Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Mister Zebracrotch
Interesting footnote to history, Pablo Picasso was originally nicknamed “Mister Zebracrotch.” But Pablo Picasso was never called an asshole.
The Orangenesss is strong in Granddaughter Karnie. She must resist the genetic impulse, or rampant boatbaggery will soon ensue.
The curtains do not match the GSR
Can we tie a boat anchor to his neck, or his junk, and toss it in the water?
Ironically, this is EXACTLY the reason keel hauling was invented. Historical fact.
Every so often, lots of little details come together just right and create perfection. Well done, ZC, well done.
What the heck? What’s he got stuffed in there? A couple of grapefruit? (Not that I was looking or anything.)
I see this one as a nominee for “crisis of modernity” in the annual.
Remember Folks, Don’t forget to spay and neuter your pets.
Well there goes 13 months of AA shot all to hell. I need a drink.
That Lloyd Bridges sure could pull some tail.

Looks like I picked the wrong week to stop sniffin’ glue.
Jake found it worked best to keep his wallet and keys in his foreskin while sunbathing.
When your junk is physically weighing down your trunks, revealing your sunburn line, it’s a good day to be alive.
You know I was talking about me, right?
Since retirement, Regis has been auditioning for a new Cathy Lee…
Carnac the Magnificent: “65, rich and own water front property”….
Answer: How to have more ho’s than Lowes…
I’m still waiting for a DarkSock piloted Glastron motor boat to come flying into the picture “Live and Let Die” style landing on the dock to take zebra satchel out.
“Yes, yes. I have fine orange soda, barely legal horny girl on arm, but pontoon boat money can buy, and zebra-stripped swimsuit that has miniature giraffe that makes bulge for me. How can I not be happy?”
^ but = best
Seconds later Lahna’s alligator handbag lept from the back of the boat, latched onto Klaus’s striped ass, and began its deadly death roll, tearing a chunk out of the Austrian’s ass and revealing the smoked sausage he’d discretly stored in his crotch.
Calling DarkSock, calling DarkSock, if you get this message please put down the CAD drawings and head straight to your underwater lair. Your boating skills and shit are needed ASAP.
orange + duckface = bleeth. Flush.
This Old Man
He had one,
He played knick-knack on his thumb,
With a knick-knack, paddy-whack, give the dog a BONER,
This Old Man is going to score a HOMER.
Some junk collectors are, uh, um, er, ah, just blessed.
Too bad he isn’t wearing a Speedo.
Now that is what you call a “crucial head” hidin’ in that zebra hoodie of his.
Gives new meaning to the term “waterfront property.”
Gives new meaning to the term “beach-head.”
Crisis of Modernity?
Crisis of Envy.
Forget about him pulling tail.
This is clearly a case of the tail wagging the dog.
I doubt the girls would turn the color of an avocado.
He’s proudly showing off his newest invention: Drinkable orange self-tanner. Tastes like Crush!
I saw the Burning Sensations sing PP was never called an Asshole at At My Place in Santa Monica ca. 1984
Nice to see Elderbag taking his granddaughter out for a day on the water.
Out of Africa.
There are droopy drawers, and there are junk drawers, and then there are droopy junk drawers.
It’s a startling surprise to see a hot chick in more modest attire than a douchebag….something about “age appropriate” rings a bell here.
Nice Jonathan Richman and the Modern Lovers reference, DB1. I certainly hope I am not the only one that caught it. If I am, y’all need to do some research. And listen.
Who knew Huggies made zebra print pull ups?
The role of Fatal Death, a tear on the piece of ass and smoked sausage Austrian reveals he had discreetly hidden in his crotch.