douchebag who is so unredeemable, he plays an identical version of his own douchebag self on a show for $1.8 million per episode. Despicable!
The Fratbrocephus Brothers will never survive the monthly, but they get the vote because Arielle is the hottest hott to make the weekly in months. I wonder what she’s texting on her phone? “Tell my mom I’m sorry.”
I’m going with Mechachin, because metallic anime technoscrotes are a bit underrepresented on this site. Plus, the paid-to-pose on the right looks like the female gelfling from Dark Crystal, and that’s gotta count for something
Arielle’s smaller yet pert, attentive, and natural boobies carry this Weekly. The Frat Bros haven’t left their youth behind, but they trampled the hell out of their dignity way back when. In this photo, we see them on a night where they communally decided to “try something different” instead of the usual Bud Light Lime.
As an aside, though, I’d still like to take a crowbar to Mechachin’s face. He has the look of a 5’2″ office boy who thinks he’s hot shit at work. The entitled “party scrote” in him comes out on the weekends when he lets down those select bangs. Just sayin’…..
BTW, Darksock, that pic is so awesome it transcends the word “awesome”. The only thing that can encompass the gestalt of that is an exclamation point all by itself. And few things are as ! as that pic.
Other than having Mechachin’s tonsils swabbed by a milkshake blender at Steak ‘n’ Shake, he has no business being in the running or in the same room as the Tartar Sisters.
Sweet, innocent Lori. How you must have needed help packing your ten pounds of goodness into a five pound red sausage casing. Kick Skid Marx to the side and move on to real wage earners and leave this father-enraging pile of poo to the vultures.
Now we get to the succulent goddess that is Arielle. Arielle–a name a captain would christen his ship as he leaves port to sail to the new world. A face carved into the masthead so beauty would lead the way to riches. Or at least until the Category 3 hurricane sends the ship down to the bottom in splinters, spilling gold upon the ocean floor only to be vaccuumed up 400 years later by the douchebag James Cameron.
Arielle FTW as she texts her bff to meet her by the restroom so they can go back to her place and remove the rest of that satin camisole and ge4 dgetg4 kjlfijoa i4ntov89u90e 3grweadg 1485g54vbf.
Sorry, needed both hands there for a moment.
Dave Templescrote and Lori. His douche is subtle, and not enough to win a monthly, but it’s his subtle nature that belies his evil. Look at Lori. She is enamored with him. He has her, hook line and sinker. His poisonous douche-tendrils have burrowed under her skin and changed the chemical makeup of her nervous system . She’s lost to us, and not the way that your run-of-the-mill bleeth is lost to us. She is beautiful and pure and possessing of a bodacious body that I want to play with Matchbox cars on, and Templescrote has her under his undeniable hypnotic powers. We have been robbed of one of the great hotts of University of California, San Diego.
Templescrote FTW. And by win, I mean “he gets to feel up Lori, the bastard”.
Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle for the Weekly. Lori almost carried it but the Fratbrosephus Bros are completely ignoring Arielle–a journeyman douche maneuver–who may be one of the hottest Hotts ever posted here besides being the reason restraining orders were invented.
^^ agreed.
Arg Fatness! You beat me.. my “agreed” was for Darth Aggie 🙂
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle
Was going to go with Mechachin but the hotts were paid to pose with him. Arielle made the decision to be there on her own or the power of Smirnoff Ice compelled her.
It’s Lori for the win. I see nothing else but nymphette hott in a red dress. Oh lordy, more fwapping. Look out Scotsdale, it’s gonna be a gusher!
Arielle is the spitting image of a girl who pretended to like me in my chem class my freshman year of college because I had a preternatural ability to understand chemistry. She sat next to me and smiled a lot to copy my notes / homework. I knew what she was doing and she knew I knew and neither of us cared. So lovely is she that her presence occults not one but 2 douchebags with 4 bottles of Smirnoff Ice, one deathtongue and one chest shave reveal. I literally didn’t notice those guys until 5 minutes later. Arielle and the Fratbrosephus Bros for the weekly.
Lori and Templescrote.
Why? The look of smug satisfaction on his dopey face. He’s bangin’ Lori like a cheap gong when it’s time to feed the cats.
Here little pussy! BANG!
Here little pussy! BANG!
Here little pussy! BANG!
Here little pussy! BANG!
Here little pussy! BANG!
