Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Poppa Squatter and Tendon Tina Win At the Game Of Orange!!
You know where this is going.
After each has had their own adventures, Poppa Squatter, The Poopaloompa, The Jizz Singer, Pumpito and Brazilian Emo Hulk are recruited by Dr. Redderick Lobster to form a superleague of douche poo and orange to battle the evil mastermind Poo.
“The Toileteers.”
Flushing. Fall, 2012.
Let me be the first to ask, are those bronze medals?
Orange juiced?
Body Proud
To be Body Proud means to love yourself in mind, body, heart and spirit. It’s all about treating yourself with respect, cherishing your machine (your body – internally & externally) and making a conscious decision to live a body proud lifestyle. As such, Body Proud Transformation Showcases, Events & Competitions take place around the world and act as time-sensitive motivational tools towards which people aim their body proud goals to share their triumphs and transformations.
Nothing said about the orange hue in the infomercial!
Yeah, nothing said about looking like a complete and utter twat, either. I guess it’s implied, then.
Sheesh! I gotta go do some work lest I fall for the Great lie of Generation Douche.
Sweet Fucking Whore’s Tits! I am going to have to sleep with my Mr. Blankie tonight after revisiting the 7 layers of turd. May God have mercy on our souls. Son.
Too awful to comprehend, let alone comment on.
Winner: Most likely to induce projectile vomiting.
Anon @1:25. There’s no pride in being an orange freak wearing a diaper. None what so ever.
Are you holding Gator back for the sequel?
I prefer those pagaents where they whore up 5 year olds. It is less offensive than this faecal pomposity.
One question, what are two pygmies doing there?
@ Dude Mc
Those would be the coveted 13th place “Best Triers for Those Whose Anal Mandibles are Addicted to Orange Dreamsicles” medals. They aren’t very rare nor are they very valuable. However these two will be amused for hours with them because they are shiny.
Body proud doesn’t mean tanning yourself into skin cancer. Or if not sun,putting those chemicals on yourself,and you could have a 4 legged baby.
Circus freaks
Body Proud Celebrity Guest Judge, Plinky’s Mom, dives into a pool of hydrochloric acid upon completion of her ballot

“The Crustis League”
Cleanse the pallet of these poop derivatives with a little band called , “The Best” , a one shot one show modern McGillicutty deal in Japan from 1990 that had a few guys you may have heard of :
Keith Emerson:keyboards
Simon Phillips:drums
Jeff Baxter:guitar
Joe Walsh:guitar
John Entwistle:bass guitar
But I could have done without the prancing of Rick Livingstone
Wow Vin, that video of Plinky’s Mom is cool. First time I’ve ever seen someone bend rock.
I actually think he looks pretty damn good for 71.
One wonders what the gentlemen of Negroid persuasion think of this pervasiveness of poo in their midst?
.Or maybe they’re just hoping to bang some orange/blonde chick at the after-party.
.or each other.
^ Don Felder and Michael MacDonald would not approve Vin. But somebody’s got to keep the love alive man.
Old Rocker.
I’m with Sir Boo, he is rockin’ those Depends better than most geriatrics I know.
Poppa Bitch Tits, is more like it…Tendon Tina is freakishly hott…
They win but we lose.
if they’re flushing in fall 2012 i guess they’ll die by winter 2012. like Zyzz.
i’m still morbidly overjoyed at the death of Zyzz. nothing against his parents, but he and his fans are assholes.
one can dream dark dreams. sigh.
When those two bump uglies, it must resemble pig carcasses slapping into one another while traversing down a rail conveyor in the slaughter house.
They’ve obviously already been through the dehairing and scalding unit and are awaiting final dressing.
My eyes, my eyes!
When did Sen. David Vitter get so ripped?
why does pissing, shitting and coming have to happen within 3 inches of one another? YOU CUNTS!
Not sure which extreme assaults my eyeballs more, the bodybuilders in orange or Plinky’s mom takin’ a dive. I’m sure the catfish were startled out of their ever-lovin’ whiskers.
But I’ll assume Plinky’s mom is a floater, and I got plenty of those muckin’ up my aging eyeballs.
And I’m just at a loss to explain so many ‘nads attached to orange body areas not hidden by a Speedo. The way they just suddenly appear overnight like bagworms on an unfortunate evergreen tree gives me the wooly-worm willies.
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