Sunday, September 30, 2012
Bikini Girl Dances in a Bikini
Because sometimes in life you just need to stare at a bikini girl dancing in a bikini with a creepy smile on her face in front of a bizarre chyron of a streetcorner.
As Nietzsche would want us to.
I watched the whole thing hoping for a shot of chubby ass, didn’t get it. I feel cheated.
If Jessica Simpson and the McDonald’s Grimace had a daughter she would look like the girl in this video.
I don’t know about you, but I can’t wait until the full-length feature film comes out in late October.
It’s the new CornFed™ Workout System.
Groovy, baby!
She’s been pleasuring all the young boys in the barns and hay fields of Columbiana County OH, since she was 15 when and I approve. Too bad by the time she turns 25 she’ll be haggard with just her memories of making this video, a soul wrenching meth addiction and a part time job working at the local BIGLOTS!®.
And by CornFed™ Workout System I believe you meant she enjoys it in the corn hole?
My face hurts from just watching her smile for 3 minutes.
If she’s gonna bikini dance to show off her figure, it would be nice if she had a figure to show off.
It would also help if she actually knew how to dance.
I’m not sure Jessica Simpson was involved–it might just be Grimace–maybe the Hamburgler.
One day, a few years ago, a proud father held his new-born daughter in his arms. As he gazed into her tiny face, waves of hopes and dreams washed over him. Oh, how he wished that she would grow up to be intelligent, gifted, charming, sophisticated. She would be a light to all she would meet.
And then this happened…….
Are her movements somehow related to the music??
I’d fill her belly button with my high fructose.
It is a scientific fact that most teenage girls quit organized sports after getting boned.
Scooby Douche early favorite for comment of the week.
Medical Fact Sunday, Vol. 1:
– Gay American Nu-Metal bands like Linkin Park pronounce the word “me” like “MAYYYY” when they sing. This is why they fornicate with other men. Nothing wrong with that, mind you.
– Ozzy pronounces it like “Meh”: “Fairies wear boots, yeah, ya gotta believe meh…”. Ozzy peed in the Alamo once.
– Actress Shia Labouf has a 4″ cockk and it is “Z”-shaped.
– If the North American Moose were able to talk, it would be unable to pronounce lasagna due to the shape of its larynx.
– Son.
^ Damn straight
Wait a minute…
She’s not actually dancing on a sidewalk…that’s a green screen!
If she keeps her wrists that limp when giving an old fashioned, then WE, my dear, have a problem.
The bikini dancer learned all those moves watching archival footage of Ginger Rogers.
And Tonetta videos.
Medical Fact Sunday, Vol. 2:

– This is an Argentinian Weenus Garage:
– This is a Spanish Weenus Garage:
– And, finally, a Brazilian W.G. – with a presumed Brazilian coif:
– Son.
Butterball Girl is an attention whore, but I respect her jiggly blubberiness for it. And by respect, I mean I’d drink a fifth of crown royal and shtump her….
I kowtow like a grovelling peasant to Dark Sock for the Argentinean and Brazilian slurpalicious fotos. I’d pee in an electric socket for the chance to inhale the methane squeezed out from those globes of luscious lickage – munchage-lickage.
The thought of what the finely coiffed Ham Dangle™ tastes like on Brazilian W.G. makes my head spin. Hail Latin American hotts and DarkSock for bookmarking on his browser.
There is no Dog.
Goodbye Cruel World.
The New Orleans Saints WILL be in the Superdome at the SuperBowl this year. You can count on that.
They will, of course, be in the stands, spectating. But still…that counts.
Draconian NFL Penalists
@JKD; The word is “shtupp”.
I’m confused. And thanks Dark Sock for those images of the Transcontinental transformationation of formulae to the proletariat cause I ‘ve gone all left-wing/ghey lately. That Mitt Is a real beeatch! Son.
I’m so confused by this video. I find myself looking at my erection and asking it, “why?? I don’t get it. It’s a mediocre looking blonde chick with no rhythm. Give me a reason, dammit!”
But my erection does not respond. It simply points upward.
Hey, wasn’t this chubby chick one of the truckstop hookers in ‘Fargo’?
Worst porn star audition flick I have ever, EVER watched.
Good catch, JKD.
Wow. I think that’s the one erotic genre video I’ve seen where I actually feel sorry for the woman.
Meghan Mc Cain does cat daddy