Poppa Squatter Lives! Is Still Orange
Recent HCwDB horrorshow and immediate Closet of Poo inductee, Poppa Squatter, wanted to stop by and let you know that his uberorange squatpuddery is still out there.
Still displaying extreme Gator-like toxic package (warning: This link should not be viewed on a full stomach as it can cause nausea, testicular retraction, eye bleeding, deep existential rage at the G-d that never was, and immediate castration and/or neutering of all nearby pets and wildlife)
Probably shouldn’t have included that last link. Just too cruel for a Monday.
EDIT: Okay, you’ve earned it. Here’s your makeup Pear: Greco-Roman Pear.
Jesus, Mary, and Butch Cassidy. It’s like someone glued some googly eyes onto a turd. This guy could sue Trey Parker and Matt Stone for stealing his likeness for Mr. Hankey.
Her groin veins are about as erotic as a bout of E.Coli.
Bleeth’s vascular vaginal near exposure is truly awful.
And what’s with Poppa Squatter’s eyes?
Bulging Pussy Veins. Wasn’t that the name of Bret Michaels first band ?
In pic 2 he looks a bit like he can’t believe that he actually still has a weewee, what with all the ‘roids and all.
Vascularity run amok. Narcissus was right: it’s addicting.
Tendon Tina.
That’s a freaky female Groin Shave Reveal.
He looks like an extra in the Cirque de Soleil’s “Narcissistic Monkey Shines” now playing at The Trop
He’ll be gone soon like Zyzz in his roid-enhanced poo-ness, it wasn’t nice knowing ya….buh bye!
Those eyes have stared into the abyss, and liked what they saw.
200 pounds of dynamite with a one inch fuse.
Is it just me or is WordPress running freakishly slow today, like her veins. AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He looks like he has just has a Total Recall trip to Mars.
Muscles are gross.
It would be funny if he lived here…
“When Vascularity Goes Horribly Wrong.”
There’s a certain type of ‘Bag that exceeds all others in excessive douchery, needless, unjustified vanity and vomit-inducing loathing. Poppa Squatter is that type.
The title of Tendon Tina’s autobiography is, “Vericosities in Ten Cities.”
“His blood smells like Axe Body Spray. He’s the orangy-est douchebag in the world.”
You owe us make-up pear, boss.
Look at the python’s on that dude!

Be honest. If we all had eyes and muscles like Poppa Squatter we’d be putting them to good use too.

YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I always wondered what happened to that band Nelson.
“I have grown ze new giant arteries to my lady bits, ja? I think zomething is growing down dere.”
Nice Nelson rif M.C.
Hey Rev, how about some more prolapse videos? I’m trying to lose a few pounds.
You both win,you’re gross!
Things at the bottom of my toilet that I flushed down this morning.
Karen’s crotch cricket for some solid zings! I wish Karen’s butt beetle would comment on here too.
Is a side effect of using roids that your ocular muscles become so ripped that they make your eyes bulge out? I bet this walking poop turd never blinks.
When she gets angry do her groin veins throb? Gotta be embarassing during bikini season.
Crotch Cricket?! I thought the pic was horrifying. Yikes
Gruesome. Need Pear. Heck, even a drizzle of Pear on a Tossed Salad.
My cat is afraid of me now.
When she has an orgasm her veins explode in a big bloody mess, just like this:
I just spent too much fucking money to take four girls to see the fucking Smurfs. It made me feel like this:
The ass pear cries are falling on deaf ears.
Turd Thong Tina’s labia minor could kick my ass in an arm wresting match, and her vagina has more teeth than a Great White.

Dude looks like a live shot of Iggy Pop being butt-fucked with a starving live lamprey. Here, of course, is the picture of said lamprey:
fuck me, just when it should not get any worse it does! huzzah!!! YOU CUNTS!
Thanks Rev…..I just puked up my dinner. Another 2 lbs lighter.
At last, I finally understand what you really meant by “Look at this photograph, every time I do it makes me laugh”.
PS: If all Greco Roman contestants looked like that, I might watch more of the fuccen Olympics.
That picture of Poppa in the hoodie is startling. Credit where credit is due – the cat’s jacked. But even more credit goes to the photographer. That guy knew that if Poppa looked into the camera, fail. Nothing but Poppa Peepers. Telling him to gaze at his own abs was a masterstroke. Crazy cannibal serial killer look GONE. He’s just lucky the he got the shot before Poppa started masturbating.
This chick should hook up with Tendon Ted.
I’d like to stick my ionic column in that Greco-Roman Pear.
it’s good to be back to – OH MY FUCKING GOD SOMEONE ELECTROCUTE ME NOW KSDFJBGSKJDFN – after a 2-week hiatus.
>>>Dude looks like a live shot of Iggy Pop being butt-fucked with a starving live lamprey.
Someone surgically removed his eyelids
she’s going to donate her snap flaps so he can get some sleep
he’s earned it
so have we
With that really nasty tendon GSR, shouldn’t Tendon Tina be nominated for the Closet of Poo? Al the signifiars are there. Unless Closet of Poo is gender specific.
Takes a special kind of Scrotasaurus to enter Pooville without passing Go & collecting $200
I think these two wandered away from the Freak Show on the state fair Midway.
He’s very scary,,,,thank God for GrecoRoman Pear.
A good picture is worth a thousand words