Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Lando Tanktoppian
Hellooo… what have we here?
Oh. We have a skeezy Floridian douchegator bothering Carla and Marice.
And you thought the douche plague was receding into the past. Silly you.
Take in this pictorial wrongness. And realize the mock must continue.
How do I put this delicately?
.Girls that look like Carla are easier to tap than a Sigma Nu keg.
.It’s a true fact.
.You could look it up.
I did….at Vanderbilt.
Club Gaytorbait requires shirts and shoes. Now they know they need to be a little more specific.
Something about Lando tells me he is turning tricks in the men’s room. He isn’t into Carla’s jelly rolls. He wants to tonsil joust your meet lance for cash.
Had a guy in high school with the same sleazy eyes. Said he worked at the airport. He did; sucking the dicks of businessmen on layovers. Died at 22 of AIDS. Creeepy……..
Carla is pure college sweet. Mostly into vanilla but once in a while would enjoy a spanking.
Never seen a human look more like a scaly reptile in my life. Need a new douchie category. Slimiest slimedouche.
His belly button knows morse code. It taps out:
— -.– / -. .- — . / .. … / – .– .- – .– .- ..-. ..-. .-.. . / — -.-. –. . . / .- -. -.. / .. / ..-. ..- -.-. -.- / –. — .- – … .-.-.- / … — -. .-.-.-
^Does it say “I am a gaybag with Fire Island eye of co-anus”?
Typical Bleeth move… out at a gay bar so she can avoid being hit on. This comes to mind when I see this pic. http://youtu.be/-PK6QkZG_Y0
Douche or douche not. There is no try.
In the anus to be plugged he wants.
This pic kinda reminds me of this:
God I love this movie.
I wonder if he won that necklace fair and square…
He is yucky. Sorry, long day.
Seems like a decent, trustworthy fellow.
side moob. gross.
Side moob makes me vomit.
Run! Run for your lives!
I’ve seen that facial expression before…

Goofy faux mohawk, chin pubes, moob shirt, earrings, glitter necklace, eyeliner………I’m tellin’ ya, guys, this walking spittoon couldn’t get into a girl’s holiest of holies if he was a tampon. P A T H E T I C .
Fuccen Zoro’s packin’ roofies, brah!
The Indian girl named Poonan on the link in the previous thread made my balls squeal. She is tiny and probably unshaved smelling of lemongrass with hints of coriander and butter chicken.
/She makes me go Alalalllallalallallalllallallalheeeee heeeeeeeeealalalalallalalalallalalalalhooooooooo.
He smells like the Havana sewer system (or lack thereof.)
Carla looks like she’d giggle when you pulled out almost in time and gave her a load of jiggly gunt cream and the wrong phone number.
I’m up at an ungodly hour suffering from a physical aggravation at which I am not at liberty to discuss. Needless to say, coming down here to see this sleaze-face and his salamander’s physique is intensely aggravating my condition. I’m going to start having some of these pics enlarged and use them for target practice. My SKS is coming back from the gunsmith shortly and I can think of no better use than putting this dead-eyed douchebag out of his zombie misery.
You see, Medusa, men-folk also have the cramps and pains associated with it being “their time”. You ladies at least have it on a tight schedule so you can anticipate it. But we fellows have no idea when we’re about to take a shot to the balls.
The more fortunate of us have video cameras trained on us at the time of impact so we can at least make a few bucks off of America’s Funniest Videos, which as we all know will slowly morph over the next 20 years into “OW MY BALLS” as foretold by The Prophet Mike Judge.
“The douche is strong in this one!”
@ Sock–hurr hurr. It was actually a raging bladder infection. Getting up every five minutes for three drops of piss, followed by a screaming, white-hot pain that burns all the way up to my molars. Party time. I was praying for menstrual cramps by 9:30 am. I was trying not to spoil anyone’s breakfast earlier. But since it’s well past even cocktail hour at this point, I can be as gross as I want. Thankfully, I’m all better now and Mr. B. oughta find a better angle for initial boarding next time or he’s gonna be doing the five-knuckle shuffle instead.
That being said, someday “Jackass” will be looked at like “The Jazz Singer”. The very first of its kind, a pioneer of sorts. The very first to make 30 minutes of ball-kicks viable, money-making entertainment. “Ow My Balls” will owe them a debt of gratitude one day.