Benzino the Benzbag Greases Soho Sophia
Benzino is a creepy hemorrhoidal taint that has been infecting hotts on the site in various forms for many a moon. Benzino made his inglorious debut back in March in The Unholy Pear Fondle.
Now factor in this greasing of Soho Sophia and it is a bridge too far. This aggression will not stand, man.
For the Benzino is quite the curious douchal legend in the making. Witness the taint-by-association with various other douchal legends:
Benzino with Peter Pumpin’head
Benzino with The King and Various Vegas Woo Hotts
Yowza. That’s a serious douche run. And with plenty of hott chicks to warrant full HCwDB mock.
Is Benzino a late contender for the Yearly?
He’s not just a late contender, he’s a SERIOUS contender!!! The man has a history on HCWDB, he’s got my vote!!
Epic run there Benzino. And by epic run I mean ship his greasy ass off to the hall of scrote. Guilt by bag association, though he gets there on his owns merits also.
He’s like that garden gnome that was stolen from a front yard in Pittsburgh by some young lesbians who traveled around North America in a Buick photographing themselves performing sex acts with vegetables and celebrities like Forest Gump and Carol Burnett.
The grainy photo with Pumpin Head at the truckstop reminds me of my aunt.
I hope my aunt is ok, she’s my only relative still living in NYC. She escaped from the Bellvue psych ward a couple of years ago and has since been making a living selling apples out of a wheelbarrow in the garment district.
She is also the only living person whose name is on the Vietnam memorial in DÇ. She’s not part of the memorial, she just wrote her name on the wall with lipstick.
This chick looks like a carp being pulled into the boat
Benzino has that extra-effort-push-but-it-just-ain’t-working vibe going. He’s a hanger on until the shit gets real…..
King: “Dude , I’ma boudda bust’yo’ fuggen head open. I’m doin’ bofe these bitchez , fugg off
Peter Pumpin’head : “Quit yer fucccen yakin’. Stick that shit in my butt cheek and get the fugg outta here”
Riff Raff: “Dude I’m gunna need you to move the shit from my old cellie to my new one and shit …. you knowamsayin? I’ll come by your store tomorrow and shit. Now, fugg off….and shit
He has the bone structure so that a skilled Thai surgeon could make him a passable hot chick as well.
Then he could go fuck himself.
And 10 points to House of Vin for the carp-face catch:

Good grief that’s awful! She’s going to kiss him?!? What the fuck is her problem?
Too fucking late for yearly. The soundtrack is cut. I’m eating pizza that comes out my butt.
And what Vin said! Fuck I’m stoned. Son.
It wasn’t til this very moment that I realized how pissed I STILL was regarding The Unholy Pear Fondle.
Giants v Stillers this weekend? are we on? if so I’m down $20CDN so let’s double or nothing. I’ll take the Stillers and the 3.5 points.
Testing one two :
SHIT ! Still can’t figure out the last part of that HTML thing
@Et Tu
I’m down with that. Pumpkins are carved, doobies are rolled, 1000 pieces of candy in bowls. Lenny The Box is coming with bath salts and pizzas are ordered. Gonna get fucking cranked and dress up as a hipster and send DB1 picture fof FTAL. Halloween is pretty serious around the plantation. If ye do not here from me again, go forth into the bright future and conquer it in the name of Constitution. Son. Live free or die trying.
Dude, that last one (with various hotts) also has KING DOUCHIUS IV!! Long live the King!
I’d recognize that mug anywhere.
Is it just me or does anyone else wish they were trick or treating in Rev Chads neighborhood? just sayin it sounds like it good be a good time that or potential criminal complaints from horrified MILF’s.
Benzino = douche Zelig
He sure enjoys taking photos with other men. What a fan,or is there something he’s not talking about. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.
And he has Vulcan Ears.Happy Halloween asshole.
Good God that’s funny. I know I’ve asked this before: Stephanie, will you marry me? And, can I cheat on you once or twice a week?
Et Tu makes an excellent pint about unholy pear fondle. Guinness makes many excellent pints. Case closed.
The Rev, Lenny The Box, Bath Salts, Halloween, 1,000 neighborhood kids.
What could possibly go wrong?
Great job on the carp, bot’ ‘n’ yaz!
Benzino looks like he’s related to King D.
And this.
More interested in mugging for the camera than expensive hipserette tongueage? Dude is gay. That is probably a bukkake martini.
Dude needs to go full Queequeg and extend that chest tattoo up over his face. Oh wait, that might get him fired from Jiffy Lube.
Never mind.
This guy gets over on so many people because he tells them he’s Tom Morello’s little brother. If only Tom would ever see him and beat the ever-living shit out of him, that would be cool.
Bulls on parade.