Sunday, October 30, 2011
Gino the Ginny: A More Innocent Time
A pre Jersey Shore classic reminds us of innocent days of douchebags long passed.
And by long passed, I mean dancing on the street for tips outside a Snack n’ Shack off I-95.
This is worse than the chain smoking toddler in Poopistan.
The worst part is, Dad is working the camera, and Mom the music. Great parenting, guys.
You know, it’s a sad fact that it’s harder to get a fuccen driver’s license than it is to become a parent.
China might be onto something.
Kids these days….you can’t beat ’em and only NAMBLA is cool with you joining them. Bad parenting begets bad parenting. Luckily for me I had an awesome Dad. And a hella tight Moms…so no worries if I should ever decide to squirt a few out. Well as long as I don’t marry someone like RevChad that is. Debbie Downer newstory 24-7 on the reg is what that would be like. No offense Rev.
chateau Dsaster! tiny bag.
^You will never marry any one like me you Harpie. I spend three months a year in a million dollar condo in Mexico and bang more girls in a week than you will in a lifetime. Hater. Oops!
Fuck I gotta go cut a tree down at Rev. Sr’s house. Go Giants if you are playing. He needs someone with a useable fifth appendage to climb to the top.
^million peso condo.
Dollar equivalent is $14,000.
Gino is a worthy contender for Trashcan to the head category.
I don’t understand this clip…I thought Freddie Mercury was dead. And British.
What the fuck, Saints? 0-17 against the worthless 0-6 Rams? Classic Saints; they steamroll a team one week, then get smacked down by the Browns/Buccaneers/Rams the very next week. Never a dull moment.
It’s halftime right now, and Sean Payton needs to figure out how to shove his foot up some asses with a broken leg.
now I understand why some members of the animal kingdom eat their young.
@Revio, Hahahaha! One of my all time favorite comment threads here. Thanks for the flashback. You are right you will always out bang me in the chicks department.
I believe Nancy Dreuche is Plinky’s Mom
And I’d like it duly noted that I object to the term ‘a more innocent time’. Granted, DB1 may well be using sarcasm or irony or something else even he has trouble defining, but there’s one thing this horrid little blot on the landscape is not and that’s innocent.
Gino has a bright future in shopping mall security…or in the NYPD
his parents should be tied to a tree & have their genitalia whacked repeatedly with a length of rubber hose
@creature, your sweaty jealousy is palpable. (Carla and the Bros thread, go reread it. Some great gems in there.) And yeah I think at one time I was Plinky’s Mom for shiggles.
Wow I guess the tiny foul mouthed dancing ‘Bag brings out the fangs. I have a $14,000 bamboo and rattan Nipa Hut in Mindanao. I actually do. 😐
@Chris, have you had any run-ins with MILF there?
@ Nancy…the MILF (armed, not ugly) are further down south in Mindanao…and the only Pinays I would want are childless. I think MILF in the sexual sense in the Philippines is a non-starter. Unless one is extremely hard up.
I would personally take this little ‘ginny’ over my knee, and with my best three-inch wide belt, give his tender ass the flailing of the century, until his cheeks split and ooze crimson beads of blood. Then when Mr. B. came home, he would curse out the boy in a string of the most vile insults the Italian language has to offer. Then we would park him in front of the TV and fire up Riso Amaro to teach him a little pride in where he came from. And then we’d call up Nonna Biscotti and let her ream the little shit out for a good three hours and Papa Biscotti would cry and tell the boy about how horrible it was after the war and they had nothing to eat, and why-a you no be-a good-a boy, Gee-noh? You make-a me so-a sad! And when all this silly douchebag dago horseshit was out of his system and he was done crying, he’d be out on the back 40 with me and Mr. B., digging up spots for tomatoes, like they do een old country, si? That’ll learn the little fucker.
As we head into what may be the final Douchies as we know it, I have but two words to remind you all of…so very apropos this hallows eve…

Jeah, Bitches…forgot about that shit, dintcha?
^I did not. And I can prove it.
I’m hesitant to admit this, but i find Mary Mams very hot.
I have this fantasy where I squeeze hydrogen peroxide into her ears with a turkey baster while she fondles a jar of pickled beets.
Is that wrong?
The thing about Gino is that his mother might just be a slut. Bit harsh but not improbable. The question is: would any half decent parent allow their child to act this way? I think you know the answer.
Eleven seconds in and I am rethinking my stance on child abuse. Though I was bullied relentlessly as a child, I will gleefully cheer on any asshole kid who socks this prancing brat in the mouth, ties him to the back of his Huffy, and takes him ’round the block for a scrape.
And Peter Pumpinhead is on my list of potential Douchiest Creature of Greek Myth candidates. This picture alone looks like a Titanous dump that didn’t flush down.
Nothing serious yet. Just warming up my chops.
Pumpkinhead is Trashcan worthy, although you’d need the entire garbage truck to make a sufficient indentation in that melon.
WOW! He was his dad’s fastest sperm and mom’s winning ovum of the month.
@ Sock–the horror never left my mind. Which is why I put them on this year’s trophy….
I started the grill very early yesterday and smoked all kinds of dead animals and watched lots of football. At one point I though of checking in to see Sunday vid but decided against it. In hind sight great call on my part the mistake was looking at it this morning. WTF? lots o shame going on here.
Classic line…”Who’s spinning tonight? DJ Go Fuck Yourself.”
Sorry guys, but that shit is funny.
If you are a real italian you are giving us a bad name,i can’t believe at your age you’re already acting like a douchebag,god help you when you get older.And as for your parents number one douchebags for allowing you to act like such a dick
Well done you greaseball guinea garlic eating goomba