Reader Mail: Mr. Champ
Richard writes in with the following tag:
This is a friend of a friend of a friend who dresses, acts and takes complete douchebag pictures. He is the elusive Afro American douchebag. Yet he doesn’t see it. Here are 2 pics with all his douchebag-isms.
First pic, here he is wearing a head band that says “Mr. Champ” (that is what he calls himself) with a wife beater, True religion jeans and a blinged out “LA” belt buckle. He did not even know these hot white chicks, he just takes pictures to post them on his Facebook.
In the second pic he is wearing a hat that says “Mr. Champ” a Che Guevera shirt (although he doesn’t know anything about the Cuban revolution) a bandana around his neck and promoting a fake hot sauce brand. The hot Asian girl did not even know who he was. What a douchebag!
New rule: If, when you hit the clubs, you tell the ladies that your first name is “Mr.,” your ballsack smells like fondue.
Richard ye done found the Brothabag (no respect) of the year. Straight to the Closet of Poo. Fucking Mr. Champ? Poo. This here is the Champ.
He’s a god amongst fry cooks.
In first pic Mr Champ appears to be a bit vertically challenged, about 5’6″. Which would mean Asian in second pic is about 4’3″. Just saying. Oh and Mr Champ looks like a total stroke. Almost forgot to mention that.
The chance of the blonde chicks doing that bag.
Back in my day, BrothaBags like this were forced to appear in Champale™ commercials for a living.

Okay Flaco, your 15 minutes of douchebag is up. Lose the moniker and get your self respect back. Fuckwit
Here’s your new role model
This fool gives me ideas for his lifestory in the Curious George kind of mode. You know like:
“Mr. Champ gets a cap popped in his ass driving through Compton.”
“Mr. Champ gets fired for smoking weed at the propane filling station.”
“Mr Champ is the baddest gangster on the playground.”