Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Sven and Silvia say, “Welcome to Olten-Zofingen!”
“Ze whistle is for when ze party is truly out of ze control!”
Meanwhile, Woody Allen contemplates suing Sven and Silvia for illegally stealing the set design for the brain sequence from 1972’s Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask. What? Too obscure?
Introducing your referees for the 2011 Ecstasy Olympics.
Fart Reynolds
Christopher Poomer
Rave Fiennes
Russell Bro.
^wrong post. ahem.
Not too obscure. As a young 6 year old boy growing up in the Mississippi Delta one of our family treats would be to go to the local drive-in movie and watch a Disney flick.

Of course, you could still see the other three screens.
“Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex, But Were Afraid To Ask” was playing on the adjacent screen. No sound, but I could see it as plain as day.
The image of a panicked man running in fear from a giant lactating killer boob, firing over his shoulder at it with a handgun, remains emblazoned on my mind and is probably responsible for the synapse collapse that resulted in my current persona.
I suspect the scenes I witnessed with Gene Wilder and the sheep led eventually to the peed in a horse thing.
Medical FACT.
I must get myself into a situation where my well being is in jeopardy by a giant lactating hooter…
Did he put cover-up make up on his chest tatts? Is it/are they faded? Is it supposed to look like that? What the fuck is going on anyway?

Too many fucking questions. Put a shirt on, Son
Or at least learn how to get a tatt like a superstar:
Is that a gub, Woody is firing? and yes I said gub.
Eurobaggery bores me, I’ve come to expect it I think it’s in there DNA.
Gene Wilder was a legend, and it is impossible to overstate how good he was in this movie. He portrays a doctor who gets a rustic patient who is having sex with a sheep; Wilder’s character ends up having an affair with the sheep himself. When the Armenian first tells Wilder’s character “I’m in love with a sheep,” there is around a single shot of Wilder’s face, lasting at least a full minute, where there is complete silence on screen, and the only thing that is going on is Wilder’s pained, bemused, flabbergasted expression, which changes ever-so-slowly. It is a genuinely great acting performance in the middle of an early Woody Allen screwball comedy.
Nothing Woody Allen is too obscure, by the way.
Et Tu, you are correct. Europe’s best and finest were sent to rot in the fields of World Wars 1 and 2, leaving the surviving fey basement and attic dwelling gimps and cowards to cast their seed into the already inbred murk of Europa’s gene pool.
Genetic FACT.
I still think Wilder’s Wonka is creepier than Depp’s.
@Dark Sock
True Dat.
Well, I’ll be a Whistlin’ Dixie.
Doo dah.
Good lord, what is in the water that is making all these boys so effeminate?
Maybe I should rephrase that….Good lord, what is in their assholes that is making all these boys so effeminate? Now more than ever, I take great delight in twining my fingers through the coarse, wiry pelt on Mr. B’s chest and saying, “Mmmmmm, like a MAN!” He looks down in befuddlement and says, “I dunno why-a you like.” I tell him he isn’t spending enough time on this site.
If you gotta wear a rape whistle to a party, you might wanna rethink where you party.
I think a Chinese throwing star would look better embedded in his shoulder.
No, fuck dat…..a glaive!
OK, so DB1,Dark Sock, Jeff Reed TD (Wait, no fuckin way should JR be associated with TD),v and possibly Reverend Kroeger (for mentioning Fart Reynolds), and ME are POSSIBLY OVER 50!!?!! Fuck Me! Who else is out there? Crucial Head??
Oh! And Major Kudos to DB1 for recognizing SET similarities!!! C’mon – HOW the FUCK didja do that????
The Rev:
One of the greatest posts of all time. My god, I will be thinking about that monsterous boob tonight when i wack it like 40 years ago when I was 11.
Thanks for the memories.
The douche in the picture is one of the gayest dudes ever on this site. The Hott has nothing to fear from him.
These two are related. Incest is best when it’s kept in the family.
I was gonna go for a 2001 Space Odyssey kinda vibe Boss. You know like “HAL please keep the pod bay doors closed and remove all the oxygen in the pod.” “It would be my pleasure Dave.”
Star tattoo, that’s original.
Silvia is cute and presumably speaks little English. Who do I speak to in the Albanian mafia about organising a little import / export deal?
Franklyn: nah I’m 45. 4 kids though, age 20 thru 4. I am tired.
“rape whistle” is a good band name.
@FDR: I am not over 50; I am 32. I guess I am a second generation fan of Woody.
I have great pleasure weave my fingers through his coarse, rough skin of the chest and says.