A Note to Denis Leary: Hot Chicks with Douchebags is Not Free Material for All Comedians to Use as “Inspiration” for Comedy Central Specials
An open letter to Denis Leary, from me, the guy who wrote the book “Hot Chicks with Douchebags,” created, was lead writer and executive produced MTV’s “Is She Really Going Out With Him? and has been writing this site every day since March of 2006:
Dear Guy Who Stole His First Act From Bill Hicks,
I haven’t seen your special “Douchebags and Donuts” yet, since it doesn’t air on Comedy Central until Sunday. It may be unlike the last five years of writing done on Hot Chicks with Douchebags, in my book, and on my show on MTV. I suppose that’s possible.
But this notion of douchebag deconstruction that you’re so happy to create a comedy special around (and test out on “The Tonight Show”) is one I created on this very blog. Five years ago.
I conceived it. I even had a book published nationally about it. And a TV show. And my book was optioned by a studio. And I wrote a script based on that book.
I’ve done sixty or seventy radio interviews. Been written up in Playboy, Rolling Stone and numerous other mags.
My show on MTV was the precursor to “The Jersey Shore” and just finished airing its third season.
So, you see, I don’t really think my blog/book/TV show/movie deal could possibly have been missed by you. Much like any writer-comedian’s product, the concept of douchebag deconstruction and categorization is one I’ve created, defined, published and sold in a variety of media formats.
This means the material, concept and style of the humor is mine. Was created by me. You “borrowing” it is not an homage. It is not a tribute. And it is not cool.
You may have considered doing a special called “You Might Be a Redneck.” Or perhaps “Stuff White People Like.” I suppose I should be flattered you chose HCwDB. But I am not.
The fact that funny things appear on the internet do not mean they are not written, conceived and belong to people.
Come up with your own shit. Asshole.
– Jay Louis
EDIT: Here’s another clip from the special. Judge for yourself.
Backstory: Denis Leary is “inspired” by Bill Hicks in the 80s.
More Backstory: Louis C.K. responds to Leary’s comedic “inspiration.”
Unfortunately, the concept of stealing other people’s shit and broadcasting it with their own face-brand-name is nothing new to Hollywood, either.
Nobody better steal my angry neglected girlfriend routine. Its my bread and butter, yo!
Sorry about your issue DB1. If it makes you feel any better, I’ve never even set foot on Dennis Leary’s website, let alone commented on it. So at least you’ve still got that going for you.
Who the fuck is Denis Leary?
Sincerely, 1995
What a shame, I’ve like some of Denis Leary’s stuff in the past. BTW, who’s the trashy hott beside him? She seems recognizable but damned if I can place her (and don’t have time to research it either; that and I’m a lazy shit).
Denis Leary? Is he the hippie from the 60s who was a proponent of psycho-tropic drugs like LSD?
Oh wait, I’ve found a Denis Leary on IMDB….Rescue Me? Two if by Sea? The Secret Lives of Dentists? The Job? Sand? Company Man? Operation Dumbo Drop? In Search of Ted Demme? Red State Diaries? A bunch of voice over roles? Jesus Christ, it’s no wonder he had to steal from you boss….
Boss, people have no originality to them. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to start a pop band with four other buddies and we’re gonna dance while we sing. It’s a totally new concept. Five dudes, dancing and singing. Never been done before. It’ll sell like hot cakes.
@Deltus, that’s Liz Hurley about 10+ years, 20 pounds and a menopause ago….
Although Jay makes a great point about his own brand, the word “douchebag” did exist long before 2006. Leary isn’t saying Hot Chicks With Douchebags” and even though this site does deconstruct the cultural explosion and unlikely acceptance of the form it’s not exclusive to people mocking others.
Take for instance EBaum’s World or Break.com or even The Dirty as places that collect things that already exist and categorize them for our perusal.
The genius of this website is Db1’s spot on bag tags and commentary. The secondary enjoyment is in posting one’s own attempts to match them or read the brilliant musings of say, Baron von Goolo, Darksock, Troy, Sarge, Captain, Taterhead and Crucial ( where have you gone you Plinky and Pfah?). Period. That’s the form and the beauty.
