Wednesday, July 25, 2012
"The Halo of Avalon"
I proclaim this one of my greatest artworks of 2012, and title thee, “The Halo of Avalon.”
My innovative work breaking down the hierarchy of taste culture by using found footage to offer a neo-expressionist critique of medium will continue to revolutionize conceptual critical perspectives on boobies and poo.
I leave the specifities of critical inquiry into the aesthete of the pic to the comments threads. But know that it is, in both formal properties and conceptual thematics, a ground breaking work, and one I will proudly include at my Guggenheim show in 2023.
I was thinking three whores and a douchebag on his rich uncle’s boat, but yeah, DB1’s does sounds better.
Brunette’s red bikini bottoms are experiencing some type of Van der Waal’s repulsion from her newly waxed landing strip. I got nothing else. This fact is occupying all of my brainpower right now.
I’m glad Jeff Goldblum finally found the time to take his grand-daughter and her friends for that boat ride he promised them. I’m sure it was her dream to have a fun-filled day on the water listening to her friends bitch about all the inappropriate touching going on after several rounds of Coke and “medicine” followed by Jeff’s version of “Raisin in the Sun”.
Given a choice between boobies and poo, uhm — wow. Lemmie think about that for no seconds. Boobies win.
What came first, the boobies or the poo? Right, this is all starting to make sense now!
Looks more like “The Taint Tug of Tucson”
‘shoes, you must leave Amsterdam immediately, haha!
“Ho’s of Havasu”
Hamsterdam. Said.
“Blasted Bitches of Bullhead”
“Hicky Hips of Hackensack”
Bouncing Boobies o’ Biloxi
The Hard Rock Casino here in Biloxi has a Rehab kinda pool called “Detox”, but it’s fairly bag-free. Metro-Bags get their asses whooped by the rednecks here on the regular. Keeps the pool clean, relatively speaking. Here’s about as bad is it gets:

and thanks to the horrid humidity, the hotts down here all have perfect suckle-worthy flesh, as evinced in the above photo. She’s probably 60 or so.
Medical FACT.
More Biloxi Boobage; I was actually a judge in a recent Bikini Contest so I know of which I speak:
A halo? I thought it more like a cloud of smog came in. Or perhaps water on the lens. Poo on the lens.
Biloxi is actually Latin for, “Boner Inducing.”
Dark Sock knows the guy from Right Said Fred and Angie Harmon. Respect Son.
Anybody notice that if you look close enough that the flags in the picture have the NO Saints logo? DarkSock what say you and are they worthy of DSock drive-by?.
I’d bang that hot Biloxi 60 year old that Sock mentioned in the above picture.
I should get out to more bikini contests.
Et Tu: All females in this area are required by law to have the Saint’s fleur-de-lis as tramp-stamps on their backsides.

It’s the Law.
Even our gay dudes kick ass:
If Darksock failed to select #4 for Miss Redneck Riveara I will lose all respect.
Also, it was no coincidence that the local Hooters® had to shut down for the duration of the contest.
.Sour grapes
Number 7 is a replicant in need of retiring.
Inner side boob reveal on the chick in background in the blue top is nice.
The Biloxi Swim Team finished last in Special Olympic qualifying heats, and they had to drain the pool afterwards.
^talk about “not staying in your lane”!
I’d pee in that pool.
#4 for the win. Tall and tan and young and lovely, the girl from Biloxi …. you know the words.
I’m praying that’s just God’s laser sighting and he’s about to blast his head.
I’m also hoping he’ll next blast that gunt she’s sucking in.
Hey DS, do they still dislike blacks and hippies in Biloxi? Cause I’m a black hippy and I want some of that boobage.