Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Mister Tony Goes Pink with Taut Kelly
If you guessed there’d be more Mister Tony pics this week, you win!!
Everybody’s a winner!!
Have a kewpie doll!!
If you guessed there’d be more Mister Tony pics this week, you win!!
Everybody’s a winner!!
Have a kewpie doll!!
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Mr.Tony’s boss, promotions manager Vanna has an impossible anatomy like this guy.
Fuck I love that guy like my stoned old dog.
Little known fact: my dog has a medical marijuana dispensary. His name is me and I support this theme.
He needs to be re-categorized from “oldbag” to “Annoying-As-Fuck Mega-Asshole” . Somebody get on this
She’s got a little lingerie supermodel , Carol Grow working for her.
Of course pre-mug shot
And by Lingerie Supermodel I mean THIS
If my name was Carlos Danger, I would send dirty texts as pics using the name Anthony Weiner.
^That Carole Grow is a gift we have forever Vin. What the fuck she get arrested for? Awesome “Tall Spinner” I’d say. And by I’d say I mean an extra $200 of proud northern banknotes over the normal top-shift chicks up here’slike, Pardners,.
Carole Grow has an unbelievable body. And by unbelievable body I mean Mrs. Kroeger without stretch-marks IYKWISAITTYD. Sons and shit. I’m goimg to look for Hermit.
Mr Tony is dry clean only and hasn’t worn natural fibres since the summer of ’78.
Tony: Myth or Mythter? What an Oldpud.
Taut Kelly is one of these broads that at first glance should give me the renoBs, but the more I look at her, don’t.
Music style: DoucheHouse:
Is this a stepping stone to becoming Sir Ivan?
A Quick Anthology: By your friendly neighbourhood Reverend very stoned.
In Iambic Stonedameter. (respect)
A great Tribe of Israel was once wrenched from the bosom of Biafra and Ethiopia. This tribe became a person under the Godhead named Wild Africa. Papals and Puranicals both abused.
The Irish came to Halifax and got drunk and wandered more like an errant Jew and then they banged a bunch a french dark Indianans and then kicked the dirty bastards out down south.
Some time passed and there was an infection of some type of blood eating bug named the Frenchman. People started eating lowly foods and unhealthy fried cream sauces and bechamels and shit.
Then the pervert Kennedy ordered the quebeckers back to Canada to get the green cards and because that blonde chicks name was a bit too Continental. And he had that other chick killed when he caught her wearing Hoover’s bodice,.
And in conclusion: Turtle Meat. And then somebody invented the harmonica an this happened. And 40 years later the good of the Zep gone to the distractory methods of SWAT team ecampment agents with the gfood hoolow points. I call cunts.
^ The Comment Hall of Fame needs to add this one ^
I’m still calling Pfah on this Pink Tony guy…for you young kids he was one of the original regs who’d post on how hot his wife was, plus occasionally mock douchebags.

And he, too, wore pink…so it’s Pfah.

…he also claimed to have te OG jesus sized cocxxxckxxcxxxssss
…& drove a baddass VW
…you also pronounced his name like a silent fart