Friday Thoughts and Links
Ah yes, the marking of one’s forearm to announce identity and impress the Blondie Hotts.
D.J. culture. Where turning on iPods while standing on a dais earns $1,500 a night.
And so we announce with pride in permanent ink that which is culturally transitory and ephemeral.
Hence, “DJ the Saint.”
Here’s your links:
Your HCwDB DVD Pick of the Week: How’s your wife and my kids?
Darth Maul wears Affliction. Call it the Jedi ‘Bag Trick.
Ubiquitous Red Cups, following the Axe Bodyspray and Jersey Shore self-aware douchebaggery strategy, find new ways to market themselves. And set up a Facebook thing.
Harry Potter Groin Un-Shave Reveal. Should I go for the obvious?… I supposed I should… More like “Hairy Putter!” I hate myself.
Ya gotta sit through a few commercials first, but this episode of “Bones” on Hulu, entitled “The Maggots in the Meathead,” does a beautiful job mocking douchebag (look for the Jesus Bling in the opening sequence and a brilliant ‘bag takedown at 5:25-7:25).
More signs we’re losing the war: “The Situation” continues to cash in.
The response:
With the start of basketball season, it’s time for our annual reminder that the NBA’s Chris Anderson is a shrieking pile of skeezy white trash douchewad. “Free Bird”? Really?
Someone named “Aaron Carter,” whom the reader who submitted this link tells me was once minimally famous, is now posting pics of himself as a greased up musclebag.
In the news: Superdouchey aspiring “rock band” shuts down the 101 freeway in Los Angeles in desperate attempt to gain fame. Zero Rockstar Leniency Rule for this shite.
But you are not here just to mock Chris Anderson and douchey metal bands. You are hear for Pear. It is your reward. For another week of bringing the mock. And here it is:
I would pedal uponst thine glutes like a cracked up ferret chasing a cube of government cheese.
***DJ the Taint clicks on
DJ the Taint loves Bike Pear
DJ the Taint clicks off***
Cougars, mountain lions, what have you, always go for the well-marked neck in the killing process. Chris Anderson, you’re forewarned.
Many a man will dispense with his BIKE to go after Bike Pear.
DJ the SAINT will probably have broadcasting electronics of some sort surgically implanted into his arm, thus qualifying for a yearly business tax deduction AND advertising for the service.
If he’s smart.
Which he’s not.
I thought Jersey Shore RPG was something else.
Hairy Potter needs to trim his eyebrows too, after he carefully shave-grooms the GR to read “Owls Roost Here.”
I would crank one up Bike Pear after twisting thine spoke nipples, lubing my chain, greasing my seatpost, pumping her tyres and polishing my headset.
Your humble servant, Blinded.
**Desk Lamp clicks on.
I love Olivia Newton John Bike Pear.
And regular Lamp is a dudes fag who died in the 80s.
**Desk Lamp clicks off.
Desk Lamp totally forgot to delete one of his alternate identities, and therefore deserves a twat punch.
More in the bike pear vein.
“RPG Game” – Redundant Acronym Syndrome ftw
you had me at jersey shore RPG. im not much on video games so i assumed it meant Rocket Propelled Grenade.. i was slightly disappointed but it was still funny. imperial stars ruined my lunch. not even 12yo aaron carter could get away with that shit.
bike pear makes me want to put 10 leg warmers on my coccyx and hump inflatable pool
@ YA
“Redundant Acronym Syndrom” aka “RAS Syndrome”
Syndrom aka Syndrome, fuckface.
Sheeit, I’ve played the Viper Room, fuck anyone that destroys rush hour in L.A.
DJ’s are a plague , but unless disco makes a comeback the only dancing there would be for young folks is country line dancing ( which is actually pretty cool watching a bunch of hunnies in shirts tied up displaying their navals, tight jeans and cowboy hats in synchronized hip wagging) and frolicking .
I’m not giving DJ’s any cred as musicians but they do serve a purpose.
