Thursday, April 8, 2010

A Squid Brother Goes Freelance

After appearing on the site last Tuesday macking on three sexy trampy Hooters girls, Bernie Squid has decided to take his greased abs act on the road as a solo performance piece.

Because a playah’s gotta do what a playah’s gotta do.

Making a push for the weekly, are we, Squid Brother?

EDIT: Marissa’s firm peach-gnaw buttocks of juicy fruit chomp deserve mention. And so I mention them. And by mention, I mean fwick with a towel, then run and hide behind the cabana.

# posted by douchebag1
11:08 am April, 8 End the Haberdouchery said...

That’s some of the best unofficial ass-pear we’ve had in awhile.

Cheers, Squid Brother. Savor that appletini in a plastic cup.

11:16 am April, 8 El Caganer said...

She wears short shorts. Finally, the age old question has been answered.

11:22 am April, 8 Bagnonymous said...


11:23 am April, 8 DarkSock said...

Her butt looks distended…like…it’s full of pee or something.


Wow. Just wow.

11:34 am April, 8 Mr. White said...

In one batch of Real Dolls, the manufacturer ran out of hip-leg combos. They were on a tight deadline, so they scrounged up an old bowling ball, jammed a mop handle into one of the holes, and sent it off to be painted.

11:55 am April, 8 Chad Kroeger said...

That is my wife at 29. Now she looks like some African jungle beast. But she still has that ass and I still hit the 43 year old in the bad hole to keep her working out. And because I have severe Pancreatitis and the girls don’t like jaundice. And because I get her from the rear so I don’t see the pruny old face.

12:04 pm April, 8 Bagnonymous said...

Jon Gosselin stands and waits in the background for somebody, anybody, to give a shit about him.


Keep standin’ there, Jon boy…

12:08 pm April, 8 Douchetroyer said...

No mention of the Rare Ass Clear Cup? Hmmmm…

12:10 pm April, 8 Mr. Scrotato Head said...

From the flash of blinding light in the background and the shaking of the camera it’s pretty clear Medusa called in the Daisycutter for our benefit. Much appreciated. I image after the dust settles all that will remain are two baked hams held together by the charred strands of an Ed Hardy thong.

12:12 pm April, 8 Amerigo Vesdouchey said...

She’s got some junk in the trunk but for some reason I’m diggin’ it.


A lot.


12:29 pm April, 8 scrotum pole said...

I’m hoping that’s anti-freeze in his cup.

12:42 pm April, 8 Tony Ventresca said...

No mention of white bikini hott walking past in the background?

12:43 pm April, 8 Mr. White said...

Given the swelling of her hindquarters, she is building up one of the largest, deadliest Burger King chicken sandwich + onion ring combo farts of all time. When it finally blows, nothing will be left except scorch marks and the reek of burning egg salad.

12:45 pm April, 8 RAPETIME said...

Her rear bumper needs the attention of my mighty meter-long mammoth meat manatee.

I think she could handle it just fine.

1:14 pm April, 8 colossus of choads said...

I want those buttocks as my avatar, and my wife.

1:45 pm April, 8 scrotum pole said...


You flunked out of Junior college.

You never held a job for more than three weeks.

You are out of money, and your mother will no longer finance your trips to Vegas.

You've been a failure at everything you've ever done.

I in my omnipresence, I can see you've spent the day, knee-deep in a fetid, urine-fille douche wading pool.

There is no reason for your continued existence.

Your life is over.

You see me here in my onnipotent brilliance!

-Come to the light, my son

-COME TO THE LIGHT!!!."………….

2:04 pm April, 8 massengill said...

I don’t see a douche in this picture.

Which means I need to talk to Skeeter Jr. about the quality of this here moonshine.

2:34 pm April, 8 fantagor said...

I see douchebags, I see abs,

I see someone getting crabs.

3:12 pm April, 8 Whoop-di-douche said...

She hiked up that “skirt?” to compete with his exposed chest?

Good pairing of douche and Bleeth.

3:17 pm April, 8 boone doggle said...

i think background blue shirt guy just sharted.

5:27 pm April, 8 Medusa Oblongata said...

Holy smokes, does she have a permit for that thing?

I mean the troll next to her, not her ass. But I’ll have to look into that as well. *rimshot*

5:28 pm April, 8 medusaoblongata said...

I suddenly have a taste for hamhocks and beans.

5:29 pm April, 8 Medusa Oblongata said...

No matter how I configure shit, the damn gravatar will not show up. Dangit, and I had a bad-ass shot of a horse peeing in me that I’m trying to use.

7:18 pm April, 8 Crucial Head said...

Buffalo Beast calmly and stealthily strolled through the crowd in the background in her white bikini, silently mocking all that she saw… and careful not to let anyone see or hear her ghostly insults.

12:16 am April, 9 Steve L. said...

i, however, am not too impressed with Marissa’s ass either way.

but as they say, a playah’s gotta do what a playah’s gotta do.

12:19 am April, 9 Steve L. said...

and by playah i mean poo.

1:37 pm April, 9 green said...

is it me, or are all the women in these photos also douchebags?

6:46 pm April, 11 Andy Douchehol said...

He looks like a jockey that was fired because his helmet wouldn’t fit, she looks like she cant believe its butter dripping off his x-small abs. I think shes trying to get a tip on a horse…

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