To play the devil’s advocate here, is that what Leary is doing? I don’t think so. But all comedians “borrow” whether from other artists or acquaintances ( ex. Shit My Dad Says).
The only true original comedians were the Marx Brothers, Lenny Bruce and Richard Pryor. Everyone after them is borrowing generously from their shticks
I have to side with Vin on this one. Howard Stern also claims everyone has stolen everything from him, but some of what he’s doing was there before also. He’s just done it better. Lets wait to see what this show is, exactly, before we pass judgement. Leary is a funny fucker otherwise.
Really? The guy uses the word “douchebag” in the title of something you haven’t seen and you immediately accuse him of plagiarism? Not to mention the fact that the word and concept of “douchebags” existed long before you set up this site. That’s an incredibly douchey thing to do, DB1. Or did I just rip you off by saying that?
Watch the clip from the episode I linked to and judge for yourself.
– management
You need a good IP attorney…..
I follow suit with Vin and MC900FD on this one. It’s not like we’re talking about Dane Cook or Carlos Mencia here. I say we wait until the 17th and then have a reasonable discussion like mature adults.
Or why wait? You’ve got some Viacom gravitas, don’t you, boss? Ask for a screener.
Agree with the last few posters here. I think you are just reacting negatively to him using the word “douchebag” to sell his comedy routine. I checked out the clip of him singing. First off, it’s dumb…I didn’t laugh once. So, I am not a Leary fan. However, when he refers to douchebags, he is talking about people that do stupid things (talk on the cell while driving, wearing a fanny pack, etc.). He isn’t talking about guys that wear eyeliner and take steroids and hang out by the Hard Rock pool. So, Jay, let it go. The word douchebag to describe a person has been around for a long, long time. I give you credit for applying the term to those club-hopping juiceheads in TapOut shirts, but that’s as far as it goes, man. Put your energy to use somewhere else.
Aw, poor Joe Jackson. Did he steal your song title too? Wait, you’re not Joe Jackson.
You’re not even Sugar Ray.
@DB1, why don’t you just submit a take down request to the Leary camp. Throw in something about your lawyers, misspell a few things, ask for a formal apology and then problem solved.
@Todd, we contacts, got permission, and then paid Joe Jackson $$ for the rights to the song music and title for the show. That’s how it works.
Incidentally, J.J. enjoyed checking out HCwDB.
– management
The song at that link made me vomit angry hornets, why a guitar player? it’s all synth… I think my brain is bleeding. I don’t get what Leary is up to, but two things are for certain – he is a Douchemop and pre-menopause Liz Hurly was Hott!
Ummm…Liz Hurley. Too bad she’s not showing off the girls in that shot.
Charlie Sheen is an alcoholic, did he steal that from you too, DB1? If so, what a douchebag.
Then put a copyright on your own “IPs” or something, asshole.
You don’t have an exclusive on abstract ideas in this world.
Jay, you have become the first of the douchebags apparently – too much exposure to the chimera petrified you.
Tell me please if Buddha would fuckin’ agree with you. Whatever Buddha say is what I’ll repeat.
For that guy is not a douchebag.
Be humble and patient for it’s a tough world. Sure, he might have “stolen” your idea…it has happened to me somehow in a similar way but I was ONLY flattered and glad that others took inspiration, even when they were doing a second hand product…it is NOT in your control in ANY way…people are free to create second hand products, not everyone is as original and talented as you are and it’s not a sin not to be.
This only means that you’re being one stupid fuck of an arrogant primadonna right now.
Site losing appeal more and more as days go by.
Have some gratitude and move on.
This just in….. famed musician Joe Jackson is Darksock
Babba Booey! Babba Booey! Jackson Dell’Abate!
Ahem, …… back to Anderson Cooper in the studio…
Leary was also singing about how he can’t stand people who ride bikes– maybe he’s stealing from jasonstackhouse.com, too.