It’s hard not to bust out the Tony Manero moves when the Bro’s Johnson get it on
Louis could play that bass
Way to go, Chris Anderson. If anyone hasn’t noticed that you have no chin, they have now. And by have no chin, I mean inbred.
yet more in the bikepear vein…
Her bike seat looks like Mick Jagger kissed it with too much chapstick on.
The high heels would make for an interesting bike ride. Somehow, though, I don’t think usability was high on her priority list when the outfit was selected.
“Major League” is one of the movies that inspired my young, failed attempts at masturbation (It’s harder for girls! Who knew?) over a surly, bespectacled Charlie Sheen. I don’t even care what kind of coke-snorting, hooker-frequenting, wife-beating asshole he may have turned into, I’d slather him in sausag gravy and then let him slap me on the head with scuba flippers while I sopped up the gravy with a biscuit stuffed in my orifice of his choosing. Too soon?
@ Blinded BTS and Douche Bagel
Yeah, me too. Funny nonetheless, but I was hoping for something different.
RE Hairy Putter….young men do nothing for me. So what is the deal with me being totally turned on by Mr. Radcliffe’s latest escapades as a shirtless little bad boy, daring one to give him a spanking on his sassy little bum while—oh, wait, I just figured it out, never mind.
RE Chris Anderson: Never heard of him until now. Neck tattoos are a farkin’ nightmare, kudos to whoever got it packed in so well. And at the same time, how desperate for money were you? Coulda done something way more awesome than, seeing as the guy doesn’t give a toss what he looks like anymore….
Imperial Stars are Imperial dicks. How many people were late for work on account of that autofellating crap stunt? How many people might have been trying to get to the farkin’ Emergency room or something? How many school buses got held up? You gotta be kidding me. Nice video, too, tardos. You couldn’t even get a real club scene going, you had to make it look like you have fans. I’m a total nitwit and I could have made that video on my laptop. I would have done it for free if you promised to move to Siberia and take your silly truck with you.
I’m off to dream about sniffing that bike seat.
I don’t think of the Brothers as disco as much as a branch of the black groove starting in the the late sixties through the early seventies soul. The new black music just fuccking sucks.
Hairy Potter and the Dick He Swallows.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Bone.
Hairy Potter and the Prisoner Of Asshebangs.
Hairy Palm and the Order of the Penis.
Harry Potter and Prince.
I shoulda been the 2nd comment today…thanks much DB1 for an early Friday!
the youtube comments thread on the Imperial video are rather humorous, so we can at least thank them for that.
@ Medusa: sniffin’ bike seats? I bring you Tinto “the ass is the window to the soul” Brass.
I can’t believe it took Medusa to produce the first seat-sniffing comment. All you guys who commented before her must be spanked with Snooki’s pickle.
Fenton Hardy is an Imperial Star. You know, he’s the talented one.
Ok, I wish they weren’t rapping. But this is AWESOME. I love these girls and I want to adopt them and make them cookies and maybe see if I can get ’em to kiss. How do they even know who Truman Capote is? I’m so proud.
I always crack up at the Bros. Johnson; whitey on the drums. What, couldn’t find any brothers with rhythm? Gimme a break, Louis could probably play the bass and still get off the percussion.
Thanks for the flashback, I forgot how great we all looked in those sweet threads.
@ Blinded BTS: Tinto Brass was the architect of ass pear worship as we know it today.
@ Wedgie–can I do the spanking?
Hmmm!!! Bike Pear, I would ascend Alpe d’Huez on Vin Douchals bicycle (with his permission of course) just for the chance to “draft” behind her on the descent.
Bros’s Johnson, The Gap Band those were some bass driven groovin funksters gotta love that sound pumping out of a pair speakers that can handle that type of low end.
Mena Suvari did a pretty funny mock skit of Aaron Carter
I’m off to dream about Medusa dreaming about sniffing that bike seat.
Red Cups are for rookies these are
Cups =
That was supposed to be DJ the Taint but it got mis-spelled. Oh, and Darth Maul == pussy.
