Thursday, January 7, 2016
Phineas Squarechinneus Shows Model Melanie His Finger Point Game
Lest one think the days of HCwDB are a thing of the past, I give you…
Toxic Groin Shave Reveal, 2016 Style.
Let’s hope ritualistic shorn testes isn’t a foreboding sign for the new year.
He should grow his nose hairs out really long.
Nice green bracelet and sunglasses that MAN is wearing.
And I bet Phineas doesn’t know.
Agreed with Douchesdownunder – that brunette on the left looks like a thai laydeeboi.
If there is any evidence to the contrary, someone please present.
Dude on the left should grow his nose hairs out really long, too. Start a trend.
Steven Tyler turns to be sure that wasn’t Doc Bunsen.
Also, I don’t want to click the zoomed pic. But this GSR may = Groin Shave Rash.
I’m nostalgic for the Al Franken decade.
With the dawn of a new year I am hopeful that this site regains its former grandeur. Grandeur, I says.
With that being said, seeing a freshly shaved male groin is vaguely reminiscent of the time I spent in Havana back before Castro muscled in a Fugazied the whole cannoli.
Remind me to tell youse that one, one day.
He rubs the lotion
on his groin shave rash or he
gets the hose. “Her” hose
Ya know something?
The more I look at that pic, the more I realize that scene is gheyer than liberace’s bunghole in greenwich village on a saturday night.
If Bruce Jenner can keep his cock and be considered a woman, I can keep my firearms and be considered disarmed?
Does Caitlyn have a period, or a question mark?
Has Dr. Bunsen been ressurected yet?
Hillary Clinton is a sick old lady held together with hairspray and pantsuits. Extra strength gas ex tablets are for people who have really bad gas and that’s Hillary. She probably suffered from some very sever fa-heart attacks, possibly exercising (ripping away through an explosive force) her bunghole. I’ve heard she’s had a neoprene whoopee nozzle grafted to replace it. One of these times she could go off like Krakatoa and vanish leaving a huge crap cloud to surround the earth. It’s probably why Bill sleeps in an entirely different state. Hillary sounds like the mother of all exploding party favors. She even looks distressed, like she’s smelt something she did after a huge surge of incredible heat down yonder. I know she vanished during the last lib presidential debate. When she returned she had the obvious signs of toilet paper trailing her stuck to her shoe. Shortly thereafter I noticed Bernie motioning everyone that it was time to go, causing the premature end of the debate. He had that “who just dropped a load” grimace on his face, son.
^Winner of the 2016 Hunter Thompson award for opening-sentence excellence.
52 year old gay cross-dressing truck diver dude thinks he is a six year old girl with a penis. I’m sick of all this fag shit.
Geez, just ’cause a guy nearly dies twice and gets resurrected both times…
If there’s one thing I thought all of you knew was that you can’t kill pure fuccen evil (at least per my student evals). I’m a bit behind the curve for right now but I’ll be gettin’ caught up in the near future. Thanks for all the well wishes ‘n shit. It’s good to be back.
hey Dr. Bunnie! Welcome back, uhhgain!
Dudes, I sent the photos of this babe. There us no question she’s hott.
Also, I have a single nose hair I’ve refused to cut for 16 years and now wear it in a braid like Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick fame’s chin rope, sons
I knew you’d come back Dr. B. The stock market will recover with the bounce in SNRI sales. While you were dead, this shits been happening. It shall not pass!
@Vin Douchal – YOU sent the above pic of the Mick Jagger impersonator?
Dr Vin, could you be so kind as to send additional pics if you have any? Right now, the above ‘woman’ looks distinctly less feminine than ‘kaitlyn’ jenner.
Did David Bowie die cause he found out his wife is a Moslem? Or because he found out that Dr. Bunsen revived?
Glad you’re back Doc B! Wishing you and Beaker well!
@ Doc Bunsen -> Pure Fuccen Evil has no heart.
We were all concerned. But DarkSock told me the truth. He said, Ol’ Doc Bunsen used his heart to love so much, he done worn it out. So’s other Docs hadda fix it – like this.
Joe Biden is going to cure cancer. Reverend Chad is going to get sober before he dies.
Did ya see what I did there? I think Dark Sock is dead again?
I have no idea what I posted above cause I am wrecked. I was certain he was going to say martial law(no respect). I snay am scopingsnay a bug out in Vermontnay next week. No snow last ime Et Tu. Sometimes I don’t win shit.
The world needs more ditchdiggers, Sons. No economist.
Get it. ” ist” everything is a fucking “ist”. I could use a man like Eisenhower again. and shit. Fuck it all. I’m sick of all this bullshit. Let’s get into these kids! We’ll use their shavings for axle grease for fuckers sins gay cocksuckers. Stop the Moslems and the Democrats you cocksuckers!
I did not say anything about burning Mosques. I am vertically opposed to Mosque burning. I frown on it too. And this is not a hate crime is …AAAAAGHHHHHHH! Illumi
Does Michelle Obama still have acock?
It’s nice that we can all enjoy a brother’s heart issues and Sweet Death. I like my contractions. Unless they bear child and placenta birth. Speaking of placentas grown in a petri dish in Hope, Arkansass. Fuck you you fucking globalsists. nobody beats a stoner with a cane sword.
Anybody got a house in Florida fo’ rent?
So did anyone actually catch the SOTU? I was focused on a GTA5 multiplayer session and couldn’t break away.
Did I miss anything?
Any fights in the viewing stands? Someone please say Yes.
I don’t watch SCROTU addresses but I saw snippets and best I can tell the message was: “If you’all would’ve just bent over and took it up the ass, you would be living in blissful utopia by now……”
Welcome back Dr. Bunsen. When you were in the purgatorial nether world between life and death did you happen to see DarkSock?
