JaBooty wanted to take time out of proving his hip-hop bonafides to Carly and Kimmy at the Back to School party at Wellesley College to address all of us.
What did you want to say, JaBooty?
JaBooty: Y’all keep talkin’ smack, yo! Ya know, I mays not have any of that fancy stuff like a “college degree,” or “income,” or a “job,” or a fully functioning cerebral cortex. But I got somethin’ ways betts!
What’s that, JaBooty?
JaBooty: I gots inner peace! And a Tootsie pop for lates when I get hungry walkin’ home. Stupid bus fare increase.
Anything else you’d like to tell the readers of HCwDB, JaBooty?
JaBooty: Y’all ain’t got nothin’ on me! I’m like King Kong! King Kong ain’t got nothin’ on me! I saw that in a movie once.
Was it “Training Day”?
JaBooty: Naw, it was some porno. Hey, you got any potato chips?
Not right now.
JaBooty: I likes potato chips.
This reminds me of a certain “pudwack” from “New England” on Twitter, Boss. That’s pretty damn close to how the conversation with this wiggalicious numb nut would go. His hots are young. I can not comment at this time.
Aww, JaBooty, if only posing in front of books made you smarter. Chin up little buddy, “Hop On Pop” will soon make sense to you. You know, because you’re gay.
Right hott has a little bit of Michaela Conlin going on. Mmm…Boner-y goodness with Deschanel….auughhhh….
I have dog shit stuck in the tread of my lawn-mowin’-sneakers’ older than these three
This looks like a high school party while Mom and Dad are spending a weekend at the Cape. This was taken a few moments before they busted out the game of SceneIt behind them and Jabooty got to show of his mad pop culture skillz, yo!
Gots to give him props for scoring sum barely legal.
Posing for his facebook page in dads study, jabooty figured he would look smart. unfortunatly dad didn’t smack that stupid look off his face at a young enough age.
And by young enough i meant age 3 months and by smack, i meant with a lead pipe
@ nancy dreuche
Maybe i shoulda read yours first before i gots all excited about my post.
Only true pimps paint deep red accent walls.
Seriously, if you blew this toolio’s head off with a shotgun would he even notice?
No worries Turdacious, a double dose of mock to this guy still won’t do him any good. I suspect a frontal labotomy would have no effect either. We gave it the old college try though, which is more than lil’ Jadoody will ever do.
You know, because he is dumb.
I have dog shit stuck in the tread of my lawn-mowin’-sneakers’ that is chemically identical to JaBooty.

“Like his grandfather before him, John “In Da House” Houseman makes money the old way; pimpen ho’s.
White cups. What gives?
I’ve got Dwight Yoakum’s bone fragments stuck in my lawn mower blade.
I’ve got dolphin cock stuck in my lawn mower blade.
With names written on them. Helps avoid the double-roofie overdose. Otherwise you are in danger of ending up with one of these.
That’s white cups with names. Not Dwight Yoakum’s bone fragments, lawn mower blades or dolphin cock.
Oh bloody hell. Just copy the link to the address bar to see the now-irrelevant joke picture. I quit. BARTENDER!
JaBooty shipoopy who da fuck you tryin’ to kid? It’s all crap all day.
This guy would lose a game of checkers to a fencepost.
This guy’s upper lip reminds me of when I had the Herpes, oh damnit my wife just reminded me that I still have the Herpes, fucck, I thought I shook it.
This Guy has his cockk stuck in his scissor blades.
I’m very, very late to the party, but I want to tell Scrotato that I’m very glad to see that Tater Ranch is still standing and that you and the tots and the missus are alive and well. You see? That’s the mighty hand of God protecting you in return for doing his work here in these hallowed halls. For Douche is a mockery of God’s creation, an abomination on what he hath made in his own image. For you, my Blessed Son…..Angel Pear</a.
The only time the assclown in this pic ever used a book, it was to snort a line of coke.
^ Way to close your tags, asspipe.
Nothing wrong with using a book to snort a line of coke, but I’m old school like that.
I like the reasoning for the non-deep frying of the house, which I find absolutely terrifying by the way, can’t imagine what it felt like to have no control over a situation like that.
I renounce my fandom to the Sixers if that DoucheWhiff is a fan.
Left Girl is hotter than Scrotato Head’s back yard.
Damn, Scrotato; 700 or so evacuated from a freak fire incident out of a country of, what, 310,306,245 or so people, and one of them’s a senior Bag Hunter?
Conspiracy. Something tells me there’s a dude in the Utah National Guard sporting tribal tatts that won a monthly recently. Just sayin’…
And no offense, Scrotato, but WTF is Utah doing with a National Guard unit? I mean, an invader would have to claw through a lot of shit to get to Utah. Now, Mississippi? We got Cuba and shit to stand guard against. Although, as Brother Dave Gardner once said in the 60’s, we could take Cuba at any time with a couple of flat bed trucks full of redneck Mississippi National Guardsmen.
The worst thing about JaBooty other than being an outright mandana douchebag is he is just plain HOMELY, which is made even more painful by the presence of cutie hotts. VERY young cutie hotts.
….Unless they found him wandering around the local E.R. parking lot and took him home for nursing ops….like a wounded puppy…’.cuz girlz are like that.
i weep for Tootsie pops the world over.
Is it only unintentional that the revealed letters on “his” jersey read “Xer”?
Explains why the ladies are there and smiling…..
I have dog shit stuck in the tread of my lawn-mowin’-sneakers’ that has a higher IQ than JaBooty, and a more comprehensive vocabulary to boot.
Great post DB1…Reminiscent of “Big Head, Little Head”
DB1 has managed to capture terror suspect #4,864,479,478,523 Alikahn Ahmed Jundal aka Pakinstani Manni JaBooty trying to deliver his message of jihad to suburban teenage girls. The girls think it’s so “rad” that he’s “all foreign and shit” but they can’t understand a word he says. His Al-Qaedea handlers thought it would be best if he “went native” for this assignment so they dressed him up after hitting random stores at the local dirt mall. Sad thing is he makes as much sense as most douches do.
Um,he’s the guy that cleans up the dorm rooms…right?
Looks more like Ja-SuperGrover… Maybe his cape is stuck in his sandy vagina