He’d better be careful– I hear they have a badass left-handed Jew lawyer and have had six-figure offers for the domain name from HBO…
I dunnoh, I R A Darth Aggie, Liz Hurley just seems like a bad lay. All I can think of is even if you’re that hot if your shitty in bed , your old man is going to go out on you to look for a hummer from this, blechhh

Fuck off Dennis Leary and your TV show that only firefighters watch when drunk. you cocckwad. Boston fake faggot. And don’t steal my drunk middle aged crazy guy with young daughters schtick or I’ll wreck your nads you pieace of shit. And it’s not a schtick you wannabe fuckhead shit comedian.
Wasn’t there a clip somewhere of Dennis Leary getting Pwned by someone on some talk show?
I’m glad you got over that incident where someone “stole” your command of the English language.
Way to soldier on pard’ner.
I don’t see it. I really don’t. He’s talking about douchebags, yes, but I don’t think it’s an exact rip off of this site. Maybe the total program might make me think different, but from the clips I don’t see how you can think he’s stealing your schtick.
Elizabeth Hurley is a hottie. Maybe not the best taste in men, so she fits this site well.
my problem with Leary has always been – how does he get away with that tough guy routine? Is he supposed to be scary or something? I’d love to knock those buck teeth out of his mouth all the way back to Beantown.
Guys have been running from Liz Hurley since Hugh Grant got caught with the above mentioned hooker, so you have to wonder if she’s a rotten lay, a horrible cunt or both. Remember when she got preggers some years ago and guys were fighting NOT to claim the baby as theirs??? I’m just sayin’….
i’m with Vin & San Frandoucheco on this one. that said, leary’s cong sucked ass.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jay Louis and nuttybeaverca. nuttybeaverca said: Hot Chicks with douche bags keeps getting ripped off http://bit.ly/eJLaNp […]
I think the lesson I learned from this whole thread is that Louis C.K. is funnier than Dennes Queery and anyone on this site, myself included. I love learning!
So,… what we’ve learned here is that Dennis Leary is a Lenny Clarke/Db1/Bill Hicks ripoff hack, Joe Jackson is indeed one cool motherfucker and Elizabeth Hurley is great masturbation material but her pussy probably stinks.
been reading for three years and have contributed multiple times, including via personal email. just wanted to say, this letter to Denis makes you sound a bit like a douche. you haven’t even seen the show yet, and while i’m a supporter and appreciate what you do, you aren’t the first person to ever use the term douche, and just because you blog about it doesn’t mean you own the phrase. further, are you saying you’re indirectly responsible for the Jersey Shore on MTV? That show glorifies and makes celebrities of the douche. two steps forward, three steps back. congrats.
All these questions! And no one is asking the one of REAL importance…. When do we get those donuts?
Hold on people. Now (and Boss correct me if I’m wrong here) I think what Jay is trying to get at here is that Leary has been stealing people’s bits for a long time and he needs to come up with some of his own original stuff. Yes, calling someone a douchebag has been around for a long time but the way it has been and will continue to be as it is done here is kind of unique. Shortly after this site went up a number of other douchebag-related sites started popping up too. Did Jay freak out then? No, because they have faded into obscurity whereas this site continues to flourish. Obviously they were trying to cash in the douchebag awakening but I’ll bet traffic to this site is A LOT higher than for any other one. Leary on the other hand has stolen (and will probably continue to steal) from other great comics. Did Bill Hicks has exclusivity when he did his smoking bits? No, but when Leary does them they lose that dark flavor Hicks had with them. That’s what makes Leary look like a two-bit hack. Should Jay be pissed? Maybe. We haven’t seen the show yet but I’m guessing that Jay and some of us may hear some of the jokes we have written coming out of Leary’s mouth. Will I be pissed if I hear one of my usually putrid jokes coming out of Leary? Hell yeah but I can’t do shit about it. I think that Jay is probably expressing some frustration at the lack of proper credit. If Leary would preface his act with something like “Have you ever seen this site called Hotchickswithdouchebags.com? Now that’s some funny shit.” and then launch into the rest, things would be OK. Just my $0.02. And remember that opinions are like assholes, everybody has one and they all stink.
oh, and Leary is in that picture? All I see is Liz Hurley.
@Tanath, I’m not claiming I own the word “douchebag,” but my douchebag category definition approach is something that Leary’s been ripping off on talkshows for months now.