I want to Un-See Harry Potter Happy Trail Reveal. What Would The Wizarding Community Do or WWWCD? If I go look at that Gator pic again maybe that will help.
I may be in the minority here, but I sometimes find Jake and Amir funny
I want to lick Bike Pear’s seat clean after shes done a Tour de France.
Im glad that after my hiatus that the pear is still quality. The douche is still douchey but all is right in the world when there is pear!
Mmm, bike pear. Makes me glad I put my old Pug in the shop this week for the forthcoming summer. Still need to avoid the sun. Surfing and biking are early morning/late afternoon activities for me nowadays. DJ “The Saint” is as far removed from Simon Templar as is possible. And despite her roots showing, blondie hott is still a smidgen away from total skankhood. Enjoy your weekend fellow bag hunters. We live to mock another day.
Pedaling is for losers, here’s some real bike pear.
^Shit! I hate “this page cannot be displayed” messages. I got all excited about real bike pear. Now I have to wipe off all this astroglide.
i didn’t even get to rip on that loser Fenton Hardy
all i can say after backtracking and reading his script is that my judgment is this:
Nerd, not Fyah
the alpha male argument was retarded….you think a stupid hot chick who probably has the low self esteem and poor goals that puts them in the clubs every night because they were raped at home by closet homo family members, hooking up with ugly quasi-retarded meatheads and closet creeps is a formula for successful future generations of humanity? no good sir, i’m afraid you have erred. Not sure if you read what the regs say here but for a newcomer like me I have noticed they aren’t kids, they have kids in a lot of cases…there are chicks and a lot of married dudes. The one thing they all seem to have in common is being intelligent. When you are intelligent there is a good chance you will be frustrated by the 85% of humanity who are not. a site like this pops up to service the need to do something constructive with that frustration. it is a hobby to check out the site, something to do in one’s spare time. I am good looking and have fucked hotter chicks than who has been posted here so far…i hate going to clubs and approaching a super hott and finding out quickly they have about 2 IQ points to rub together…what is worse are the girls who are smart enough to entertain me but need a dumber guy than themselves to buffer their frail ego. that is the source of bag prosperity…that they are dumber on average than the girls. it gives the girls a way to balance the physical troglodyte rape threat advantage men retain. so yeah..i come here and mock bc i dont want these chicks and the bags have no understanding of what the hell the score is. there are hot girls everywhere…if this site was posting pics of hot girls just walking down the street or hanging out in a food court or coming to and from work and it was about ripping on them and who they were walking with…i dont think anyone would be here to mock that. it is the trash and waste of humanity filling clubs and vegas pools that draws disdain, contempt and a multitude of humorous observations given most of us want to stay upbeat about the shitty reality and atrocious circumstances of western culture and north american society.
That so called rock band blocking the 101….Isn’t it a federal crime to block an interstate highway? I think SO.
Some lady lost her job because she was late, and another was in hard baby-labor and delivery “on the road.”
Now, if this had really, REALLY inconvenienced some males….. lemme see, lemme see…. which is worse? Blocking an interstate during commute,no less; or utilizing snipers to rid the hapless drivers of that nuisance?
SOmehow I think a jury might find the snipers innocent. Remember, it’s OJ-land in the courtrooms of greater LA.
Stay away from the clubs if you don’t want to see stupid.
dicy…i read one of your comments on some hall of scrote post and i was hoping you would come back.
Kinda funny that the only episode of Bones I ever watched just happened to be that one.
And, insert “wish my face was a bicycle seat” line here.
Of course I think that every time I find myself in a spin class. ZING!
Loving bike pear. : )
Yes Im back. Senior year is proving to be crazy busy so my posting wont be as dedicated as before butttt things have calmed down a bit so Im hoping to be reg again.
I’ve missed you all!
We’ve missed you as well, Dicy. We know you’re kicking butt in school, though.
I am haha.. making straight A’s to finish of the bachelors the right way ^_^
Mmmmm…..butttt things.
Welcome back, Dicy.
Woohoo, Dicy! : D
And to celebrate, dis dawg be mixin’ some slammin’ phat tracks, yo!
