Thursday, September 27, 2012
Those Hollywood Nights
Where a no-talent ass clown not named Michael Bolton Christian Audiger can make millions by dressing people like clowns.
And by selling this.
Even Mickey’s in on the disgrace.
But still Hollywood sells its dream. The land where the boobies beckon.
But so does the craziness.
Katy Perry, like most manufactured stars since moving film was developed. does not realize that she is a dog. But The Machine puts her on a mutuallly understandable level with her infirrnities.
They all get juiced up and eat cabbage soup and play the game. lipo and all.
Tonight I am going to shove some M-30’s into my urethra and wait for the fanfare. The fanfare won’t happen so I’ll get stoned and do it all over again like Willis my homeboy drugged out freak show and hope that TMZ is somewhere nearby so I get fanous and shit? Anybody ever bamg their sister-in-law?
Luckily Satan’s dick has many heads, so all these little demon piglets can nuzzle up and suckle all at once… Suck it! It’s only your dignity. Suck it! It’s only your dignity! Suck it! . . . I am available for children’s parties, by the way. – Bill Hicks
TMZ? Really, DB1? That’s like reporting on the war by citing articles from Übermensch Fitness.
Yeah, but for every worthless/talentless Hollywood fame whore known through TMZ exposure for some ungodly reason moronically posing at a self-aggrandizing media “ME !” debacle there’s a cool show at the Troubadour featuring an up and coming alt-country or indie rock band just building a hard earned following
Or a great sandwich waiting to be scarfed down at Felipe’s
Or a competitive California League “A” Level Minor League baseball game played with enthusiasm and an emphasis on fundamentals and more importantly, fun
Or a taco with scorching red sauce to go at King Taco
Or a pristine , perfect beach with waves to boogie board across
Or a mind blowing Art Deco walking tour . Art Deco, I says
Or the great collection of boner enducing vintage Les Pauls, Archtops, Strats and Tele’s, at the Guitar Center on Sunset
Or a hike through the San Gabriel mountain trails
Fuck these people. There’s enough real stuff amongst the plastic around here to keep culture alive. Unfortunately , the lemmings give eyeballs and money to the merchants of dreck ruining everyone’s good time
Respectfully disagree Rev. Katy my be a talentless pop trollop, but she’s got that Zoey Daschen?$& look that makes me want to spray her face with the ol’ goo gun.
On another note, seventy-one year old Rock N’ Roll dinosaur Dr John has hooked up with Black Keys guitarist/producer Dan Auerbach to create a surprisingly funky cd
Example: Dr John, Getaway
He dropped his glasses. If there is any justice in the world, he will step on them and cut the skin between his toes wide open on a jagged piece of glass and then get a staff infection requiring the amputation of his entire leg, scrotum, and large intestine.
I’ll take the Eagles, what’s the line?
Good call on Jennifer Love HugeTits DB1 — back in the day she was solid, dependable wacking material.
.Sadly though, like many of her ilk, the years grow less and less kind. Katy “Where’s The 8-ball?” Perry* will soon find herself in the same boat, and they will both be able to row it to the douchebag bar of their choice with their paddle-flat, deflated mammaries.
Oh yes, and that there little blond in the middle there gives me a tingle in my nethers that I haven’t felt since Kim Novak was in her prime.
.* What else can you say about a pop princess who parties too hard for both John Mayer AND Russell Brand?
There is real historical value in this site. Consider: the “like clowns” link leads to a pic that provides both the justification and motivation for the invention of napalm.
You guys got to chill out, watch “Honey Boo-Boo” and watch this vid with whatever you have to drink, smoke, or Hari Krishna yourselves to enlightenment. Fuck you Allah and Muhammed (Praised Be Their Pedophilic Names). You fake gods ainèt got nothing on me. Except the Catholic God.
If this doesnèt put you to sleep peacefully, I dont know thw fu
David Suchet still pulls the hots, ruining dreams in the process.
I will watch Honey Boo Boo in hell where they play it non stop.
Hollywood is Hollywood. Play the game, get used up, next in line. Wanting it to be any different is like pissing in the wind and trying to will the pee to not come back and splash you in the face.
Go play with your pigeon whats taking place in front of your God homos. My Mama told me that to get things done, we better not mess with Shacka Khan.
He said “I pooped twice today”.
Actually that Dr. John CD/album is awesome. Check out “Locked Down”
Meanwhile…I’d wholesomely ass-bang nasty little ol’ NBC correspondent Chris Jansing, who is 50+ years old…I’d Elvish her Presley.

Dark Sock,isn’t it past your bedtime?
It’s past my lifetime.
I’d Hush her Puppy.
I’d PB her v’Jay
Great tits on JLH.
Duck lips, not so much.
If herpes had a smell, it would be this banner photo.
@Rev – great Genesis video there. I seen ’em do that way back when…
The blonde in the middle is one of the hottest, come fuck me bitches to appear on this site in months.