Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Creepyass Carlos
Classic collegiate HCwDB.
Since it’s early, I don’t have much to add to this pic, so I’ll just note that The Far Side is a comic that is sadly all too forgotten to time.
Classic collegiate HCwDB.
Since it’s early, I don’t have much to add to this pic, so I’ll just note that The Far Side is a comic that is sadly all too forgotten to time.
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And thusly was created the “Shit Sandwich”.
Not sure if this guys a douche or not, I’d be smiling if I was made a sammich betwixt these two chicks too. Guido yes, douche?
What I want to know is, what is going on in the background? Is that a blowup doll, or just a pasty white chick/dude??
The Far Side was classic, loved it!!!. Not much going on here and my brain is slow this AM so I’ll just say the girl on the righ needs to suck her gut in as this pic makes her look preggers.
Carlos is not quite a douche. He’s like a douche in training. An apprentice if you will. But trust me he will be there sooner than later.
The hotts look like teasers of the cack. Carlos will spend his last borrowed dime to buy them lemon drops for a chance to dry hump them on their college dorm room bunk beds thus leaving him with blue balls and in need of some lotion.
Blonde hott’s look says, “I might let you put it in my butt.”
Brunette hott’s look says, “I’ve got a wiffle ball bat I’m going to put in your butt. And you’ll like it.”
That pale apparition in the background is Tonetta, getting ready to bust out a tune.
And Carlos’ look says “I’ve got a whiffle bat in my butt and I love it”
The amazon women on the right is amazing. Gary Larson was amazing as well, in a different way. Midvale School for the Gifted was the best cartoon ever made.
This is my first attempt at a hyperlink code since the change to wordpress, hopefully it works…
I think this fuckstick changed the oil and rotated my tires this past weekend. I always wondered why that particular Firestone never had a used oil receptacle. Now I know.
This has “Ukrainian Pimp” written all over it. Just sayin’.
And yeah, what is that in the background? Goolo’s niece?
Chick on the right just might BE Tonetta…
bubblegum boobies look better thru aviators I suppose…
All-time best Far Side: A dingo ranch is next door to a day care center and all the dingos are up on the fence staring at the babies. Caption: Trouble brewing.
That’s why the legacy of Gary Larson & the Far Side must be preserved!
My favorite:

Aw, c’mon. Carlos is just enjoying his new found free time. He quit his job yesterday.
He’s greasy but what 20 year old isn’t anymore. Clothes aren’t too bad. He’s not orange or swole. No dogtags. No tats. But he is becoming a douchebag with the glasses and necklace. Smile is appropriate with those two fucleable spinners on each arm.
His wingman at rear is a full douchebag for fuccking a pasty discount store blow up doll in a public courtyard.
You think Carlos is creepy? DarkSock can be creepy as well…

I’m gonna have to call “Notta” on this guy. He has a seemingly genuine smile that lacks the “Douche Aura” which is attributed to the empty, souless stare that a TRUE douche has. (see The Gator)
Granted his mini-faux and bling-chain, provide proof of eminent doom, he also lacks that “get in my van little girl” look, that would really brand him as creepy.
Comparatively speaking, this guy is a saint up against the likes of “King Douchuous the IV”!
Doubleplus hotchick / undouche.
These two hotties should beware of Doug!
Carlos’ lifts and nascent fauxhawk make him just about 5’2″.
“excuse me, can I take a picture with you?”
That guys name is Enrico, he owns Modern Image Signworks in San Diego
Anyone with a name like enrico must be a douche.
Blonde: “Ew ew ew, hurry take the picture!”
yeah, gotta go nottadouche on Carlos. Greasy, sure. Potential for complete scroatification? Absolutely. But not there yet.
When his “sign business” takes off, he’ll be gettin’ the tats and the “better Ed Hardy” clothes….then he’ll get the chicks that aren’t jail bait.
What’s the name of his sign shop “Greasy Pimps”?
He should make a sign that has a big arrow pointing down that says child molester
Don’t you just love when frosh coeds reach their first dormitory & flush their chastity down the toilet like a freshly creme filled condom?
many a proud papa cringing right now
“my daughter just left for college, & she’s getting humped by the custodial staff”
@ Haha 10:45 AM,
“Modern Image Signworks”? is that like Homer Simpons’s short-lived “Internet King”?
The best far side toons are the nerds in hell and the school for the gifted. No comment on Diego Dentures and Honey Sugarpussy Jeans.
BS, dude is a grade future douche. These two hots are young and not interested in you “Enrico”. Maybe a really bad hand job is in your future from Amazon Chick on the right.
Maybe he is Enrico
Carlos Spicy Wiener here go ahead!