^^See? You don’t even need opposable thumbs.
Seriously…101 shutdown. How much commerce and jobs and profit were affected? Thanks, f*cking douchetards for me being even the sightliest inconvenienced. If you were Clapton, that would be one thing, but instead you were Imperial Star…and your “art” shats for itself.
Hey DB1, can we show some love to Parker & Stone for a hilarious Jersey Shore episode of South Park?
It appears that Mr. Carter’s meth face has given us an insight in to the dark subrecesses of self-loathing and finally answers the eternal mystery to muclebags everywhere if it is hardcore and good for getting ‘jacked’ to mix meth with hgh or steroids. I guess those scientists in pharmacology can rest easy and move on to other stuff. However, I am wary of how big this might become. I will not want to be anywhere near him or musclebags like him when someone tells them their shoe is untied. It will be like midgets trying to fight off a herd of mammoths.
The bike pear was wonderful. If I had more cyclists like that on my route as opposed to the hipsterbags who think they can ride a brakelss fixie especially downhill, It would make that all the more enjoyable.
I would have liked to read CBS rip the intellectual wannabee Fenton Hardy a new one. I don’t classify myself as overly intelligent. Some days I feel downright dumb. But I struggle more with the repeated suggestion of society that I really ought to accept the culture that spawned the douche. If it wasn’t for the hope offered by this site my heart would sink.
Holy fuck! I haven’t been to this site in a few months, what with all my cock gargling and horse felching, and shit’s still the same. Wannabe intellectual, rambling diatribes full of witty pop culture references about guys who have railed my bung hole. Hey, ‘DB1’, I would like to invite you to the meat Hoover that is my esophagus. In fact if all of you (except Medusa, Dicy & Nancy D) would kindly form a train behind him, I want to become a giant semen stain
Medusa Link to the Garfunkel and Oates video is brilliant.
The Boss should feature it. It’s some kind of awesome. The girls doing the rapping seem like normal sweet people, and I congratulate them on their rant against douchebaggery. Job well done.
After editing Fenton “you’reaslameastheyare” Hardy’s blathering at 4:47 am, I will now contribute something positive to this forum: a NEW image of Ass Pear LaPlante’s eminently worshipful bottom, which I would gladly auger a burlap sack filled with lovable lemurs with a dredger chain just for the privilege of eating a PayDay bar out of her ass:

@tall guy. I second the rippage of Fenton Hardy by CBS, who is surprisingly starting to make some actual sense. (I’m not being mean, check out some of his last post.) I think there was something in there about a Vandam kick and a curling iron.
Also, can anyone out there tell me whose playing the SF Giants today? Our friend Fensty mentioned it a couple of times but I really don’t wanna go back and check.
@DarkSock I am offended that I was not excluded from the train to be runneth on Fenton invite. I would like no part of that repetitive chocolate starfish invasion. And I love chocolate!
Do the hatters realize that it’s possible to both rip on douchebags and get laid? Why the f*ck would I, or anyone else, be “jellous” of the absurd choads who grace this site?
too late…your dad beat us to the punch…and by punch i mean a big donkey one to the back of the head just to have you calm down from your attention seeking raging fits so that he could make you that semen stain daily, and by beat I mean none of us made a step forward to do anything for you…people respond to ppl like you here to express something to their friends. i could be the hater, it could all be contrived…it wouldn’t matter. someone writes something, someone else responds. in reality there doesn’t have to be a truly frustrated hater behind the comments.
there is the idea of a frustrated young man trying out a french kiss with a bi-sexual boy in the summer while drunk on schlitz at the cottage and then returning to the city in fall with the itching need to prove that experimentation is worthy and acceptable. now it will be time to get some encounters with women to offset the confusion, insecurity and self-loathing…however, appearing too creepy on dating sites, facestalking friends of friends and even random craigslist dates created a huge fail…being not tall enough, not good looking enough, not funny enough and not interesting enough didn’t help either…neither did being a compulsive liar, because eventually all the females caught on by having to make eye contact with an evil little shit that was mentally fluctuating bi-polar disordered mood swings that had him wanting to hold them late at night like they would kindly do with their sister who never loved them to wanting to rape them relentlessly with their clothes still on.
