Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Adventures in Las Vegas on a Tuesday

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It’s like watching a soulless ritual performed by numbed zombies in tribute to a god that never was.

# posted by douchebag1
2:15 pm November, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Wait, was there a God?

2:15 pm November, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

If there was, he’d want in on this mess…

2:24 pm November, 13 MikeOxsmall said...

Unlike plaid-bro, I’m aroused.

2:31 pm November, 13 ChoadtheDoucheSprocket said...

That’s exactly the face I make when I masturbate in public.


….or so I’ve been told….


……by Las Vegas’s finest.

2:45 pm November, 13 bigphatnotadouche said...

Broheim peed in her butt.


2:53 pm November, 13 UFO Destroyers said...

Carson Daly’s “challenged” younger brother looks on in bewilderment thinking “ten minutes to Wapner.”

3:02 pm November, 13 Ed Hardy Har Har said...

Falling down drunk is no way to go through life…

3:03 pm November, 13 Ed Hardy Har Har said...

And you can tell she’s drunk, cause she missed!

3:11 pm November, 13 Ed Hardy Har Har said...

Not that there was a lot to hit in the first place.

3:45 pm November, 13 The Dude said...

Gilberto LargeNose (El Naso Grande) is unconcerned, but not indifferent. Unless you count his giant schnozz. I wonder if people ever call him nosy.


Sideboob hott is hooter boarding™ and I respect that, in a fully engorged sense of the term respect.

3:51 pm November, 13 Vin Douchal said...

The mongoloid in back grunts in frustration trying to find the camera on his iPhone

3:53 pm November, 13 Vin Douchal said...

The mongoloid in back grunts in frustration as he realizes he didn’t wear the shorts with pocket hole cocck access

3:54 pm November, 13 Vin Douchal said...

The mongoloid in back grunts in frustration as he realizes cuckhold does not mean his cock gets held

3:55 pm November, 13 Vin Douchal said...

The mongoloid in back grunts in frustration as he realizes this dude’s gonna fuck both his sisters

6:14 pm November, 13 Dude McCrudeshoes said...

I can tell that I’m not long for this world when faux sapphic encounters bore me to near catatonia. Douchism kills our will to live. Like any virus, it has deadly potential. Excuse me while I stick this pencil in my eye.

6:51 pm November, 13 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

After your bro is doggy bagging the bleeth in a homo erotic pose and the BL cup is displayed, the perfect time comes for Gilberto Largenoseman to take a semi-candid selfie.


I can’t believe I used the noun “selfie.” Time for weed.

7:58 pm November, 13 DoucheyWallnuts said...

^McCrudeshoes just summed up, perfectly, why we are doomed.

Faux sapphism is just another, and perhaps the last, sign that the Apocalypse is nigh. For as bad as it is when a schoonitz like Miley Cyrus induces projectile vomiting when she tries to be sexy, when random cute girls lezz it up and you don’t sprout wood, it’s over. Over I says.

4:12 am November, 14 Douchble Helix said...

Me likey. Two spinners with good attitudes and some boobage?


What’s not to like?

6:02 am November, 14 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

^DoucheyWallnuts just summed up Dude McCrudeshoes perfectly.

We need another revolution.

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