Any responsibility I have for the Jersey Shore or Snooki, I deserve full mock for. I can only say it wasn’t intentional.
Only the devil himself could claim credit for loosing the abhorrence that is Snooki upon the world. It’s one of the seven signs of the end times mentioned in Revelations.
Biblical fact.
Amen, Dr. BHD. If I hear one of my bits come out of his mouth, his butthole is gonna get a talking to from Frank.
Other than the word “douchebag,” I don’t see much similarity. In the leno clip, he’s talking about hipsters and metrosexuals, not Jersey Shore types. I’d say he’s just appropriating the word and applying it to the type of people he’s always railed against. And even if that makes you upset, you sound like a whiny maggot complaining about it.
I think what these clips prove is that Denis Leary ripped off Bill Hicks and Louis CK. That stuff was really obvious. This Douchebags and Donuts… not so much. Yet.
I’m guessing “Frank” is an electrified spiky baseball bat.
That’s very dissappointing; I was a big McCLoud fan for years.
Look, DoucheyWallnuts beat me to the Timothy Leary riff; that leaves me only “Dennis” to work with….
Only Baron’s olde enough to get the Dennis Weaver joke….sigh….
If Leary sets his head on fire while freebasing and runs panicked down the street, we’ll KNOW he’s biting other comic’s best bits then.
There’s an old saying that plagarists steal from one place…but artists steal from everywhere…
For the record, Dennis Leary is a serial plagarist. He is capable of stealing one guy’s stuff at a time.
God knows he was sucking the marrow out of Bill Hick’s bones even before Bill had breathed his last. Louis CK says Leary stole stuff from him. Now the Boss here says Dennis Leary is stealing from him.
Consistent pattern. Nowhere near as mindblowing as a real artist sticking six ideas in a blender and hitting frappe, baby.
And Vin….if Joe Jackson is indeed Dark Sock…that would explain a lot. Thanks for the video….the Body and Soul album was my first exposure to digital sound back in 1984. The explosive sound of the horns in a stone walled recording space….f—ing epic. Maybe Leary can record a soul album in a stone walled concert hall next.
….once he’s finished sucking the marrow out of JL’s bones, of course…
I like you Boss and I like Louis C.K. So fuck off Dennis. You and Mencia could have a show called “The Not So Funny Plagarists Hour”. “Get some” asshole!
it’s bad enough that this talentless clown has acheived fame and fortune by ripping off legitimate artists like bill hicks and ck, now he is trying to capitalize on the whole douchebag thing. The problems is that, judging from what i saw in the second clip (music video), the guy doesn’t even grasp what a “douchebag” is. Sandals and socks? Fanny packs? That shit is dorky, embarrassing, and touristy, but has nothing to do with the mass-market, overconfident, substanceless alpha male peacockery that is the essence of douchebaggery. This is like my dad trying to talk about rap music
This hack deserves a slow woodchippering. I would actually rather listen to dane cook and john mayer than that crap
@ Darksock
Are kiddin’ me. I grew up watching Gunsmoke and McCloud. There you go.
I just witnessed Leary blatantly ripping off Mr. Bill Hicks.
If he’d do that, he’s liable to steal anything.
S.Scrotic – They do deserve Frank….as in Frank Mercury = Medusa’s mercury balanced advanced dildo.
Leary is taking prose from others and doing shtick.
I need some Ass Pear pronto.
So, yeah, others plagiariize, big news. Look, even Jerry Seinfeld’s wife stole her cookbook ideas from someone else, but these days, parallel books on the same idea abound.
It’s sort of like the rivalries of great piano artists of yesterday, say, like Rubenstein and Horowitz. Who does the Lizst better, or the Chopin,etc etc, working the compositions of others, in formal settings, for paying audiences.
Jay’s special twist to douchebaggery is featuring really hot chicks with total douchebags, and creating/documenting the somewhat Biblical downfall of Yasmine Bleeth as his model of deterioration by Grieco douchebag virus. For this he deserves great and continuing kudos. Problem is, many of the bloggers don’t exactly focus on the topic at hand, but Jay will intervene at some point, eventually, and bring the main topic back on perfect point.
It’s enough to get me to wonderin’ exactly what Mark Twain would have said upon encountering HCwDB.
