Hot Chicks With Douche Bags
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Hall of Scrote
- Glinty
- Socrates 2 3 4 5 6
- Yellowtail
- Purple Lips
- Old No. 7 aka Cro 'Bagnon 2 3 4
- Dung Beetle 2
- Douche Lee 2 3
- St. Pat
- Donkey Douche 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- White Chocolate 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
- Fish Slap 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
- Xenu 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- The Rooster Wank and Holy Blue Triangle 2
- Oompa Prompa 2 3 4
- Fung (Stage 2 Prompa Larvae)
- The Joey Porsche Experience 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- The Ab Lobster 2 3 4 5 6
- Peaches 2 3 4 5 6
- The Trainwreck 2
- The Gator 2 3 4 5 6 7
- The Stereodouchtonic Twins (STDS) 2 3 4
- The Crustacean 2 3
- He Just Bangs Bitches and Drinks 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
- Millennium 'Bag
- Deathtongue 2
- Velveeta 'Bag 2 3 4 5
- King Douchuous the IV 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Bra!! Broheim!! Brahemian Rhapsody!! Brosephus? Brosekis! Mr. Broboto!! Bra? Bro. Dude, seriously. Bra. Bromeo!! dude. Bra. Bro-verkill
- The Metaphysical Hooligan 2 3 4
- Johnny Blaze 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Tighty Armani 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Smoot 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 Groooo 17 The Lumpy Professor Smoot
- Crosshair McJohnson 2 3 4
- E-Blo 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Gayblo
- Mister Liptatt
- The Sharkbag 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Four Prong 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
- Stackhouse the Poet 2 3 4
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23. - Brothabag Leon 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Mack the Nozzle 2 3 4 5 Archie McScrote 7 8 9 10
- Benzino the Benzbag 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
- Sleepy Jerkenstein 2
- Kisseus Vomitorious 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 (NSFW) 25 26 27
- The Kettlehead 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Hall of Hott
- Quartasian Mia Sara Hott 2 3
- Sue-Ellen
- Ass Not What Your Country Can Do For You
- Halo Angel
- Hamster Hott
- The Hourglass
- Clay Wankin's Hott
- Scrotey Opie's Hott
- Strawberry Cheesecake
- Pajama Choad's Hott
- The Sweathog's Caroline 2 3
- April
- Zippy's Eurohott Princess
- Droopy McScrote's Surfer Kelly
- Jasmina from The Four Horsemen of the Douchepocalypse
- Stonebag's Girl Next Door
- Pippy's Pippette
- 'Bag Islander's Long Island Bikini Hott
- Veronica 2 3
- Blowtorch's Hott 2
- The Holy Blue Triangle 2 3 4
- Ice Man's Maverick Hott
- The Pancake's Tasty Syrup Cutie
- The Gator's Boobie Hottie
- Carly Hott 2 3 4
- The Smearkat's Anya
- The Lei Hotties 2 3
- Kathy Hott 2 3 4 5 6
Super Baggio's Clarissa 2 3
Waxy McBrow's Rachelle 2 3 - Larry the Claims Processor's Elizabeth
- Francine 2 3 4 5 Vin Douchal's "Francine"
- Mister Liptatt's Holly
- Arielle from the Fratbrosephus Bros
- Sonya
- Tiny Dancer Maria 2 3 4 5
- Tina Tatas 2 3
- Sheertina
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Closet of Poo
- Poo
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- Dance Fever
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- The Sterilizer
- Orangina
- The Poopaloompa 2 3 4
- Orange Poolius
- Mandarin Orange
- Pumpito 2
- Dr. Redderick Lobster
- Europeans, Teenagers and Shoe Polish
- The Jizz Singer 2
- Mecha Hineyho 2 RIP
- Dieter
- Poppa Squatter 2 3 4
- Brazilian Emo Hulk 2 3 4
- Wee Willy Crimson
- Burnt Kisseus Vomitorious
- Chudwick The Boiled
- The Gorilla 2
- Brothabag Edgar2 3 4 5 6 7
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Purg Hottie
Samurai Scrote
Hall of Mock
- Pfah
- DarkSock
- Baron Von Goolo
- Troy Tempest
- Steve L
- Wheezer
- Medusa Oblongata
- creature
- Crucial Head
- Mr. White
- Archidoucheis
- Mr. Biggs
- Vin Douchal
- Sergeant Scrote Stain
- boatbutter
- Captain Bringdown
- Whoop-di-douche
- Jacques Doucheteau
- massengill
- Dr. Bunsen Honeydouche
- Mr. Scrotato Head
- Deltus
- The Reverend Chad Kroeger
- mr.reeve
- Wedgie
- Et Tu Douche?
- Eliza Douchcoo
- dbBen
- soy bomb
- DoucheyWallnuts
- I R A Darth Aggie
- jonezy
- Hermit
- Chris in ‘Baghdad
- Douchble Helix
- the douche is alright
- Choad the Douche Sprocket
- Stephanie
- The Dude
- Dude McCrudeshoes
- Sir David Douchenborough
- Il Douché
- Bag A
- douche equis
- Capt. James T. Douche
- Charles Nelson Douchely
- Merle Baggard
- ehcuodouche
- Franklyn DealorNo Doucheifelt
- Charles Douchewin
- FredN.
- Ol' Dirty Douchebag
- In memoriam: bcs

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Man, Jerry Reed sure could pull some tail.
