Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Esoteric Wednesday
This video is to Wheezer’s “Buddy Holly” as “Dazed & Confused”
was to “American Graffiti.” Discuss.
As the prophet Elijah Muhammed explained so clearly to myself and the young Malcolm X..,”Kelli Kapowski is a slampig and this video sucks balls, Brother.’
Blessed be her name.
LOVED the pink skirt shot early on. Made me stay for the whole thing, which, I’ve seen worse.
“Weezer”, not “Wheezer”
I peed in a drive-in parking lot once.
Always liked the work of Miles Fisher. His “This Must be the Place” was also like this with an American Psycho themed music video. Not so sure what is holding him back from reaching to the top of the cesspool that is pop maybe too indie?
I concur with DH re; Pink Skirt.
This dude’s Tom Cruise impression in “Superhero Movie” was great.
I expelled urine into the hindquarters of an equine at a particular point in the past
Boss, how did I offend thee? Don’t throw my name in on this!
I demand some pear as recompense.
Clever. That is all.
And pink dress Hott is Jacqueline Macinnes Wood
BAM! Read yo’ mind foo’
I’m with DH- that pink skirt really roped me, which made the rest slightly disappointing.
Thanks Vin. I guess that’s what I get for not watching past the 10-second mark.
That girl’s name is Wood? Go figure.
Pink Skirtigans
EVERYONE in this festering miasma is TOO OLD to be acting this way. I hope they are all pelted slowly into unconsciousness with twinkie-sized effigies of Milli Vanilli made out of POO.
this video is bob dole’s dog’s boner molesting britney spears in a pepsi commercial, what chester the cheetos cheetah is to diabeetus.