Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Battle Beyond the Tards
Who will win this battle of finely sculpted chin pubes and hair grease for the three Trampy Hott’s sexy hearts (and by hearts, I mean boobs)?
The battle will be epic. And by epic, I mean strangely cartoonish.
This must be the set of The Gaytrix: Fully Choaded.
The Gaytrix: Anal Lotions.
This must be the set of Crouching Taintstain, Hidden Douchewank.
BTW, is this “Rebel Spirit” nonsense a brand, akin to Ed Hardy? I’ve not heard of it before.
Gay magicians have rights too!
I’m still trying to get Vest Guy’s golden globes out of my head.
To be in this situation those girls have got to be whores. They would fucck you like Halliburton.
looks like a douchebag tradeshow, didn’t know they had those, can’t wait to see what fucced up shit they’ll be wearing and what hair products they’ll be using, the suspense is killing me.
Oh no, it is a brand! http://www.rebelspiritclothing.com
The Virus is fighting back.
If that’s the Rebel Spirit, no wonder we lost the war.
This must be the set of Enter The Douchebag.
I checked out that link, $85 t-shirts, what a bargain.
Robot Chicken is more connected with real life than these two LARPers.
So their tag line is “a royal way of life” — we can only hope their next promotional stunt is speeding through the streets of paris chased by paparazzi….
What, too soon?
Lance picked up Bruce and shouted, this.
Rebel Spirit. That’s what you’ve got. You and you alone. You walk your own dark, lonely path and you don’t give a flying f*ck what anyone thinks. You cut against the grain, swim against the tide, cross against the light, and stick you finger in the face of corporate America with a deep, throaty “F*CK YOU” for good measure. You drink your beer out of a shit filled cup because you like the extra body. Nobody understands you and that just fine with you. STEAMROLLA BITCH! You’re a loner, a warrior, a Rebel.
That’s why you buy our stuff, our Rebel Spirit© stuff. Because you’re different. Just like everybody else who buys Rebel Spirit© stuff. Only you buy Rebel Spirit© from our website because that’s the way you steamroll.
In finer stores now…discount stores sooner than you think. Rebel Spirit©, because you just think you’re special.
Ninja Asstaints.
I tried.
Avatard: The Last Nairbender
Fill Bill: Volume I
Fill Bill: Volume Poo
How did the ghost of Richard Nixon manage to get trapped in that shirt?
This looks like a scene from Scott Pilgrim vs. another douche.
G.I. Choad: The Rise of Smegma
Trannyformers: Douchebag in Disguise
Fung Poo Hustle???
Why do I have a feeling that the brilliance of Carl Douglas’ “Kung Fu Fighting” was playing in the background as these 2 Gaylords of the Prance were doing what ever it is they were doing.
A little comic relief
Photo #2:
Douche Vader, Dark Choad of the Shit
“If this is a diplomatic mission, then where is the Ambassador? Where are the Rebel Spirit plans?”
A royal way of life. As in swing shift manager at White Castle or Burger King.
“Everybody was bung poo fighting”
The winner will be disappeared by Criss Angel. WTF does one of em have cornrows?!
Now in the Craptagon, Anal Spoon vs. Herp McTaint.
Jackie Chan, Jr. IS “Super Choad!”
“Rumble in the Douche”
It’s the Flailing Dorito Brothers.
Douchemon – got to mock them all!
Rebel Spirit….somehow I don’t think they qualify as Minutemen.
Wait a minute…the HOTTS aren’t the least bit interested.
Slam, bam, thank you ma’am’ers. I stand corrected.
Did anyone else search in vain for the tiniest Holy Triangle on the hott at the left?
Or was everyone taken aback by the gymnastics display?
Thought so.
It’ll be like Alien vs Predator. Whoever wins, we lose.
@Whoop-Di-Douche: I admittedly combed the picture in search for Triangle.
House of Flying ‘baggers
Scrotato 10:32 FTW!
I didn’t bother clicking the links, I decided today would be a really inconvenient time to claw out my eyeballs. But I will say, “Royal way of life? What’s royal about a T-shirt?”
Enter The ‘Baggin
Game Of Douche
Big Trouble In Little Jersey
‘Baggin Ballz Z
I see this picture and in my mind all I hear is
Smells like Rebel Spirit.
Kurt Cobain just killed himself again.
“Carlito’s Gay”
I guess they didn’t have a volleyball net to re-create the homo-erotic volleyball scene in Top Gun? Were there no saddles available for their Brokeback Mountain love scene (I can’t quit you Gay Bob!)? I’ve seen less gay things while walking through The Castro District.
In a tribute to Mr White:
Here we see Won Fat Ho and I. P. Freely practicing for their fight scene in the soon to be released “Enter the Exit”.
There are days in which I question my maturity for mocking. There are days in which I see things like this and I kick puppies. Both of which are wrong.
Worst of the Worst
The Five Douchey Venoms
Dung Fu Hustle
Forbidden Douchedom
House of Flying Douchebags
Excellent “Battle Beyond The Stars” reference, Boss. I loved that movie and the other 15 films that Corman cannabalized its special effects from as stock footage.

Any film directed by the late great skinflint Roger Corman, starring John-Boy, Robert Vaughn, John Saxon and George Peppard, feature a starship that has a fairly decent set of tits, is going to be classic.
Little known fact: the special effects guy got canned early on, so John Corman promoted the gangly kid that was his assistant: a young James Cameron.
The ship’s big pendulous 70’s all natural tits give me wood still, to this day. Like, right now.
Rocket scientists have theorized that a big, pendulous set of mamms on an interstellar spacecraft could give it the subspace neutrino dynamic necessary for faster than light propulsion.
True story.
i bet “house of the rising douche” is playing i the background
I’m guessing those not so Hotts spend a lot of their working lives on their knees.
I love how the Hotts absolutely don’t give a shite about those 2 douche, but just smiling at the camera or chatting together.
Nothing’s better than attention seeking douches (pleonasm, yes) who don’t get any attention.
Douche Wars
The Expuddables
Jean Claude Van Douche in Double Impud
The hott on the far right. I love her. That is all.
Except that PUDSPORT made me laugh milk out my nose…AND I’M NOT EVEN DRINKING MILK :O