Fenton and Lame –
yes there is the idea of that guy and whether you are him or not…when you show up on this site spewing venomous rejection of what it is, why it is and who is here…we just see you as that confused self-loathing bisexual boy (in everyone’s own terms). that is why the regs respond and take jabs at what you say..bc they want to figure out what the major malfunction is, they want you to say something interesting in response that provides clues…bc there is an assumption that the hater is real. so it is a double edged sword…either you are an uninteresting hater who provides stock criticism and doesn’t really count and could be replaced by even a pretender and reg in douchebag drag for halloween or you are an interesting hater provoking not answers to your criticisms, but questions about your motives to criticize. so basically you lose either way. can you see that? you are a hater and present more than anything else, a need to be validated, which of course hints at a huge void. just lay off the gay porn jerk off sessions and stop forcing situations with girls that are unnatural and then fenton…i think you will be much better off. you may find yourself accepted here or in true intellectual circles (whatever those are) or even at a fey fashionista estravaganza hosted by the illustrious kleenex ass wipe mafia. good luck to you…seems like you’ll need it and a little more commonsense perhaps.
@ Nancy D: I fixed it; my bad!
Well, I can’t figure out where to post this so I’ll just do it here. I found Medusa’s Christmas present.
@ Fatness—Wow. Just…wow. Thank you so much. I’ll see you all in about 6 months….
@ Lame 4:47–what, I don’t get to get my dick sucked, too? Sexist pig.
@ CBS 10:55–I’ll be honest, your posts often confuse and sometimes frighten me. But that was pretty awesome.
to CBS – sharing parental wisdom are we? My Daddy once told me that dudes that bitch about other dudes getting chicks only complain because they can’t get any… or their girlfriend’s a troll. Now sit in front of your computer on a Saturday and type a short story about that, you wound up little wanker
@DarkSock Forgiven.
@CBS. You brought the heat
@You’reascoolasweare. What was your childhood like? A brief synopsis only please. You know, just the main bullet points. Something I can read in oh say a minute or two.
@you’reaslameastheyare, your Daddy is a festering faggot, and your mama found you in a trash bin.
thanks for explaining. maybe in the future you can think more consciously about whether your Dad had a narrow view of things. my dad told me about races, nations, governments, history, women and culture among other things. i thought he was the knowledge God when i was a kid. although I appreciate that I now know the Roman emperors in order, how to locate eastern european capitals and that you should let women freak out without freaking out yourself….many of his theories and ideas are out of date, overly simplified and simply ignorant. i am a red blooded man…i would fuck the living hell out of most of the girls featured on this site based on their looks alone. I would never choose to date them. I pity their values and most of all their taste in men. These men are poor examples for future generations. They are fey gits. The girls are only better because they look good. The irony is that the men don’t match up in looks. The guys that are labeled douchebag are not all that attractive objectively speaking. I don’t feel threatened by them. If they want to be out there acting like wankers trying to get a piece of these dumbs chicks…great! but i will make fun of both groups because they are absolutely ridiculous. If I was a caveman I would make fun of the other cavemen that couldn’t figure out how to wipe their asses. The dingleberries would lead to much fingerpointing and snickering regardless if those dumbasses had good hunting skills, were tall, were muscular, were sensitive, could make a mean whell. the douchebags are putting something on display that the hotts find valuable…i just dont like the idea that i have to cater to a woman’s set of values and their homo friends set of values to impress them. i will take my chances with the hotts not found in the clubs and other trendy locales. so far it has been a fine course of action. i doubt i am the only guy on this site who can make that claim. just relax wanker. it all makes sense once you take your RIG injections and realize that not everyone wants to be macaroni douchebag faggot…we just think better of ourselves than to wonder whether our hair looks right, our shirt is expensive enough, our shoes are the right choice for the venue, our bling makes us look like we have lots of money and that those standards are continuously changing and we would have to turn to a transsexual fashion designer to be truly up to date.
these girls have their values decided by decadent flaming indignant homo males and limp drug peddlers. the douchebags follow that and make their decisions in alignment with that. that is scary and laughable. i will mock it forever regardless if there is a website for it or not.
there is a nice quote about women in general…i think it applies better to club whores:
women talk to one man, look at another while thinking about a third.
