Sunday, May 8, 2011
South Africa’s “Die Antwoord” is Something Something
Remember kids. Always floss.
Remember kids. Always floss.
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Damn, DB1. Sorry you don’t “get” them…
Sometimes being out of the loop isn’t such a bad thing. I never heard of them and it seems like I’m not missing anything.
These guys are not douchbags. They’re original and interesting in the best sense of the word. I hope you check out some more of their stuff and give them a chance.
God bless them! The children have finally found “Tomorrow-morrow Land”.Sons.
Remember it’s Mother’s Day, and only your mother is your mother. You’re mother-in-law is not your mother and you wish you never met her now. Mutherfuckers. Kids are not your mother but they better do something cute.The mother of your kids is not your mother but since it’s spring ya might as well cook anyway while you’re getting right anaesthetized for the holy shit show to happen this evening. Fuck the rest of them, except maybe if you still have Grammie. And if your mother was a bitch then fuck her too. Word to your mutha.
Do South African malls have “Hot Topic” stores? I’m sure these two work there.
Skweezy Jibbs called… He wants his schtick back.
I’ve read articles about how “brilliant” and “original” and “awesome” these guys are. Taste is a subjective thing, by definition, but having heard quite a few of their “songs,” I can say definitively that, regardless of whether they consider themselves a legitimate “musical group” or some kind of post-modern ironical statement on something, they are, in fact, the entertainment equivalent of athlete’s foot: persistent, unattractive, and very annoying.
@Anon, I didn’t call them douchebags. They are something. Something something, even.
– management
time to find a disenfranchised mother, code for hot divorcee, & give her a proper MD shagging!
Because of these two this is the first time I’ve ever wanted to kick a country in the balls.
@MC 900 Foot
South Africa’s all like, “Damn it! We finally ended apartheid, we made ‘District 9,’ and people were starting to think we might be cool. Now this ruined it.”
@anon, DB1
Here’s the interesting thing: Part of my loathing of this group may be unfair, in part because of the douchebaggery of their fans. I’ve asked on other forums, “Um…O.K., I don’t get this. Please explain.” The knee-jerk hipster response is always, “Pff! You don’t get it, MAN!” And I say, “Yes, that’s what I said. I don’t get it.” I’ve yet to meet a Die Antwoord fan that would even attempt to articulate why they’re into this. And it’s totally fine if it’s something that’s just not for me, but the lack of anybody ever saying, “Well, I think they’re an excellent representation of post-apartheid alienation blah de blah…” or “A clever send up of modern hip-hop personas and blah de blah….” makes me suspect that it’s all hipster posturing bullshit.
It’s like the grungy dudes from Portland who swears they love to do macrame and listen to “indie folk collectives” from Canada* that have three glockenspiel players, a shaman, and everybody in the band has beards, including the chicks. It’s all a pose. The dude doesn’t like any of that–he just feels he has to because of clever marketing and his faux-sensitive persona. Those dudes really want to listen to Slayer while working on their Chevelles, changing the oil and then pouring the old oil out back to kill weeds around the storage shed. They’re just too….deluded? tricked? wussified? to admit it.
*No offense to our Canuck friends here at hcwdb. But it’s hard to deny that Canada is inflicting a lot of indie folk collectives on the rest of us lately.
p.s. Sorry for the footnotes. I’ve just been reading David Foster Wallace’s last work, “The Pale King,” and I’ve been influenced.** It’s fucking brilliant.***
**He uses a lot of footnotes. For example, see “Infinite Jest” and the aforementioned “The Pale King.”
***If you don’t think it’s brilliant, you just don’t get it, MAN.
Yeah, what Mr. White said. And I kinda’ like that bull dyke-looking hippie chick.*
*If that is, indeed a chick.
My new quarter pound of weed couldn’t be more welcome on Mother’s Day.
In a parallel universe there is some freaky- looking dude being interviewed in Montgomery saying,
“The history of Alabama is,
1. Robert E. Lee
2. Desegregation
3. De “N” woord
The Rev’s new stash won’t make it to memorial day.
Chad, if you could exhale into your modem it would help me out. I’ll stick my face by the exhaust fan, and, failing that, the exhaust pipe of my car. It is never cool to pump it with no underwear. That image seared its way into my eye sockets and left a gaping exit wound in the back of my head.
Kind of like this, but unfunny (may be nsfw)
I love those guys. They suffer from some of the usual pitfalls of sketch comedy, but they’re one of the most consistently funny out there.
Die Antwoord, Die Antwoord, indeed. Die you weird, stupid, talentless motherfuckers.
Anon, whatever you say. More for you, baby–I don’t want none.
No they aren’t douchebags–they seem to have less self awareness than your typical douchebag. Having said that I think the hair is autodouche.
