Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Poppa Squatter
Sometimes the waiting period for entrance into our hallowed Closet of Poo is waived (wiped), and immediate flush is granted.
This is one of those times.
An immediate entry into the closet of Poo for these two shit tools.
David Brenner, WTF have you done to yourself?????
Coke, guyliner, ‘roids, bleach, and tanning cream didn’t pan out too well for Joe Piscopo, either. (We know he dabbled in the rest of it.)
See what I mean about “dabbling”? “Her” name is supposedly “Sarah.”
Jesus Cock.
Last time I had to inspect under the bed for monsters I was 5 years old. But it looks like tonight me and Mr. Puppy, my stuffed dog, have a date with a flashlight and long night of trying to sleep without letting our feet hang over the edge of the bed where monsters can grab them.
Sometimes those random Google image searches go off on some fuccen crazy tangents.
But that’s a typical day in this one architect’s office in Mississippi, though. No horseshit.
Brazilian Emo Hulk’s American uncle?
Glad to see Gilligan and Ginger finally got off the island. Had to eat the others, but at least someone lived to tell the tale of a three-hour tour that ultimately became a nightmare of coconut creme pies, pratfalls, sadistic island visitors who never sent help, and ultimately anal rape snuff roulette with a bamboo and pubic hair zip gun.
that looks like an over-tanned and over-bleached version of Balki Bartokomous from Perfect Strangers
Oh, and just out of curiosity, which one of them is Poppa Squatter?
As a semi-regular visitor to this site, i request an immediate take down of this picture due to the fact that I had a massive bowel spasm upon viewing this picture.
A warning should come next time.
The only thing that might releave the sordid memory is gratutious Ass Pear.
This is “Casey Anthony Crazy” territory.
I second the motion. Go directly to the Closet of Poo. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200.
At the bell today, carrot futures rose to an historic high.
A fucking teaspoon of Metamucil when irregular for Jebus’ sake.
I take umberance with this photo. Burnt umberance.
Straight to the Poo.
That Chris Angel sure got a makeover and pulled some ?
She has a big-ass piece of used toilet paper stuck to her. That’s got to be embarassing.
For the toilet paper.
Both of them belong in that closet!
That Jessica Simpson sure could pull some poo.
c.c. pick up that git tan and talk to me…
i am thinking that looks way too much like cc deville,
i am also thinking christ in a fucking bathhouse, why do i know/think that.
David Duchovny is in talks to film an X-crement Files movie.
Shape of a gorilla! Color of a pumpkin! Wonder twin powers activate!
GAHHHH!!!111!!!…….So, Iggy Pop fucked Brazilian Emo Hulk?
closet colostomies.
Nicholas Cage plugs his latest flop, Ghost Roider: Preparation H.
Going straight to a Red Box near you.
and by red box I mean her.
Next up for Nicholas Cage: Raisin Arizona
Followed by Wild at Shart
And Somebody Light a Matchstick Men
And Shitty of Angels
I have seen this guy . This pic was taken at greek town casino in downtown detroit. His glow is amazing in person. people stare and laugh out loud when he walks by them. Others just stand there with their mouths open and a look of shock on their faces.
Meth + Roids add in some Nick Cage idolatry and you get Poppa Squatter. Instant Closet of Poo for him.
And “Poonmuck”
And “Heaving Las Vegas”
You know it is a truly special entry when you completely ignore a suit that not even a Miami Vice cast member would be seen in.
….and a look of shock on their feces, you mean.
And “Valley Hurl”
“There’s No Offseason”
“It’s Not A Competition, It’s A Lifestyle”
No Shit.
Let me guess,. your favorite fish is……Roughy?
Close your eyes during the spray tan session or they go all Zombie-like and shit
You know things are pretty bad when you can shock
this guy and
this guy.
I’m thinking he’s giving me the Mayan Brown Eye of Colonus. And I’m thinking I don’t like it all that much.
These two deserve their two tickets to Poo-adise.
God help me, I can’t find the hott. Where’s Walhott?
Well! That cured my constipation. Gonna hit the bathroom now. Thanks DB1!
He looks like David Lee Roth taking a colonoscopy after three pots of coffee
Wow. This guy is like Samurai Scrote after a lobotomy and a month long crack binge. And the bleeth – jesus fuck. Nasty. She has this emptiness, this blankness of such vacancy I can feel my soul being sucked out of my eyeballs. These two REQUIRE a special prize in the annual. What of, I have no idea. But stench of this intensity is a stink so bad it can stun a rotting zombie at 60 paces. yikes…. I think I’m going to go hide now.