I’m with Medussa regarding the donuts as long as they’re not “jelly” filled.
Joe Jackson was an angry young punk who morphed into a great musician I think it’s cool he enjoyed the site.
I’ll give this to D.L., he does some good charitable work with the firefighters & the Cam Neely foundation as for his stealing material I’ll hold my thoughts until his show airs.
DB1 – I don’t think you should feel responsible for The Jersey Shore. At most, you lifted up the moist log: you are not responsible for what crawled out, nor for anyone deciding to slap a jar over it.
I’m a huge fan of the site and a huge fan of denis leary and because of that am torn. i see your side of it but by the same token you weren’t the first person to call these people douchebags and in fact, in Worcester MA we’ve had this as part of the vernacular for about 20 years. you don’t own “douchebag” don’t get all trumpy and try to copyright it. i thought the purpose of this sight was to spread ridicule of bag monkeys and now that the main stream is ripping bags and spreading the word you’re getting angry that you don’t get royalties? you may end up a victim of your own success. The downside of being the champion of a cause that ends up winning is that the fame you achieve during the fight is finite. however, take solace in the fact that there will be another social abortion embraced by the mainstream that will need an intelligent and impassioned voice to point out it’s ridiculousness. Douchebaggery in the 00’s is a style just like mullets in the 80’s, people end up realizing everything about it is wrong and move on, and going by past experience it will take the south and former soviet block countries another twenty years for it to run its course there. You done good. i hope you saved some of the money so you don’t end up like Mr. T doing cash for gold ads during the superbowl, and judging by your literary acumen the HCwDB book wasn’t your opus. take it easy Deeb’s
Crybaby. Stop your bitching and go back to collecting fucking paychecks for riffing on the hapless “douchebags” you troll the webs for. The fame has gotten to you buddy. This site used to be fun AND funny. Now, your losing traction and dipping into mean territory and slaving out your regulars for the real laughs. I watched the Leary clips and he didn’t steal shit from you. Other people, sure, but you… get a fucking grip. I never commented here much (no need, the regs got that shit MORE than covered), but I’ve been following the site for awhile, maybe since 07′. It’s downgraded, lost it’s edge, taking to many cheap shots now. There used to be some pride in the jest, but that fame, she’s a sultry temptress and she corrupts. To the regs in the comments I tell you this. Some of you are funny-ass writers and seem to put real effort into your prose. The ones that can actually conjugate and craft humor instead of rattling off how creatively your going to “kick that douchbag’s ass” or some other mindless nonsense, I say, I hope your getting paid. If not, better get out before your consummate leader finally becomes that which he mocks most, but me think it’s too late now anyway… I’m out, deleting the bookmark, have fun kids. -Butta
@Butta, Hold up, wait a minute, people are getting paid to write here? Looks like I’m gonna have to write a strongly worded email to DB1 to take down all of my comments until I see some cash money. I think I deserve a formal apology too. Someone used my Nancy Dreuche patented term “angry badger-style” to describe how they were going to jerk off. Not cool.
Oh wait, I’m a grown ass woman. I won’t be doing or asking for any of that.
My penis wants to get paid. And I own the copyright to the word “penis”, so pay up fuccers.
Hey everyone, long time fan, first time commenter. Since I was actually the performance in question, I felt I could provide some insight. While yes, Denis used “douchebag” several times, he didn’t use it in the context that this site so often gloriously does. It was more a list of assholes, but since he’s already done a bit about them, “douchebag” was a better fit. It’s actually pretty entertaining, and the whole set is more than just future Darwin award recipients.
As for the song, at the show it was a blues-rock style song, no idea why it got synthed over. Hopefully it’s not like that in the TV show.
Whether or not Denis ripped other comedians off in the past is a different issue. Just trying to provide some perspective.
Keep up the great work.
Man, boss, the lengths I will go through to listen to bad comedy just to hear your point. Hope you appreciate it.
F Leary. Man, when he’s not ripping off you or Bill Hicks he’s ripping off Johnny Carson.