The hair has a Hilter-youth sort of vibe. The chick? I’m speechless, but I bet her low self esteem has made his dick happy more than once.
Rev Chad…quarter pound? wow. Couple of questions:
Is Canada Imperial as well? I would have thought you’d be talking in 1/5 of a kilo, or something. Either way…wow.
How long will that last you?
Mr. White, what you said, and I’ll raise you:
Mr. White, you DO get it, and you nailed it–it fucking sucks. Anyone who tried/tries to tell you these no-talent assholes are visionary doesn’t know what real music is. That guy was eating glue for attention when he was in grade school. Now he cuts his hair like a 50’s Nazi and carves crude stick figures with enormous penises into his skin. I’m sure he continues to eat glue as long as someone is watching.
Anon–they are Sid and Nancy with no balls, no umph, and no listenable music. I’m not even sure they have sex–with each other. From what I can tell they fuck their parents who also happen to be brother and sister.
@Mr. White
I hadn’t heard of these guys until a couple weeks ago, but I keep going back to youtube to watch their stuff. Unfortunately I don’t get IFC in my cable package.
@ehcuodouche, TWKYK are great most of the time. Its like 80/20. My favorite is when the Mom’s away they say she’s at the Church store. Its worth buying the DVDs. You will LOL. I guarante it!
As for these no talent ass clowns the hipsters can have ’em. They don’t look like they’re doing anything that hasn’t been done before. Sure they’re not camera friendly, but neither was Meatloaf. So Zero originality points for being ugly Die Antfarm. Ugly has been done by much cooler people.
they said they were doing something original.
right. like rapping in Afrikaans is original. Rapping in language (x) is not original. It is still rapping.
They suck. Just like the rest of the pop music fame machine nonsense.
I’ve been all over Mississippi but I can’t place their accent…
Sister Fister.**
**That’s a good band name
They should actually do a video of just the guy eating glue. It would be a lot more interesting that the music.
This guy is an ugly skinny wanker who’s taken way too many drugs & cannot even spell his tattoos correctly! What a fucking dipshit. The girl is cute, but obviously brain dead to be with him…
I kind of like them. They look stupid, but they’re doing it purposefully. They don’t take themselves seriously, and some of their songs are pretty catchy. They’re basically a play on the South African version of Joe Dirt… but with rap.
“The older people don’t like us because we swear too much”.
Yeah…..that’s it. You swear too much.
they sound like the kind of people who are good at silencing whoever doesn’t agree with them by using the word logocentric. or their native tongue equivalent of the word logocentric.
which, i guess, would make me logocentric. or something. or something something.
Gah, where is South Africa anyways? Hopefully its more than 50 miles away from me.
Well bugger an aardvark.
Something something dark side. Something something complete.
They’re the ungodly conclusion of irony come full circle in a reductive sarcasm unto its infinitesimal kernel.
And F autocorrect, can’t tell the difference between it’s and its.
mr. white has spilled his Infinite Wank upon these comments. unfortunate.
D.A. are horrible, talentless, buffoons, worse than Scooter.
Going to Vomit now…..
Think of it this way, we enjoy making fun of things France likes, but secretly kind of like them too, foot sex, sweaty women, Jerry Lewis. Jerry Lewis having sweaty foot sex.
But France’s poor eastern cousin Poland likes these two? Pshah!
Let us know when Belgium likes em at least.
I say let these two be some tackling dummies at a Springboks practice. Then maybe their “Oooooooohhhh, look at me. I’m edgy and I swear when I rap and you just don’t get it” bullshit will die on its own. Why don’t they go live in Soweto and try their “fresh beats” there?
Is Sascha Baron Cohen taking his act to South Africa? Ali G in da Shanty Town!!
@ Butter n’ Cheese–When Mr. White spills his infinite wank, it takes a week to clean up the mess, but the peasants rejoice.
I hate “You don’t get it, MAAAAAAN!” as an explanation. That’s the kind of shit I sneered at my parents, when I was thirteen and they were asking what the hell Jello Biafra was wailing about. Turns out I didn’t get it either, I had to get a lot older to see what he meant. Mama Oblongata, in all her wisdom, would say, “Well, explain it to me so I DO get it.” And I’d get all huffy and pissy and tell her to mind her business, ’cause I thought anything that gave the finger to The Man was cool, whether I got it or not.
I still think some things that give the finger to The Man are cool. And I understand much better what Jello was talking about. However, I do NOT understand what Insane Clown Posse, Mike Jones, Cage The Elephant are talking about. And the kid answer is “You don’t get it, MAAAAAN!” The semi-astute answer is some explanation of why it speaks to you. I still may not get it, but I appreciate an answer other than “it’s cool”, or “forget it, you’re old and dumb”.
