Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Swamps of Boatbaggery Cascading Onto Shore
Environmentalists tell us our seas are repositories for swirling underwater garbage piles. Craptastic slush mounds of plastic waste and deadness.
And then there is above the water boatbaggery. Matching t-shirted frattools fondling the suckle thigh. Like human aglae fungusing the hopes and dreams of our poets and artisans.
The human equivalent.
All that can save us is Boatpear.
Matching tank tops for the family reunion that I would not want to attend.
I thought that only pontoon boats in the South sported astroturf on the deck?
DS, any thoughts? Besides what does it cost for a missile training exercise to get the wrong coordinates from the GPS?
I’d like to give these tools a DarkSock Boating Excursion…

Wow it was a crazy couple of days what with the site being down. You never know how good you have once it’s gone. I mean seriously trying going 3 plus days without a Rev Chad ramble, a DW blast from the past, a Vin D So Cal latina weather girl pic, etc;. It was torture, torture I says. The first time I quit doing snap was easier then the withdrawals I was feeling the past couple of days. It’s all good now as Uncle Sock shared a pic from his summer vacation, the Boss hooked us up with some rare ass Tuesday afternoon Boatpear. It’s a good day.
No one word Tuesday?
There isn’t a single dude in this photo that isn’t a tool and a chick that isn’t Bleethed out.
Where’s the Piranhaconda when you need ’em?
I love cracker jack operations like this site. Makes me feel superior in my professional life running a detective agency. Yeah, let’s go with that.
Loot At Capt. Douche in the back there
@ND – detective agency? For reals? I did a pile of training in PI work about 10 years ago when my career plans were thrown to the winds. I still get occasional pleas to do that work. My thing was digital forensics. Then I decided I’d rather be involved with the baloney of academia… I’m in a better place, but PI was where I was headed back then…
Oh great, the douchebags of the world are now unionizing and wearing uniforms. The guerilla war is over. The full frontal assault (and by that I mean massive amounts of GSR, more than we’ve seen in our lifetime) is soon to be upon us.
Gird your loins for combat, boys and Nancy. It’s gonna be a bumpy ride.
This picture could’ve qualified as Waldo Pear. Hidden somewhere amongst the tsunami of scrote is a halfway decent booty.
I hate groups of people standing so close together smiling and holding one another. Fuck all of you fucks.
No Show San Diego 2012,,,,def a no show on my behalf.
Fuckin west coast baggery is as bad as the East Coast – just a shade more laid back.
Florida is rife with boatbags. My roommate is friends with one. Total loudmouth misogynist dick. If I could catch him with a hot chick, I’d submit him to this site.