I can stay silent no more…DB1 needs to settle down and relax. As other have said, not every comedian/celeb/blogger who uses the term douchebag is ripping your bit. We get it…you have a funny site…you have been using the same single schtick of your psuedo-intellectual musings and ripping off Dennis Miller with obsecure cultural references to make fun of guys who fall into a very specific catagory. Well done…we get it…you are smart and sarcastic and have a big vocabulary…or at least a thesaurus (sp?) To think that you are the only one out of billions of humans that would come up with this concept would be the height of self importance. Leary’s song in now way relates to the schtick you do here on your site. And you do it well…but please…stick to your bit and stop whinning…
I gotta side with DB1 here. Maybe it’s because I live in Hollywood and the closer you get to the center, the less original everything becomes.
But the fact is, there are original comics out there, and I’ll even through Louis CK into the mix. Originality takes guts, it takes honesty, and it leaves people like Letterman feeling guilty that they didn’t give Bill Hicks more space for his bit.
And the fact is, Denis Leary is as original as Carlos Mencia. They take other people’s shit, put up their own face-brand-name schtick on it, and pretend they’re hip. But when they’re around other funny people, they look like the wimpy hanger-on who gets beat up a lot.
I’m just hoping pissed off comedians will do the same thing with Leary that they did with Menstealya.
Denis Leary ripped off my yodeling into assholes bit
There seem to be an aweful lot of “Long Time Reader, First Time Commenter’s” with the same writing style leaving comments this fine evening. IP address trace has led back to Leary’s agent for some strange reason. It’s almost as if they’re ripping off their own rip-off artist hero.
{{*rips off a long fart*}}
Heh heh heh…
I’m siding with DB1 here. Especially since many of the bits in the clips linked were almost identical to pieces I’ve seen here on HCWDB for years. Plus you have corroborating evidence from well respected Louis C.K. saying Leary did the same shit to him. Keep callin’ him out DB1…eventually the world will realize what a talentless hack he is.
@ Southern Scrotic:
As Collarz B. Popped said, Frank would be my legendary, mercury-centered, widowmaking strapon.. Frank is indeed Ribbed For His Displeasure, but putting nails in him would cause the mercury to leak and we can’t have that happening. I’m kind of thinking Frank needs to have his own commentary on here. Kinda like a ventriloquist’s dummy, only covered in lube and despair.
Well, since everyone else has weighed in, without watching any videos, I suggest the chief chillaxes.
Now, you wanna go after Tool Academy, or Jersey Shore, or whoever? Have at it, bro.
Never been a huge Leary fan…at all really, our mutual regional ties being the only thing that makes me acknowledge the dude (Go Sox). I hear that his show Rescue Me is critically acclaimed though I’ve never seen it due to the fact that my TV is permanently tuned in to the greatest channel on cable: HDNET.
While DB1’s post may be guilty of “protesting too much,” I headnod at any chance to snipe an enemy of Bill Hicks. Though Leary may not rip anyone off verbatim, he does have a rather dubious history. Is it DB1’s place to call him out on it? Yeah, f*ck it, why not?
Fuck I hate Louis C.K. I have never heard anything remotely funny come out of his cum-gobbling mouth. He may not be as unfunny as Leary, but he’s not as funny as that piece of spew Carrottop. And he isn’t even as funny as Jimmy Kimmel that piece of shit Sarah Silverman banging Hebe. And remember I loves me the Russian Jews. Why is everybody so cranky today? Jews rock. Denis Leary takes the cock.
Yeah I dislike Louis CK but I’ll give him props over Leary any day. He’s a frustrated married douche but at least it leads to original comedy – whiny second rate, but original.
I watched the Jay Leno bit. That was enough. I hated this cuntfaced pretend Irish tough guy the first time I saw him. Jay Louis is right he’s a ripoff clown. All you new cunts telling DB1 to stop whining go suck Leary’s dick you faggots. Why is everyone so cranky today? I have infected tonsils and I’m as happy as Ginger Lynn with three cocks in her. Ginger we hardly new ye. RIP Gerry Rafferty and Yanni.
^my bad on Yanni. Just wishful thinking. Anyone need some free chronic? I’m as stoned as Snoop Dog on MLK day.
take some heaping doses of Robotussin Rev.