Being original isn’t enough. There are plenty of acts that aren’t all that original, but they’re entertaining, what they do has staying power and there ya go. Just trying to do something that “no one else is doing” guarantees you a limited audience of fickle hipster assholes who will drop you like a bad habit if you ever get popular. Doing something that you’re good at and honestly expresses what you feel, well, there ya go.
And there is my infinite wank. I’m a squirter.
^ @ Medusa
Well, we’re waiting for the video.
This so smells like a video from Funny or Die website,right?
More like Die Termites-Eating-Wood
Dude. He’s about 40 and she’s about 12. That cock-flop move made me shit back up into my esophagus and out of my mouth. Says my coworker, the great, amorphous Scrotisserie Gold, “Come, on, mob of black people, come and kill these guys.”
Methinks his neck tattoo should read “Lasagna Doom Tube.” Yes?
medusa – i don’t think you understand the concept of the infinite wank. it is a sysiphean task what rolls the balls up hill yet never does get the rocks off. there is nothing autoerotic about hanging oneself into eternity after picking at the odious dags of a prep school intellect for decades. the book is still trash for wankers who will be doing NYT crosswords in their addled 80’s to remain self-relevant.
as for Die Antwoort, you probably won’t get it and it won’t be funny or relevant to you because you are probably the type of person that expects to have a joke explained, and in this case uncertain which parts to laugh at or why. must be uncomfortable.
^ You stepped in what?
^ swimmin in it
I’m glad you came up with a name for it. “Cock Flopping” is never funny, not even in an ironic way.
oops. i accidentally found myself speaking with students, and i’m no teacher.
It’s spring there might as well cook anyway, while you get stunned right is Holy shit happen tonight.
Thank you, Butter and Cheese, for explaining to me. I lost sleep last night wondering if I understood you right. And THANK you, no, really, THANK you, for coming onto a site called “Hot Chicks With Douchebags” to flex your mighty intellectual muscle. Really. We were hungry for an education around here. I especially liked the part where you tried to shame me for acting like a knucklehead on a humor website! Snort! Giggle! That was so cool. Thanks for setting me straight!
What was really cool was how you’re totally like those people we were talking about who said “You won’t get it” when we said we didn’t like something! Wow, that’s, like, hipster humor, right? All ironic and stuff? Well, I’d love to talk more, but I gotta go ask someone to explain this here knock-knock joke to me. Boy, is it EVER uncomfortable, you betcha! Especially when it’s pointed out to me by someone like yourself who uses imaginary words like “degs”. Or dangling grammatical modifiers like “addled” ! Hee hee, addled with what? Oh, never mind, I would NEVER understand, you have your own language, it seems. Carry on. And go eat a bag of ranch-flavored dicks.
Medusa =1 butter n’ cheese = 0
@ Butter n’ cheese
I wasted about 20 minutes yesterday watching their “videos” trying to figure out what they were about. Came up with a whole lot of nuthin’. Although that “Ninja” video cracked me up. Now that’s entertainment. Trying to call bullshit with bullshit is never any form of argument. That’s like saying a circle is round because it is shaped like a wheel (in case you didn’t get it that’s called circular logic). A hallmark of a mind that has never graduated beyond black and white thinking (I’m right and you’re wrong because I can’t distinguish shades of gray.) Oops, I am an academic and see this every time I step into my classes. I don’t need it spelled out because Antwoort are just plain tired, useless, and have nothing original about them. If the argument falls back on subjectivity, fine but say that is what is being used and not “you don’t get it” unless their is objectivity to it. Yawn.
man, this place done gone down hill.
ya got mr. white and his crappy books. funny like eraserhead.
ya got the medusa who plays with her own poo at the table. funny if your the brother watching mom be disturbed.
ya got the professor, who thinks balloons are circular, and liked the ninja video cause he’s a pedophile. creepy funny.
ya got the butter n’ cheese, funny cause it make you fat.
Was the one dude wearing a Tony Gonzalez Kansas City Chiefs jersey?
Wow. For the first time since he’s left for Atlanta, I feel bag for Tony G!
Pfft. I play with my poo in the bathtub. I’m not a TOTAL cretin.
“funny if your the brother watching mom be disturbed.”
what about my the brother watching mom be disturbed?
I had to comment to say something positive about the antwoord.
I kind of like them. The sound is original and they have an alternative and trashy style. I would say they are the 2010s’ equivalent of Prodigy.
If you’re into electronic music and looking for something original, die Antwoord is the answer.
I say rock star leniency. Plus the attitude is totally different of the douche attitude. Douche is wearing a tattoo to be cool in front of others whereas, they have an original style because they want it for themselves.