And the look in her eyes says she’s happy about it. A sad moment. Arielle is super hot and she is surrounded by pudwank doofus McGee junior league shit nozzles, but they are young and jumpy, anxious to get in on the next thing. Templescrote? He is uber douche and calm in his poo-brained universe.
Templescrote, FTW.
@ Dicy,11:42 am
I would never beat you.
Dammit, MD Local 421, I started chuckling at your Gelfling comment, felt like doing a Google image search on Gelflings to compare properly, and lost an hour of productive work time laughing my ass off at all the Steven Tyler and Mary-Kate Olsen pics that came up.
I’m totally going to get fired because of you!
Oh yeah, forgot to vote.
I gotta go with Templescrote and sweet Lori, agreeing with all upstream who abhor the commingling of that well-shaped, flaxen-haired naughty girl with a smarmy, liquid-fart homunculus.
Here’s the deal: his hair fwip, ear-bling, silk scarf and porkpie hat would be douchey enough to enrage me by placing his taint-rubbing hand on her glorious backside, but the racing stripes just go entirely too far. And Lori is eating it up. It’s almost enough to make me head back to that 10×12 shack in the woods and finish working on my manifesto and doomsday device.
I’m no big friend of the Hott vote, but Arielle really leaves me no choice. With this week’s subpar douche lineup, her overpowering hottness takes home the win (or in the case of the Fratbrosephi, the loss).
Fratbrosephus Bros FTW. “You douchebags, why don’t you go back to strip clubs and drink your Zimas and Smirnoff Ices!”
P.S how was I the first to pseudo quote Beer Fest?!
I have read all previous posts and agree with many of the salient points made about Dave and Lori (interesting that the color of her dress means “stop” but Lori’s expression and imminently gnawable curves clearly signify “GO! GO! GO!”). I also agree heartily with much that has been written of Mechachin’s wet-turd hair and general stench, although the “hotts” in that photo are debatable at best.
But I would be remiss if I voted for anything other than the palpable, mind-numbing, achingly stunning, all-consuming beauty of Arielle. She would carry the day regardless of what guy was juxtaposed with her, as any guy is gong to look like well-stirred fungal ass-crust by comparison. That she is shown here with a pair of choad-licking buttplugs, ignorantly yet triumphantly flaunting their Smirnoff Ice and bro-love (and making a damned strong argument in favor of eliminating the Greek system altogether– preferably with bullets), only accentuates the cosmic injustice it is that she exists in this world and not just in my dreams, and that I will never know the pleasure of gently caressing her pristine skin and gazing into her astonishingly gorgeous eyes for three seconds before climaxing on myself, and disappointing her like every other man she has known.
Arielle and the Fratpuds for the Weekly, and my sense of rightness in the world for the loss.
The Fratbrosephus Bros
For they dole out financial advice as if they had earned the money with which they play. Edward Milton Fratbrosephus II (1874 – 1963) worked too hard taking advantage of immigrants at the turn of the century to see his hard earned money invested in poisoned assets by his progeny.
Then he clawed in futility at the lid of his coffin for the chance to oogle Arielle’s great grandmother’s unused burial plot.
I don’t know about this real-world stuff as applied to douchebaggery. Douchebags are by definition not in touch with reality, and the cognitive dissonance of labeling as douchebags a trio of more or less normal looking guys is a bit much. But vote we must and I nominate Mechachin and the Tartar Sisters for the win, based entirely on the strength of the pink plaid outfits.
Dave Templescrote is all kinds of douchey, and Lori is all kinds of hott. His earring stud and little hair fwip makes him invite a beating, and I am guessing that the little ‘bag hat on cute Lori belongs to Dave. Templescrote FTW!
I vote for Templescrote. Not that he has the edge in douchitude over the others. But you can see every ounce of cellulite on Lori’s frame and you wish she had more, just to expand the area you could run your fingers over. If that smile were pointed in my direction my eyeballs would spontaneously combust. It’s just unfortunate that she’ll never get the poo smell out of that dress.
Fuccen Baglings all over the fuccen place. Arrielle is the hottest, so Arrielle and her twats FTW.
OK, this is how I see things (and ya’ll better listen up because I typically vote in these things like J.D. Salinger gives interviews)…
#1 – He’s with Paid To Pose hotts so I don’t feel threatened by him at all.
#2 – That chick is smoking and he reminds me of a guy I know and he’s probably a douche (like the guy I know) but it’s not overwhelming evidence.