So Elizabeth Hurley is allegedly bad in bed? Sheeeeit. I’d wait in line for weeks to be lousily laid by Liz.
I really don’t think Leary is egregiously ripping off DB1. He isn’t classifying ‘bags in the same way. Years ago Leary had a bit about going into 7-11 and the guy behind the counter had facial piercings and sagging pants. The clip from the Leno show seems just like that, only he is calling everyone a douchebag: “Get off my lawn, douchebag!” The word “douchebag” has been tredning upward for a while (pico de gallo baseline). The word has been around forever and now it’s really hitting the mainstream. I think it would have been censored out of The Tonight Show in the past.
I like Louis C.K. I tried to watch the pilot and first episode of his sitcom on Netflix, but they were both pretty boring. His standup is great, though.
some solid banter today fellas. thanks for the bedtime read.
Let me put it this way. Leary is trying to rip off the douchebag routine, but he’s so lousy at it that all he can do is use the term “douchebag” while running the comedy equivalent of screaming at the kids to get off his lawn.
@Mr. Biggs
Why are you biting my 9:12 post? I just said that. Get your own material, man.
No, you said it’s been trending up and he’s on that trend, like he just pulled it out of the collective unconscious on his own power. I’m saying he is trying to rip off this site, but can’t even get that right.
Now, if someone were to rip off Bill Hicks’s “George Bush is an agent of Satan brought about to end human life on this planet” bit, I wouldn’t mind so much. I’d look the other way. Why don’t more people try that one?
The only thing of mine I’m worried about people ripping off is the pair of soiled 8-year-old girl’s panties I’m wearing right at this moment.
They took forever to squeeze into, and now that the blood has dried to my ball sack, taking them off without tufts of feces and jizm encrusted man-pubes attached is out of the question. Hello Kitty, indeed.
I think I made my point.
Carry on.
Operation Dumbo Drop? In Search of Ted Demme? Red State Diaries? A group of voice over roles? Jesus Christ, no wonder you have to steal the head ….
i don’t think it’s realistically possible for DB1 to claim sole credit for the whole HCwDB humor market, no matter who we’re talking about (even if it’s Nik Ritchie). because, well, there’s pretty much no legal venue to achieve that. copyrights don’t work that way as far as i can tell.
on the bright side, though, Wikipedia’s entry on Denis Leary has a whole section dedicated to Allegations of Plagiarism. how appropriate.
my second beef with this show is that Denis Leary is doing underdog humor as someone with no known underdog credentials. i fucking hate that. that’s why i hate movies like Superbad and She’s Out of My League. no one from those movies had traceable underdog cred.
then again, what kind of actor does?
@ Mr. Biggs
I meant how I said “Get off my lawn, douchebag” and then you said “…all he can do is use the term “douchebag” while running the comedy equivalent of screaming at the kids to get off his lawn.”
You know what you did.
Boss, I would remove the Douchebag song link. Its just flat out terrible. I think he was trying to take your definition of douchebag but he ended up relating it to every bad male trend in clothing and style. Which most of it would not be considered “douchebag” on this site. More like “get a fucking mirror guy”.
His response to Louis C.K.’s claim is not funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g81LCwrU-7k&feature=related He also states that “If you don’t like anything in the book Bill Hicks wrote that.” I guess this “asshole” wrote some book. Never heard of it. I wonder why?
I like turtles.
^TB in the house! How ya been? Did you get my letters? You never call. When you said I lived too far away did you really just mean you weren’t that into me? I wish I could quit you Turtle Boy, but I can’t.
Leary sucks balls in general. I don’t know if he appropriated DB1’s definition and mocking of douchebags or not, and I don’t care. He deserves any and all abuse people throw at him becaue he’s a half-assed comic and a poser.
F off massengill, I’m getting swole and crushing pussy while you drink yoiur faggot water.
I miss Motorcycle Parts. Canada Pharmacy, you need to free our broheim and end your silly charade.
@Mr. Biggs
I’m saving a deep-fried turkey for you. In hell.
If there’s Florida co-eds in hell, I’ll bring the case and crush ’em all.