…and the guys trying to score them have to appeal to gay created culture, and the women aren’t even loyal or truly interested. get your dick wet then if you cant think of anything else to do with your life. i think better of the idea of women than to just run out and stick it in whatever looks good…especially if i have to look like a tool to pull it off.
you think shiny busy thin fabric silky shirts look good? you think pointy toed shoes look good? you think greasy sharp and pointy hair looks good? you think getting tatts that have zero meaning…just big black patterns, look good? you think lots of jewelery on a man looks good? all this shit is for chicks. why are guys rocking it? it’s a fucking joke. the people that think it looks good are homos. if homos thought sweatpants and home made t-shirts were the hottest on a guy…that is what you would have to wear to clubs to score these girls. it’s a joke.
kleenex ass wipe and fish slap and gator and those fags could decide to wear clown costumes and for a while it would fly…bc they are DRUG DEALERS!!! that is what they do and that is why they are surrounded by these girls. why would i ever follow that way. i dont believe in destroying poor people in third world countries for party night back here. if i could safely do it…i would take all those aforementioned douchebags and put and ax to their limbs. we would have a nice assortment of basketcases in the end. dont bother me about this anymore. the site is right. the people who mock the losers featured on this site are right. being a douchebag is weak. being into these effeminate and repressed closet queers as a girl is weak. being a man who follows gay culture to score women is weak. those are the facts and you can go print out my posting and roll it up and shove one end up your dad’s ass and stick the other end in your mouth and blow. got it?
sorry guys for the blog clogging. i just dont want to hear the failed douchebags- failed cool dudes show up here and spout stock moronic inaccurate self-esteem buffering defenses.
i dont have a problem with real douchebags who find the site and grow the balls to actually speak up for themselves given the size of their mind is a cunt hair split end. that gall is funny and worthy of me reading and the responses to it. but these loser wannabes just need to go find a place for themselves and it is neither here imo nor at the feet of the stereodouchtronic twins.
find some friends fenton and stop worrying about what other people are doing on friday, saturday, and sunday. i’m fucking your mom’s gaping anoose on friday, going to the football game on saturday and relaxing with jack on sunday. dont trouble yourself about it. and try to stop looking at gay porn…you will like yourself better. you have to stop at some point anyway.
^Will someone please change the channel! First “Everybody Loves Raymond” and now this! See this is exactly why I don’t watch TV.
@CBS: “the size of their mind is a cunt hair split end”.
Jersey Shore RPG dished out some true justice thar.
oh and Bike Pear’s boobs just might be bigger than her ass. which would be epic.
re, 101 Freeway stunt…best of show in the comments:
“”A hard core hip-hop band from Orange County?” That’s the biggest series of oxymorons I’ve ever heard. Maybe now they can spend some time in LA County Jail and find out what “hard core” really means.”
Let’s be frank about this shall we? CBS types like an ADD 4 year old – so pretty much how I picture every douchebag pictured on this site when they open their mouths. A know-it-all clown. And worse, it probably takes him a whole day to type half the nonsense he writes. Sure there are a few buzz words sprinkled in, but it’s mostly non-coherent carbage. My fingers are fucking sore from scrolling past your droppings, douche. Go back to mocking school and then come back.
Lighten up, Francis.
