Friday, February 18, 2011
The Greasepitz Take a Break
Sometimes all that douche bronzin’ to hit on the housewives at the “Male Social Revue” takes a lot out of a guy.
And ya just gotta kick back and relax with some of the chorus members from next door’s Cirque du Soleil show, “Overe Priced Shite.”
EDIT: Whoops, had a premature pubjaculation this morning before the Haiku. Now it’s ready for collective mock.
Greasepitz: tattooed ‘bags
Some might call those strippers “fags”
Well, it’s cockk they gags
“I’ll put my arm around you for the picture, but ewwwwww I’m not gonna touch you!! You’re a girl!!!”
too much grease… nice looking red head though
Suddenly, without warning or permission, Crucial’s severed head burst forth out of Red’s sodden grotto amidst a cacophony of slippery Naugahyde squeaks and scurried wildly out of the venue on whirring spidery legs under the churning feet of the panicked guests.
Scott Baio has been hitting the gym pretty hard these days.
No Shirt, No Shoes, Show Cervix.
@Dark Sock
That was some funny shit last night, “her vag is an outie.”
That “10 Years Gone” is glorious. Thanks for that.
Go away from my mind.
to paraphrase Bart Simpson, sometimes a guy just likes his skin to look its orangest. I wonder if those (comparatively) pale-skinned lovelies get Cheetos fingers after touching them.
They’re gonna have to burn that couch.
Scrote on the left looks like a toy I used to own:
Red is going to use that bottle for pleasure. But which orifice–and more importantly whose orifice–it will be inserted into is unknown at this time.
Juiceheads gotta wear a shirt,you want to sit on that same plastic sofa? Gross place!
Skin cancer I love you.
After a long day of shaking my money maker I like to recline on my uncomfortable looking couch with my greasy friends. But that’s just me, that’s just what I like. And apparantly these douchebags are into it too.
@Stephanie 11:53a, hahahaha.
Like a couple of french fries left in the deep fryer and no one bothered to take them out.
Deer Redhead Hott,
You’re giving me The EYE. Come hither that we might complete the circle. Your raven-haired friend can join us if you both approve…
Leave this 8th circle of Doucheness while you still can.
Just burning the couch might not do the trick. We’re gonna have to get some exorcists up in this bitch.
BTW, red head hott, I love you. I know it’s wrong, I know you’re tainted, possibly beyond saving, but I’m willing to try.
Body Language Expert, Mitch Cumsteen sez:
Greasepitz on the left’s (#1) posture is saying, “I really love the dick, but am putting my arm around this girl to keep this hidden love hidden.”
Bleeth on the left is blinded by bad skin bronzer and woozy from the Axe Body Spray and is too altered to realize the Greasepitz boys have eyes for each other.
Bleeth on the right escaped from Estonia and 14 years of sex with men blitzed on home brew Vodka, so she’s just glad to be here.
Greasepitz on the right (#2) is smiling as he thinks of his next “Brown Eye Encounter,” with Greasepitz #1.
The Greasepitz duo remind me of a colorful night I once enjoyed in an Omaha bar-be-cue and ribs joint.
Is it possible to wear a clip-on bow tie and no shirt without looking like a raving homosexual? No point asking this guy.
Hot guys.
your good
i thought the Greasepitz took a break from LIFE.
A cacophony of slippery Naugahyde squeaks & scurried wildly out of the venue on whirring spidery legs under the churning feet of the panicked guests.
as if!