Just wondering.
@ CD
Be careful, pure fuccen evil comes in many forms. For Rev Chad, it’s Obama. For me it’s this fuck (I own a “pit bull” <— whatever the fucck that means. Ain't no such "breed". It's useless to argue with me on this one so please don't bother to try.) For others, it's Trump. The biggest thing is I ha waaaaaaaay too many green crayons and not nearly enough sprinkles.
@ Hermit
DarkSock tends to go walkabout a lot in purgatory. He has this habit of poking tormented souls with sharp sticks a lot before running back to his speed boat where he has a stash of primo likker and painkillers. I'll bet he's in the boat right now takin' a break before he comes back to life.
I am organizing a unit of elite self-funded mercenary soldiers to counter ISIS cause we are to fucking old to join the Marines. If I pass my stress test on Feb. 3, I The reverend Chadly Kroeger will commence boot camp training for some of my peers. Stoners, lawyers, electricians, the elderly, and one really drunk hipster millenial. We may not have AK-47’s, yet, but we have no feeling left in our extremities and we don’t fucvking vare any more. Hildebeast must be stopped before we have the same three families running the world for the next 26 years. Chelsea, The little Osamas etc. Fuck it all. I’m skiing all winter and dying next summer. Who’s with me sons?
Paul Ryan was a chiseled mama’s-boy with a sly grin, not known to have yet sexted a picture of his penis. A press-on cleft chin portraying a gunslinger of old. He walked into the room upright, lithe and powerful; bearded and ready to sell the Nation to the highest Moslem bidder. Ryan degrades the peoples speaker chair by giving potus everything he wanted.
When as the leader of the opposition party he was given the majority of both houses to STOP the potus from turning the US into a third world nation – he obviously doesn’t have what it takes to accomplish this. He needs to vacate the chair so a true patriot and someone that loves this country could lead the peoples house. A man who has brass balls like the man in that Glengarrian opus.
Several states away, the firebrand that is Pamela Geller writes another column about the dangers of Islam and the pussification of European men in a death spiral to the middle. A world of beige, simian creatures to replace the white man’s place at the table. Breitbart spinning furiously in his own purgatory of right wing ferocity; his murderer yet running amok inside of the beltway.
A few guys in pick up trucks with AK’s scramble through the desert like a junior varsity team and giggle about how Hameed took over a minute to cut off the last head. A cautious old man sharpens his machete in the cold, waiting for the warm days of spring, and sidewalk Moslem hunting season. He puffs on the last of the days substance abuse and has a spastic vision of Mya Angelou being fingered on the deis by the man for whom she wrote her ethnic prose those two short decades ago.
Black lives matter declares a fatwa on a sleazy Jew in the mayor’s mansion, and the young Trudeau inhales more nitrous to numb the pain of his hidden homosexuality. And shit.
This muslim apoligism will be the end of us all Sons. I can’t defend your country from Vermont for too much longer. Fucking Sanders supportes everywhere around here.
Tolerance is the last trait of a failing society.
I know a dude that got life in prison today for shipping weed to upstate NY.
What is 11,000 kilos among friends?
It is good to be back. Like a high school reunion without the assholes and the bloated, disappointed in life, formerly hot women.
Phineas Squarechinneus: Only I know where this finger has been. By three o’clock I shall know if my lovely friend’s prostrate is healthy and the bean dip is tasty.
Rev, you should either convert to glorious Islam or stock up on ammo and Jim and Tammy Bakker Survival Food, (a name you can trust). Specially blended for Canadians.
Phineas Phistass looks like Steve Buscemi got his eyes fixed
Do I have this news right? Lemmy fucked Bowie, and Bowie fucked Snipe, and Snipe fucked Grizzly Adams and all four dieded of the gay AIDS? Or did Freddie fuck Bowie and i
Angela Merkel is a lesbian in man’s clothing, lubricated with the entrails of Halal goat grease.
“Maoist Merkel and the Stone Age Revival” is the name of my new wave band.
Dear God
Please kill some rappers and the Kardashians next.
OK, look, we gotta settle this!
The….individual….on the left in the foto (the one with the sunglasses):
Is that:
1. Steven Tyler?
2. Mick Jagger?
3. The genetic engineering product of DNA from #1, #2 and a kdatlyno?
Fundamentally: is it actually human?
The chick on the LEFT is hot.
Hands down (pants).
I’m in Bernie Sanders territory this week. He is fucked. They are all angry at the Illuminati Clinton, Bush, Obama dynastic politics of the NWO. Middle class…Fucked for the last 20 years. Have faith in Trump, he has many illiquid assets in the land base of Amerika. He has self-interest in preventing the Islamization and robotization of the outsourcing cocksuckers since Reagan.
It will get better Sons. Spread the word. Trump/Cruz 2016. Anne Coulter for press secretary.
And clean your weapons. And to the Jews..Buy weapons and machetes cause the invasion has been on for 20 years,
I ambiguously agree with FredN. Because she is/was the easter egg awarded me by DarkSock in the last Fraiku. And I believe you should dance with the one that brung ya’.
Unless Ava Gardner wants to dance.
Always dance with Ava Gardner.
You still get it Scrotal Recall. Why can’t one of those blue bricks fall off the roof and crush his head.
Well SHITE, Charles Douchewin:
Now I’m all sorts of conflicted. That second pic is not good.
Hey Rev
I DEMAND that you read this. I’m sure you’ll get a kick outta it.
THAT is a Post-Op Tranny. No question.
Now tell me you guys won’t like this
A – HA!
The source of the tranny pic(s) of this thread is from the following site:
I was unable to find the exact pic, but one can readily see that the site is populated with enough douchebags to fill the entire Pacific with vomit.
These guys know what’s up: