Monday, May 9, 2011

HCwDB of the Week: Buzzy Fails to Appreciate Marissa’s Taut Sundials

While the past week featured everything from Boatwanks to Choad Runners, Axholes and Vegas crotch fondle, Prince Meatwad and Loafie’s Choice, little compared to Buzzy and Marissa.

No, not even the breaking news that Donkey Douche is back in jail.

And while some may argue that Marissa is a former reality T.V. star of some form, reality does not intrude on the HCwDB simulacrum very often.

And so we consider this unholy commingling on the true merits of purity of suckle thigh and douchery of stupid head. And we annoint it the HCwDB of the Week.

An honor well deserved.

But not as well deserved as my latest culinary discovery: Rice crispies and chocolate milk are as tasty as this mass-marketed treat. So suck it Albertsons, for not running a sale on tasty sugar cereals this week. I’ve figured you out.

# posted by douchebag1
7:08 am May, 9 MC 900 Foot Douchebag said...

So I can receive “Comment Of The Week” I will say:

7:27 am May, 9 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I like her crop circles on that banging thin body the likes of I only see when I cash in my empties for some loose cash and head to the seedy side of town where the french crack head teen girls sell themselves for fifty bucks and a gram of weed. Good times.

7:28 am May, 9 DoucheyWallnuts said...

There is nothing finer than the Female Groin Shave Reveal (FGSR), which is the Ying to the Male Groin Shave Reveal’s Yang.

7:47 am May, 9 Wedgie said...

Buzzy Furbox

7:50 am May, 9 Chris in 'Baghdad said...

I appreciate the Sundials! Even when they are always on the same time. In Marissa’s case, they are always on Central Boobiage Time.

8:17 am May, 9 Nancy Dreuche said...

What is this? Hot Chicks With Their Brotherbags? I’m sorry DB1, but I think you shoulda ran Osama and Evil Bert again. I mean sure this douche is all bag and she is quite attractive but they’re related so meh. Evil Bert for HOH.

9:49 am May, 9 soy bomb said...

So this guy is a literal brobag? Nasty.

10:21 am May, 9 Nancy Dreuche said...

@soy bomb, I got my info from Doc B, but failed to fact check it as is my style. So if it is her bro, gross (on account of the boner.). If it isn’t her bro, ugh on account of his tiny titties and stupid tatts. Oh yeah, the receding hairline and the punchfist too.
Whenever I pose in a pic with my brother we keep three bibles apart. Its just the right thing to do.

11:06 am May, 9 Medusa Oblongata said...

Jeepers! I fall off the face of the earth for a minute and look at all that has transpired!!! Donk back in jail? Nice work, MD P.I. And my sincere condolences for your having to spend any amount of time in DuPage Co. I spent a great chunk of my life there and I think that explains a lot of what’s wrong with me.
That being said, why are Cocoa Puffs being sold on Amazon?

11:13 am May, 9 Troy Tempest said...

A herd of feckless ants invaded his groin, got a whiff of the Axe Nad Spray, and died. One of them was a very good and gentle ant, and he came back from the dead to preach his message of goodness and gentleness. Then he got another whiff of the Axe Nad Spray, and went berserk. He took a good long hard bite on the douchenozzle’s nutsack and wept salty fuccen tears as his own personal homage to Heidegger, cuz Heidegger was a Nazi pudsucking snotball. Nothing made any sense to this poor little ant and when the Douchenozzle grabbed him and crushed him between his fingers like so much liverwurst, he knew that this, his final release would mean he would never again be subject to such fuckwittery again.

11:27 am May, 9 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

@ Nancy
I sent the pic in. It is really her and that really is her brother. Eeeeewwwwwww!!!!

11:32 am May, 9 Wedgie said...

Well, then at least he gets a partial pass for not appreciating her sundials.
But he really shouldn’t let drunken fratbags color on him while he’s passed out in a pool of his own vomit.

11:43 am May, 9 Nancy Dreuche said...

@Doc B, I knew you wouldn’t mislead us. And I second your Eeeeeeeew! And raise you a “That’s just nasty!”

12:34 pm May, 9 Whoop-Di-Douche said...

Excellent selection. We need a little inbreeding from time to time when choosing a hot chick posing with a douchebag.
Kinda makes it royal.

4:26 pm May, 9 Nancy Dreuche said...

*Audible sigh* Whoop-D, if you’re gonna come out of the closet, you should do it here. Amongst friends.

8:29 pm May, 9 creature said...

I like the extra wide load can in the BG…now where’s my tennis racket?

9:00 pm May, 9 Steve L. said...

Buzzy may have failed at hott appreciation, but he wins in douchebaggery. or something something.

2:44 am May, 10 Kamagra said...

I’m sure this bag is shower, and it is very interesting, but they are connected so meh.

8:25 pm May, 10 Guid is Good said...

Love a target ….. splodge.

6:15 pm May, 17 modern warfare 3 said...

hey I saw that there is a page that is stealing all of your content!! Do you want me to give you their site??

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