I like turtles.
i write quickly, i rarely edit. you should stop changing your name bc your sentiments and sentence structure look quite familiar. also…if that is the best you can do to counter my rips…maybe time to stop showing up with names you think will go over well and just fuck off. there are a few words that are common here because that is how i talk…i dont edit my script to impress. i express. dude, you are a loser. you cant stand up to me with the protection of web anonymity nor would you dare in real life. i know who i am and nobody steps…that is my track record. insults that dont apply aren’t really going to phase me much. still just annoyed that your bi-polar confused quasi-gay self is still showing up here changing names to get messages through that nobody else is saying “yeah, you go girl….you torch up that nigga CBS…what an ADD 4 yr old know it all clown fag”
you are a looser. you make it obvious to all those who dont want to read 1000 words and i make it obvious to the rest. you dont have to give up, but you have to improve your take on things and start coming at it with a bit of relevance. maybe then ppl will agree with you and you might feel like you belong here. i wont hold my breath though
@frank who is frank
look at what you wrote. you think anyone believes you are a regular fan of the site when you write this,
“so pretty much how I picture every douchebag pictured on this site when they open their mouths”
the people who write here aren’t typically classified as douchebags. you clearly are not a regular here or a fan of the site by writing things that way. you have a hate on for ppl who dont want to see things you way. that is a big difference between us. i suspect you are about 25, a short history of depression and schizophrenia, no sibling that you are all that emotionally close to, and parents who had something planned for your life that you didn’t…or alternatively didn’t have anything seriously planned and haven’t gotten on board your wacko ideas for career success. you probably aren’t on meds because you are too hostile…but i would suggest seeking out a psychologist
are you the type who roams around youtube videos using multiple accounts and defend your inflammatory hate rants as if you were unbiased passersby? i suspect you are. if being here and seeing people that are cooler than you ripping on ppl who are more successful with girls than you is getting your dander up…just leave. nothing is going to change because you are mad. you are the type who gets rowdy outside a club because a girl was looking at you but her own fricken boyfriend blocked you out. you go to pick a fight and get clobbered, nearly raped and most likely dropped off in a dumpster. you get upset about it, go home, put on makeup and then put ajax in envelopes and write letters to people you have hated in your life telling them they have been ‘thraxed. the next morning you dont even throw it all out because the indignant rage feeling is so natural and familiar now. you bundle it all up in a big ziplock bag and put it in an old shoe box with your crappy early 90’s german fisting VHS collection. now…i’m am going to enjoy my sunday and wish the same to all the good guys here. hope you all win your bets. fenton/frankfurter/lame…try not to hang yourself today…apparenty sunday is the big day for that.
I have been gone for a couple of months from here. Working too much. I’ve had no personal internet time, you know, except for porn. I’m glad to see everything is right in the universe.
However, DB1, I wish you hadn’t banned Fenton Hardy, he would have been so much fun for us play with: you know like a cat plays with a mouse, while slowly killing it. I know he wasn’t funny, but he was an amusement. I really liked watching Medusa dismember him.
Medusa, I love you. I’m looking for a woman like you. Congratulations and enjoy your cereal. You go girl.
If anyone read The Stand (Stephen King–don’t judge me too harshly–he beats the fuck out of the Hardy Boys, when you’re 12) Fenton’s tone sounded exactly like the Harold the character in the book who tried to sell out all humanity for a piece of ass.
Oh, best of all: who beat the Phillies this weekend?
Internet fight!
Save me Turtle Boy!
CBS,you really should get your own blog. You rant a hell of a lot about nothing. Could you just keep it simpler and less wordy. I think a lot of people have ideas about who writes on here,but you really don’t know who writes on here, don’t insult people you do not know anything about.
It makes you look bad. And if you are so intelligent,or trying to be, insulting anyone who disagrees with you is just little boy schoolyard play. This site is supposed to be about mocking douche bags…at least I thought it was.
yawn. wth are you talking about? only losers have been insulting me and their criticisms of my character are way off…so i respond with what i consider to be more intuitive. if you dont like it…dont read it. easy decision to make.
i dont think i have ever ranted about ‘nothing’ in my life. i wouldn’t bother writing if it didn’t relate to my experience of life. so if you want to say that my experience of life is nothing…then i have nothing to say to you. so dont insult me chief