Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Manos: The Pecs of Fate
If Only Sultry Brunette Back Arch Marsha knew what’s coming next.
That’s right.
If Only Sultry Brunette Back Arch Marsha knew what’s coming next.
That’s right.
Manos,The Pecs of Fate II: Ass Pear Reveal Thigh Grab.
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Many of the females included here look very much like porn starlets, or at least “actresses”. Marsha here looks like a double anal / double oral pro. If a menage a trois gives guys an Eiffel Tower moment, then I’m guessing Marsha allows for an Egyptian Pyramid moment. High five anyone? Anyone?
you haven’t lived, honey, ’til the illustrated man uses you for an air mattress on the sacremento river delta
“My name is Torgo; I take care of the pool while The Master is away. Wanna Bud Light Lime?”
Boss, allow me to beat Baron Von Goolo to the punch in congratulating you on your sly reference to truly bad cinema. Exquisitely bad!
100% Unadulterated, Unfiltered Doooooooouuuuche. God invented Anal Sex to prevent accidents like this… Nice wristband, Wimbledouche.
The Master does not approve…
…of your stupid hat and tattoos.
Someone needs to tell Marsha that her “sultry” look actually belongs to the D’Iberville Mississippi Winn Dixie #24’s cashier Brianna on aisle 4, who uses said look as her “I’m ready for my fuccen smoke break; can I go home early?” look.
Cease and desist, Marsha.
Riders of the Porn
“Senator, they need you back on the floor for the Health Care vote…”
“The Master does not approve…
…of my nostril-sized soul patch”.
“The Master does not approve…
…of conditioner”.
But what of Torgo’s knees!?
She has become Bleeth; nothing can save her now.
“The Master does not approve…
…of barely concealed baby-blue swastikas on baseball caps”.
the mushroom tea inspired Giants cap is merely one in a string of lifelong poor choices made by Mano…later, when he goes to the pee trough, he’ll pull out his pustulate erupting winky that will burn like lava…Marsha’s not so subtle gift
The Master does not approve… of sporting welding goggles even larger than the hideous ones your chick is wearing.
ps: master approved
Waaaay too serious for the room.
Yes, everyone is staring at her T&A
Yes,everyone is wondering what she sees in that shlub
Yes, your tatts are the epitome of classless, tasteless life mistakes
Yes, we appreciate the lift-the-leg-to-assist-in-the-fart maneuver.
Well played, Mauer
Sorry, I can’t get too excited about a chick who looks like Joe Perry.
This picture ruined me……………….
That woman is Yasmine Bleeth’s sister, Uber.
As the pecs of Manos crash, so does all of his Grecian society. Anybody want to buy an island? Cheap?
Why is she wearing underwear?
I only hope that the tattooist that spread that eagle across Manos’ bulk had horrible halitosis and leaned in for a long time
Every once in a while I wonder if DB1 will ever run out of material for this site and it will deteriorate into oblivion like so many once entertaining sites before it.
Then I see this picture and realize how foolish I am to have even pondered that question.
She is divine! God really broke the mold when he shat her out on day 7. I give these two a go in peace. As long as they don’t procreate I’m cool with it.
This is a A+ HCwDB post. The douche smell is seeping through my computer. Bravo SON!! Bravo!!
Vin @11:06 FTW
Manos: The Hams of Apes.
And now I must Netflix the MST3K version of “Manos”. I don’t think I could make it through the unedited version. Thanks for the link DS.
Is it me or is this douche’s head to big for his body?
This guy goes off on Ashley, this year’s Bachelorette Bleeth. Wee bit harsh but… she can’t get over the giant douchebag that doesn’t like her and threw her to the curb

I take care of the rack while the Master is away.
@Vin, you actually watch that show? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! I mean, I know a couple of women who watch it. And a couple of my gay dude friends do too.
^heh heh
Give me 10 minutes with Marsha while Master is away and she will be walking like Torgo.
As we all enjoy a cruel laugh at the expense of Vin Douchal, courtesy of cold-hearted sow Nancy D, let us also agree that the rant Vin pointed us to (with his Virginia Slim cigarette) is actually fuccen dead-on. It’s one of the stations of the cross in this church of mock we’re in: the nice girl ignoring nice guys that treat them right so they can chug the collective penii of every narcissistic pea-cocking douchebag whose pants they can unbuckle.
Charleton Heston has a few words for the monkeys.
Ouch! Feel like I’ve just been smacked in the face by a Fail Hammer.
@ Nancy
I am an unabashed fan of the entire Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise.
But you missed the point. In that link kmarco goes off on the Bleeths that love the men that treat them horribly.
Holy shit, I just realized who this guy reminds me of. With that underbite and those big shades, he is the douchebag version of Bubbles. You Canucks know who I’m talking about but for the rest of you, here is who I mean.
Apparently I did that wrong, could some kind soul tell me how to embed pics in the posts in a way that my whiskey-addled brain can comprehend?
Girls dont let men like this mate with you.
@ Mr. White
You’re being far too kind sir. I was think more along the lines of Alice Cooper during the Billion Dollar Babies Tour.
@doc bunsen
If she takes off the Bleeth blockers and has the Cooper eye makeup on, then you’re 100% correct.
Although I’d still rather penetrate a wrinkly old fist face than her.
The only thing deader than her expression is his sperm count.
At least I hope so.
@Vin, oh I read the article. Meh. Nothing we haven’t uncovered here in the HCwDB laboratory. I just can’t believe noone has made fun of you for being a fan yet. Just makin you aware that its kinda super gay. Carry on.
Plus I think most of the commenters on here put it more eloquently.
And sow DarkSock? I thought we agreed on shrew.
I believe it was Harpy
With that chest-tatt he could be paid-to-pose for Fourth of July outside a slum-beach BBQ pit somewhere along the Mississippi north of St Louis… and she can be rolled around in the mud.
@creature, nancy
I prefer “harridan.”
@ creature, ND, Mr. White
I always thought “harpy” had just the right bite to it. But what do I know?
well, Doc B, it’s all semantics for ‘irritating clap trap’
…doncha know?
Manos! Now that was quite possibly the worst movie I’ve ever seen. And the only thing that made it tolerable (and the only reason I actually watched it) was because it was on MST3K!!
Tom, Crowe!! Save yourselves!
But I wholeheartedly applaud the obscure reference to an epically bad movie.