On that note, DB1, so long as you’ve got a relationship with the studios, you can help realize Bill Hicks’s dream show by pitching “Let’s Hunt and Kill Denis Leary.” It’ll be like a roast. Except instead of making corny fag jokes for two hours, it would actually be offensive to the point of destroying his career.
You know, like an institutionalization of how Mencia got his ass booted off the air by a collective boo.
And for those of you who don’t know, check out Hicks’s proto-bag-tagging:
If you’re impatient, FFWD to about a minute in.
See, we here at HCwDB always give credit where credit is due.
Well spake. Denis Leary can take a flying fark at a rolling donut, to dteal a line from Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
We give credit except where massengill is concerned. F that douchebag. 😛
This is a completely new concept. Five guys singing and dancing. It’s never been done before. It will sell like hotcakes.
MOTORCYCLE PARTS! Welcome back, brah!
OK, gotta get going to work, but real quickly….I am a huge fan of this sit, but don’t care for this letter.
I do not care for Denis at ALL, but from what the clips show he has not ripped anything off from you at all. Maybe the show will be worse, but currently he is guily of nothing more than using the same old jokes he always uses and replacing asshole with douchebag. THAT being said, the popularity of this site and other works related to it might be the catalyst for the creation of his material.
Your reference to Jersey shore is in poor taste. Either you actually find it appealling to be associated with it, or you are name dropping, like the irrate take down demands you receive where they reference a friend’s cousin’s uncle who is a lawyer.
THAT being said… if you are going to go after Denis, maybe you should acknowledge the true creation of the douchebag brand being used on guys with hotts.
You can’t patent a phrase. You can’t copyright an idea, only an expression of an idea. Just throwing that out there; a lot of people are using the terms incorrectly.
Using other people’s pictures–even in ways they did not intend, is using their material.
Getting close to glass houses and stones, Boss.
Ok, just to add my 2 cents worth. There is a reason this blog has become so popular, and it isn’t because DB1 “created” the idea of mocking these preening choad munchers. It is because we ALL had that same thought, and DB1 put together a great site and does some of the best work in mocking these guys around. The one drawback is the complaining on here every time someone else also mocks these guys in their own forum. Complaining that you “created” the idea of mocking these guys would be like Mark Zuckerberg complaining that he “created” the idea of inviting college chicks to parties and spreading gossip. Or you may want to even think about all the comedians in the 80’s who made fun of yuppies. You are doing the exact same thing. Making fun of a ridiculous subset of our culture is not new.
To summarize, you do a fantastic job here with what you do. Just quit complaining about how you were the first person to ever do it.
Wait a minute, if I recall, Leary himself made fun of Yuppies much earlier in his career. Maybe he stole that from the vast number of other comedians doing the same thing, but it would appear that the whole idea of this site is based off of that comedy shtick. It appears that you may have stolen your “idea” of making fun of guys who put on a big show to attract attention from what Leary and other comedians have been doing for pretty much all of recorded history. Keep doing what you do, as you do it well, but you might want to step back off your Kanye West “artistic genius’ soapbox.
Plus, he stole my move. I stop short!
DB1 pulled a Kanye!
So I watched both clips from the show, and I have to say, that not only does DL *not* sound like he’s copying from this website, his definition of douchebag quite different from the HCwDB archetype. DL’s douche: sandals with socks, cell phone users, immigrants(?), etc. Honestly, the only overlap seems to be the moniker “douchebag.” Which I feel Jay is starting to — wrongly — feel proprietary about. If anything, he should be enraged at MTV for Jersey Shore, which is a blatant ripoff. But it’s an MTV product, so he is strangely silent. Jay, sorry, but you’re not standing on the high ground here.
Jay, I’m a fan of yours and all, but mocking humor came along well before you did, and making fun of douchebags is a bit too broad a comedic purview to be claiming exclusive domain over.
And…sorry, but Leary’s a more talented writer than you are. I bet the show will be a scream.
Jay, I’m a fan of yours and all, but I obviously have no clue of the amount of flak you’ve received for outing douchebags for their true nature over the years. So I’d rather use this site to pretend I have a damn clue what I’m talking about.
I also like to complain about people whose houses got robbed for yelling too loud.