Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Somewhere on the Long Island Shore…
Angie’s, like, totally annoyed because she, like, left her ‘gloss in her parents white BMW 525 and now her lips are, like, totally cracked, and, like, Antonio doesn’t express no sympathy and is being such a juicehead, so she’s totally not sorry any more that she gave Mikey a h-j in the parking lot of the Five Guys on Tuesday night.
Just so’s you know.
he has a purse slung round his neck…she’s wearing a tattered dog collar
His lipstick matches her track suit.
And so he transcends being a tool – to being an accessory.
That chick has high maintenance written all over her in streaming gouts of baby batter.
That chick looks like Cat Lady done right, damn right.
That’s quite an image tall guy. I see you finally purchased a thesaurus per my suggestion. Welcome back lil’ tall buddy. Friend to all ladies.
She appears to be high maintenance indeed.
But since it looks like they shop at the Perth Amboy Catholic Charities Bargain Basement every third weekend of the month, there’s plenty left of his paycheck from the Mr. John Portable Sanitation Company for bottle service at the Barge Restaurant and Cocktail Lounge.
That’s an angry little spinner.
I’m guessing the fuschia jump suit matches her mons.
I was in a band called Purple Labia once.
We opened for Prince. Which isn’t all that unique- a lot of labia has opened for Prince through the years.
The war is over if we want it, the war is over now.
Muscles Glasses he ain’t!
You nailed it, Chief.
They both need therapy and community service.
Purple Labia! Those guys love us!
A lot of quartasian hotts recently. Which I like.
Wow, no tranny call today? What, does everyone have heatstroke?
Angie, baby – Disease me. I’d be honored to be a small dot of puss in a pore on your derriere.
How I do go for the worst ones……………
I find this bleeth to be particularly comely. In an extremely dirty way.
i think that guy’s asian. which means that by now his parents have committed ritual suicide. (i’m white as a sheet and i’d kill myself if that were my son). little did they know he’d blow his inheritance on quite possibly the douchiest shirt ever, wrapped with a wallet-on-a-belt-but-hey-it’s-gucci.
You know how you can tell she had an orgasm? (If you actually care.)
She drops her nail file.
A moment of deep existentialism is taking place here. She’s thinking “If he were a purse, what kind would he be?” and he’s thinking “If I were a velour track suit, would I match my purse?” Headdy stuff for these two.
yo thats thechengman hes on youtube