Imagine what the hotel housekeeper will face on the other side of their door when she makes her cleaning rounds in the morning. Poor Lupe’s children will reek of Mayan poo no matter how much they bathe.
That’s an unusually large colostomy bag she has.
these two were stuck in the elevator with Goldfingers estranged cousin
“The plumber awoke before dawn…He put his boots on…”
These two were brought together by The Fecal Finger of Fate.
“I said, ‘WELL DONE!’ dammit”
Ha ha!! Ok… I got it… You shove your arm up my ass and I’ll pretend to me a coked up, meth-ed out, zombie ventriloquist dummie!!
Last time I saw something like that was from a cat I was seeing for inflammatory bowel disease. EWWWW.
holy crap
St. Andrews administers the 93248572109348th layer of hell?
who knew?
Riff Raff goes Vegas . . .
It’s ass-tounding,
Mindless bleething,
Ex-lax . . . takes it’s toll,
So listen closely,
This turd’s getting longer,
My ass has
Lost control . . .
I remember . . . pooping a slime schlorp . . .
And in just seven days . . . I can make it . . . a Man!
Damnit, I was beaten to the Brazilian Emo Hulk references. And by beaten I mean lightly paddled with a still-warm ciabatta bread. Mr. White wanted to treat me to a trip back to Italy but he couldn’t afford it. Anyway, I’m sure they’re in a hotel/casino. But something about that corridor reminds me of a funeral parlor. Fitting, as this seems to be the place good taste goes to die.
Peggy Poo Got Married.
To a douche in a white suit.
“I’ve got two shit-hooks of poo tonight,
They’re fuccen bags, I’ll heave tonight,
My God – two shit hooks o’ poo n’ shite…“
Craptain Corelli’s Man Poo Bin
8MM (of shit)
It Could Happen To Poo
Crapped In Paradise
Squeezing Out The Deuce
I KNEW I’d seen this dude before:

Okay; that’s TWO Eddies I’ve besmirched now with Poppa Squat.
I didn’t know turds could wear clothes?
So many movies I haven’t seen.
So few I’d survive.
They’re headed for the Poo Pool.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. Real movie, saw it when I was a kid.
The Sound of Poosick. Not real, not in my lifetime, I hope.
The Taking of Pooham 123. Terrifying.
A Poo Good Men
The Dead Poo
Some of the best work of Clint Eastpood
In Soviet Homoslavia the poo eats you.
Just look at the camera and try to act normal if you can manage it. FAIL!
Poppa Squatter just became the Mayor of the Closet of Poo
I’m late to this party. Still enjoying the Sara low cut bikini sisters hangin’ with Crotch Johnson.
See y’all later.
Turd Furgesons.
the unbearable shiteness of being.
power rangers.
smila’s sense of shit
two loafs for sister sarah.
pride and incontinence
For Whom The Poo Tolls
A Boy Named Poo
Bridge Over The River Poo
A Poo Too Far
The Longest Poo
One Flew Over The Poo Poo’s Nest
Young Poopenstein: featuring the love children of Pumpito and Marty Feldman
Charlie and the Poo Poo Factory
sleeping with the enema
enema mine
face of the enema
the enema of the people
public enema:unplugged and live at the hollywood bowl
peggy poo got married
pioux shitty poo
the accidental death of joey by poo
everyone says i love poo
i love poo, alice b toklas
i love poo, don’t touch me
poo’s afraid of virginia wolfe
the man who poo too much
the man poo fell to earth
the englishman poo went up a hill but came down a mountain
poo is killing the great chefs of europe
Billy Mays New Super Dark Orange Glow
Everybody Loves Gaymond
Not only does poo float, it wears white and bleaches its hair.
Their favorite band is Staind
Poppa is reaching unsharted territory here.
National Treasure: Book of Secretions
Oh, holy hell!
“Mommy! Mommy! The poos are looking at me!”
It’s as if Roy had died after being attacked by that tiger and come back as a zombie, then was raped by Anton Chigurh; lock the bastard child in a tanning booth for the first seven years of their life and you get that.
Choad Encounters of the Turd Kind
To: Long Poo. Thanks for Flushing, Julie Newshart.
Dammit, DB1, I told you to flush twice!
Glad to see the shit monster gettin’ some after that performance in Dogma.
This is rendering me speechless….
I think you mean Watercloset of Poo, DB1…and methinks you’ve found the Baron’s alter-ego. Damn. Friggin’ low-flush tanks cannot accommodate the load they are being asked to whirl away with this zombie and zombette.
six foot two red white and orange, thats an awesome job at stacking corn filled soft serve!