Tuesday, August 27, 2013
NadaFinga Makes another point
I’ve seen pointer douches before, Sir. You are no Peaches.
With great pointing comes great responsibility.
I’m not sure what he’s pointing at. Perhaps the 2-for-1 happy hour specials? Help me out here.
He’s not pointing.. He’s saying pull my finger, it’s more of a thrill than my wang…Also, why does his left hand match the chicks sunburn marks exactly?
I was smelling his boob sweat.
he’s about to sneeze out an huge sloppy schnart as he is allergic to bewbs! poor fuuker!
She looks like a girl I can take home to mom, as long as mom’s not home at the time.
Her arm sunburn line is distracting our hero from her obvious talent. And by obvious talent I mean sticking out her boobs in yer face
Her two make happy hour special!
Meanwhile lurking in the dark behind them John Chinman looks upon this spectacle disapprovingly…
Than chin looks familiar…could it be…nah…impossible…

Did Mantei Teo get a real girlfriend?
He is pointing at her breasts.
If I’m not mistaken that is scrote legend “Ricky”? but what’s more interesting is the chick “Ricky” is trying to dance with seems preoccupied A) trying to give that dude a wedgie, B) holding her self up from toppling over C) lifting that dudes wallet.
Ricky is gettin’ down wit his bad self
Look in the bottom right corner of The Ricky pic.
The Seal Of Douchness.
In other news:
Greatest. Movie. Ever. = The Legend Of Awesomest Maximus
just got home from buddys cottage send his little girl off to New Brunswick to stupid university winding down the inherited row of fine waterfront property on the mighty and now clean St. Lawfence river.yearly shit Labour Day pre-party shit start getting ready for mthanksgic=vine caused after that its too fucking cold party.. And i gotta say, as I was handing her some party cash and telling her not to hang around with the first people she meets speech, I developed a boner. A boner which will continue well past her wedding and shit. She hit me like a Cock Tornado.
There are only two great songs/videos in the universe. And Jimmy Fallon is a fucking ass-licking asslicker love-fester. And I’m way too wasted to go to work tomorrow.
The first is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSHNq79o-gM
The next is:
Nadafinga is oh-so-cleverly pointing at his other hand, gesturing that he will be having some kind of sex tonight.
However, in his case, that means literally sticking his finger up his nose for a gooey, stringy treat. Often.
Dude, I’ve known how to find teh bewbies since I was born. I don’t need a fucking GPS, let a lone yer stinky finger…
He is Bruce Lee from Enter the Dragon, “Do not concentrate on the finger or you will miss all of the heavenly glory!”
Also looks like he has some sort of tat on the side of his finger but can’t make it out, probably “insert in rear” or something like that….
Kind of looks like Chrys, which would be a good name for his right hand.
Does anybody else find it amazing that the tatt his mother had the doctor put on immediately after his birth has maintained the correct aspect ratio after all these years?
Go figure
He’s not pointing to anything at all, you silly bleeths… he’s showing off the tattoo on his finger. Trying… to… make… it… out… Okay, I’m not sure exactly, but I think it either says, “choad” or “scrote”…