R.I.P., Snowman…..
When the hell did Nipsy Russell turn into an old, white, Inuit douchebag? Jebus Christ, why I am always the last one to find these things out?
Did Jackie Mason start going to the gym with Carrottop?
Southern Man shows off his Cinnamon Girl at the pool. Too bad we can see The Needle and the Damage Done After the Gold Rush while Out on the Weekend. “Don’t let it Bring You down because you have a Heart of Gold and A Man Needs a Maid, you know?” he would often tell her. He remembered when they went to Sugar Mountain in Ohio and ran into Cortez the Killer. “Hey hey, my my” pleaded Southern Man. “I just become Helpless while Rockin’ in the Free World, you dig?” Cortez could understand where he was coming from because Only Love Could Break Your Heart. “I’ve Been Waiting for You. You are Like A Hurricane Powderfinger” Southern Man became confused by the comment so he hopped the Mystery Train with his Cinnmaon Girl to drift off into the distance into the Bad Fog of Loneliness.
That handbag makes Bleethria Carey look like she has elephantitus of the nutsack. Just sayin’.
I want to punch this guy so hard his grandchildens grandchildren will feel it. But I can’t see where his junk is because its camoflauged. Nicely played Oldbag. People must try to kick you in the nads a lot and you finally figured out how to thwart them. Also I hope your whale tattoo comes alive and bites off your arm.
Happy Friday everyone!
@Doc B, you forgot “Freebird” and “Rock and Roll All Night”.
Nope, I’ve nothing to say about this guy. Especially if he’s banging this chiquita.
Okay, maybe that shitty fish tatt and the chin fungus. Yeah, that and the GSR . As a matter of fact , fuck you , go home… Yeesh I’m a moody fucker
The sunglasses, too. Don’t forget the sunglasses.
“Mr Soul” patch lives in a van “Down By The River”
@ Doc, Brilliant!!!!
If you like Neil which it looks like you do you should check Jay Farrars live version of “Like a Hurricane” and also this band out of Charlotte called Patty Hurst Shifter doing an uptempo kick ass version of “Mr Soul”
Dude, get OUT of the way!
I want to be her bikini wax inspector.
doncha just love Venezuelana hookers?
Doc BHD,
if you like Neil, you may love this!
Theodore Brinson: Belly Button Creampie Fiend
They look like porn stars to me. Anyone else?
I didn’t know they came with coin slots.
As Tina flapped the sulfurous essence of her boiled egg and cabbage brunch away from her torso with her sarong with quick flapping motions, Elton inhaled the fading pungent butt-musk that squelched forth from her sodden grotto as deeply as his Winston-scarred lungs would allow.
Family portrait!
You can’t see the unborn son of Lance’s best friend yet, but give it a few months.
It will be in the dumpster behind Denny’s.
While away for weekend from doll sized husband, J-Lo meets up with Johnny Mac for a meth-fueled afternoon of tennis.
Nice to see Plinky’s Mom found a place to air dry her thongs. Very environmentally conscious of her plus nobody there is gonna notice the fish smell.
I’ve seen the scalpel
and the damage done
A little after-market just for fun
Saline’s a-runnin’ out
If he farted the air passing over the top of his shorts would sound like Burt Reynolds playing “East Bound and Down” on a comb wrapped in wax paper.
Are we even sure the thing on the right is even female? I think that might be a tranny dude. I’mma need Proof of Vag on this one.
Maria’s dress flies up when Ray honks her mudhorn
If she farted the corpse of Dom Deluise would rise up, take a whif, and ask who left the macaroni salad out in the sun for so long and then he’d want his nightshirt back.
This must be the retirement village where over-the-hill Hungarian porn stars live out their golden years – until the syph catches up with them anyway.
^Love the pic, McCrudeshoes.
@ Nancy
This was on homage to the great Neil Young. Unfortunately Freebird and Rock and Roll All Night don’t fit in here. That is unless he did a cover about them that I don’t know about.
@ Et tu
I’ll have to try and look these up on YouTube. I haven’t gone to a concert since the Perfect Strangers tour that Deep Purple did …many moons ago. Yeah, I’m that old.
@ Cerature
At first I was like WTF? I don’t remember this song at all. Then I watched the “original” version of it and then went back to Neil’s version. That is some seriously funny fuccen shit. Thanks.
@ Scrotato
I know what you did yesterday at Dugway Proving Grounds. Well played sir. What tipped them off that you “misplaced” the vial of VX? Did you leave it on your desk or something?
I think this is an all-time entry in the Male/Female Groin Shave Reveal category.
@ Doc DHD,
Jimmy Fallon parody….good one too…Springsteen hilarious as well
@ Doc.
Those songs I mentioned are from a compilation CD that came out a few years ago entitled:
“Like A Hurricane: A Tribute to Neil Young (Uncut)”
@Doc B., it all sounds like RUSH to me.
I’ve been waiting for you. Feel Like A Hurricane Powderfinger “Southern Man” has been confused by the comment, so he jumped with his Mystery Train Girl Cinnmaon flowing into the distance in Bad Fog of Loneliness.
It’s apparent they do the groin shave not so much to be douchey as to deny the cooties a place to hang out.
If Old Bag sucks in that gut any harder his chin pubes will explode…and the Bleeth will be wearing the soul patch.
Hey, that’s me! (in my dreams)…so shut the f#ck up!