#3 – For. The. Win. These assholes are drinking Smirnoff Ice. They seem to have a sense of entitlement way beyond anything they deserve. SHE is incredibly fucking HOTT. Seriously, this is the woman that could get me to kill her husband just by whispering “Will you kill my husband?” Nothing more. Granted, I’d hope she’d allow me to root through her garbage when it’s “that time of the month” but it wouldn’t be necessary, I’d just kill him because she asked.
Fratpuds for the win (aka loss). Areola…er, Arielle is a raven haired goddess, and if there were more pictures in the set, our bets about the color of her nipples would’ve been answered. The puds are non-descript, but punchworthy. Tonguebag earns extra loss points for the “I’m holding the Smirnoff bottle and also giving you the finger at the same time” move, while Hugh Jackman impersonator bag could also double as Bradley Cooper after an hour at the salon.
As for the other losers, Mechachin and his PTP hotts just aren’t into it at all. It looks like the club ran out of Goose, but instead of rolling on they decided to hang out and sulk instead.
Templescrote clearly sucks hairy nips, but he at least looks sincerely happy to be there with Lori. Love is beautiful, man. I think they could make it.
I spent the morning answering the call to jury summons. I didn’t get a chance to scream “GIVE ‘IM THE CHAIR!” so I’m going to call for the execution of all the cunt-testants, so that I can obtain power of attorney over their hotts. Nah, not really, I keed, I keed.
So from jury duty today to voting tomorrow, I am bursting with civic pride and horrible gas from yesterday’s triple cheese nachos and candy glut. I say Fratbrosephus FTW, on account of the fact that they still cannot accept the fact that their days in Gamma Fappa Pu are long gone. Arielle, However, drives it home for making that one dude’s arm the arm I hate more than any other arm in history.
Arielle and those two dudes for the win. Fratpud on the left is undoubtedly choad, with the smug look, over-the-top bling and chest hair reveal. Seriously, who does that? A full-blown douche, that’s who. Bro on the right is douche by association. He might or might not be wearing a Boston Red Sox cap, which is awesome, but any head start that adornment may have bought him is quickly and unequivocally obliterated by the fact that he’s clutching not one, not two, but three Smirnoff Gays. His unforgivably sin, however, is that he’s also clutching a the Goddess Arielle. And she is a Goddess, no doubt, and I submit my self-made shrine as exhibits A through Z.
Arielle and Lori both belong in the Hall, but the Templescrote just irritates me more than any of them. Lori is all kinds of drip chocolate syrup all over her goodness, while Templescrote is the reason why Kaopectate was invented.
Fratbrosephus Bros & Arielle FTTUGOSI (for the totoally unjustified glorification of Smirnoff Ice).
If the scrumptious Arielle is indeed holding a harmonica in one hand, I hope she takes a good slug of vodka from the bottle in her other hand and wets her tasty lips and blows us all a little melody, while spilling booze on her white satin top and giving us a better look at her slightly hidden assets. And even if she doesn’t, she wins. Hands down. And who’s even looking at the Fratbrosephus Bros? ARIELLE carries the win on her assets and boobie-sets.
Woops, I’m a bit late to vote:
Mechachin has a slight Charlie Sheen appearance, while Tartar sister on left has a bit too much rib. Close, but no win. Templescrote’s subtlety shouldn’t fool us and indeed it hasn’t. Its only served to emphasize the agony. I’ll excuse Lori’s only because she probably just doesn’t like dancing alone. Now in the Fratbrosephus Bros we see a perfect example of what is truly douchsturbing: the infiltrator. The types who almost get a notta pass, but at the eleventh hour, douche out beyond recognition. And while I can see clearly what is wrong with this unpleasant ailment, a sorrow’s crown of sorrow is remembering happy things. A time when I, too, would have my time with hotts resembling (vaguely) the heat of Arielle. Ah, life. A knife in the guts twisted by a scrote.
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW!
Arielle sure looks a lot like Icarly, better check her ID.
Sure; the Fratbrosephus Bros’ public attempt at licking each other is disturbing enough along with the fact that they are showing off multiple Smirnoff Ices as if these are real drinks. However, they lack in the douche attire, blings and other obvious signs. So it’s fair to say that there’s quite some merit to DB1’s question, “But are the Fratpuds douchey enough to win?”. Still, as taught by the Master, we have to think about the other side of the coin, namely the “hott”. Arielle is so scorching hot that these Fratpuds’ less than significant douchebaggery is amplified to infinity in one’s mind, inducing rage and other thoughts, including having these two ass clowns forcibly licked by twenty lamas for one full day, just for being in her presence. Fratbros and Ariell for the weekly. And Arielle for the HoH!!!
