Friday Haiku
Homie Ralph watches,
As strippers enact story,
Of America.
Here we see rendered
The heart-rending narrative
Of Poke-n-Hump-Ass
— DarkSock
Red feather squeals, no!
As “walks for doughnuts” watches
Please scalp me quickly
— Master Pee
Ralph strokes his short cue
Eight ball in corner pocket
Indians mess with his game
VInce Neil, on the left,
proves that it’s better to burn
out than fade away
— Mr. White
Many moons ago,
A tax-free casino rose
Sasquatch bought a shirt
— saulgoode42
First our land. Now our
hotts. Get lousy casino
as reparations?
— Dr. Bunsen Honeydouche
Ralph looks like he stole
a samurai’s bamboo breast-
plate…no, he’s just fat.
— idfma
Is it PC to
say Squaw-fight, hubba,hubba?
I’m betting it is.
That is one BIG Chief
in the background! How’s he get
his ass in teepee?
Here we see rendered
The heart-rending narrative
Of Poke-n-Hump-Ass
Electrician dude
No Injun, but once wired a head
For a reservation…
Plucking ritual
Explains why all Indians
Have bald chins and twats.
Ralph strokes his short cue
Eight ball in corner pocket
Indians mess with his game
Left squaw does hip-hop
But what tribe does she come from?
“A Rappa Ho'”
I think those ladies
could be from the Poospatuck’s
He’s a Poopgotstuck
VInce Neil, on the left,
proves that it’s better to burn
out than fade away
Hottie on right makes
me think miscegenation.
Left? Small pox blanket.
Pochahontis: right
Pocha-heffer on the left
Poke-a-homo’s stunned
Indians sickened
by diseased blankets; Tonight
History repeats
Poker and Pool on
the Palouse makes me want to
take brownie/Poke her.
Sentient wigwam
runs amok in casino.
shouts “Give back my land!”
Chunky Squaw’s Hatchet
Strikes blow on Skinny Hotts Neck
Skinny costume thief
High priestess She-who-
ate-whole-buffalo mugs squaw
for remaining hide.
One feather virgin
Many colored feathers means
Ralph may get lucky
“I must stop smoking
PCP-laced herb” thinks douche.
One on left is hott.
Dancing Rhino and
Runs with Foxes fool around
Marv plays pocket pool
“I wish feather in
my headdress was that stiff,” thinks
douche. Booze killed sex drive.
Douche covets costume
of She-who-shakes the Earth. Knows
he makes it cuter.
First our land. Now our
hotts. Get lousy casino
as reparations?
Many moons ago,
A tax-free casino rose
Sasquatch bought a shirt
Water Buffalo
Chokes Little Hot Chicken while
Men’s Warehouse looks on.
Ralph looks like he stole
a samurai’s bamboo breast-
plate…no, he’s just fat.
“Damned dyslexia”
Thought Ralph, who spent cash to see
“Mom, Daughter Plucking”
Ralph has good idea
why buffalo almost went
extinct. Vurps in mouth.
liquor in the front
poker in the rear, oh my
fold em nasty bleeths
Red feather squeals, no!
As “walks for doughnuts” watches
Please scalp me quickly
Thick native vixen
Forces lesser squaw to eat
Her own clitoris.
Squaw on left looks thick
I will take the one on right
My “arrow” likes her
Blondie loses bet
she will walk among the douche,
Pocahontas wins
Where is Scrotum Pole?
Pool table Pocahontas
Longs for her stallion.
Two bitches banging.
Buffalo Ten Penises
Lurks in the background.
Hunter stalks his prey
Native Americans cringe
his name, “walks with choad”
Skanks in Spanx abound,
he is off reservation
a true vision quest
Tatonka lady
Ate pale face for dinner. Burp.
Dances With Heartburn.
Judy wants to cut
Peggy’s pretty little face
Peggy screams, “I’ll Sioux!”
Two Dogs Fucking in
Background had Taco Bell lunch.
Hey you, got some smokes?
Northwest Territory
never saw a squaw this hott.
Pitching a pants tent!
Morrison had visions.
He never saw it this bad
Even Joplin’s puss.
Cher is a half-breed.
Spring cleaning her vagina
Indians fall out.
Chief Mr. Creosote
Ate the whole dollar buffet.
Diabetes is cool.
Damn, Reverend Chad;

An olde Cher song reference;
70’s were weird…
Ho-chunk Indian
Casinos named for chunky
hos. Like squaw on left.
Chop, chop you are dead,
Plastic hatchet, severed head.
Indian nipples.
Electrician dude No Injun, but two times wired a head For a reservation