Monday, July 16, 2012
HCwDB of the Week: KISSEUS VOMITORIOUS and naughty nape Nanine
Well, it looks like this week is going to be DarkSock Week, which is kind of like Shark Week but with boat wrecks. In other words, The DB1 was unable to post bail. Llama pens are private property; the law is the law.
So as I rush to fill the vacuum that nature abhors, you stare at the HCwDB weekly selection and simper aloud: “But…DarkSock….why is Kisseus Vomitorious awarded the coveted DB o’ the Week? WHY?”
Well…look at him. Now stop simpering.
Now if you’ll excuse me I need to dig up some hottie/douchebag co-mingling photographs STAT or it’s gonna be a quiet week here.
This bleeth represents all the positive outcomes from the mixing of the races, with the obvious exception being she’s kissing this douchebag.
Woooo Hoooo!!!! uncle DarkSark is at the helm. Dare I dream of some HCwDB after dark???. I remember those heady days & nights last summer and if this week is anything like that we are all in for a treat and by treat I mean lots o pear. Now excuse me while I go and prepare and prepare I mean lots of peanut butter & celery.
DarkSock in charge? I’ll need an extra tub of lube…
That totally sounds like something more incriminating than you meant it to, Troy.
I got some videos of Mrs. Kroeger to lighten the load. They all end up like this.
Wallnuts has nailed it out of the park with his comment about the positive results that come from mixing ethnicity. As long as neither parent is a ginger. That’s like making a great fusion dish, then pooping on it.
Fuck, I’m slobbering this funny shit make me laugh hard! Mrs Kroeger needs to put away the baseball bat and bring a fuken sponge! STAT
That is Calvin Bowman from Houston…openly bi and spreads STD’s like peanut butter.