For me, this isn’t even close. There’s Ariel. Hott incarnate. Strap revealing sideboob, yet the top supported by the power of her perkiness. Were I there, I’d drop to my knees and thank Shiva, Aqua Buddha, and any other likely deity that arranged to have photons bounce off the creamy flesh of that breast and into my soul. I’m on my knees now, in fact. Not the Fratbrosephus Bros. They clutch Ices and lick one another. Now THATS Douche. And I feel the Ice in my veins. May Aqua Buddha have mercy on their souls. Then smite them.
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW
Arielle is nice and hot and the two ‘bags are gay and drinking Zima or some other gay college girl drink. Everytime I come back and look at Arielle I hope for a slip of her shirt……maybe just maybe it will happen.
Holly for HoH.
It’s got to be #3 for 2 reasons:
1. I loathe fratbags. Even former fratbags.
2. Boobal perfection. Anything more than a mouthful, you’re risking a sprain tongue.
Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW
Templescrote because his douchery is subtle but a sign he is headed down the dark path if he’s not already there. Think about how close to a ‘notta’ he’d be if it weren’t for those idiotic lines. The look on Lori’s face indicates she’s gladly going down that path with him, which makes it all the more sad. So sad I need to be comforted in Arielle’s bosom…just sayin’
I’m going with Lori over Arielle by virtue of the fact that she looks more conceivably attainable.
But it doesn’t get much douchier than holding 3 bottles of Zima at once.
Lori + Templescrote FTW
voting late, i’ve been (un)fortunate enough to see Mechachin at his best(worst) with Tuesday’s first pic. his inner-patched, worn pants and that exemplary football helmet chin-strap make this a no contest.
I gotta go with Dave and Lori, and I’ll tell you why. The other two entries look like safely quarantined photo-ops in some Vegas petri dish club. This couple looks like they’ll reproduce.
Dave is pure pud. Lori could keep a man warm on even the coldest Northern winter night. Dave for the loss. Lore FTW.
Mechachin has potential, but he just doesn’t achieve true douchebaggery. He looks like he’s just some asshole. Dave Templecrote looks like he’s punching way out of his class. I’ll bet she’s on the rebound from some douchebag, prefers douchebags, and cut those lines in his hair herself. That relationship is over by the close of voting.
Fratbrocephus Bros are the real deal. I like that his arm is around Arielle, “Horse Collar” style, but his tongue is extended where he really wants to lick: His sweaty, douchebag bro. Ee-yuck. Winners hands down.
The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle FTW. Because Smirnoff Ice is wrong and Arielle is Bleething out the sun
I’ll go with The Fratbrosephus Bros and Arielle. They’re not too excessively douchey, but the look of bemused disdain on Arielle’s face puts her over the finish line.
Fratbros just look like they just picked up any short they got from the floor and sprayed Axe all over themselves before they went out. I can’t give it to them because of the gorilla like manhandling of Arielle and the ubiquitous smirnoff Ice. There is just no effort.
Mecachin though probably has enough cosmetic products to put L’Oréal out of business. I think he was going to with the pre-tiger Roy Horn look with the flashy lettering that would blind a fighter pilot from 3 thousand feet. No, Mecachin for the win because as a Roy Horn stunt double, he could been in the mouth of that tiger and spared us a tragedy.
*shirt dagnammit
In the absence of real bags, I always go with the younger daughter, named in honor of this site. Therefore, Ariel and her two acolytes (literally) gets the vote this week. And the hard high one week later.
Y’all just be so jealous that bro’s like The Chad and his homies shown here get so much tail.
Maybe if you spent less time computifying and more time pumping iron, hitting the solarium and practicing your breakdancing moves you might end up getting into hot sexy threesomes with Russians and Brazlians every other night.
The Chad is 2 legit to argue. But if you got somethin’ to say, hit me up on Twitter
Hmmm, has any one else noticed that Ariel is most likley Neela from Fast and Furious -Tokyo Drift??
Hydrolyzed whey protein is more easily digested.
Try Shakeology! 70 ingredients in 1 glass! Get healthy! http://ow.ly/1QaPw
OK nice to see- useful comments are always welcome! Peace.