Random Thoughts on a Wednesday
Your humb narrs is still in post-coital repose after yesterday’s events.
A sip of the ole’ Train takes me back across the years, through the halcyon know-nothing days of the New York gogo 90s. Through the fog of dancing Bushdom oohs. And through my Westward Ho search for gold in them there hills.
We stand at an interest moment in time and space. Strange days indeed. Most peculiar, mama.
My Trader Joes cereal obsessions, which form the core deep thoughts of most days, have shifted to this weird hybrid dried fruit and Cheerios mix. But oh so tasty.
The old lady who lives two doors down got hustled by some aggressive Mexican tree trimmers who told her that she had to remove a giant tree from her front lawn because it had magic alien fungus dust on it, or something. So the chainsaws have been roaring, and a beautiful tree comes down after a hundred or so years of living.
Trees into wood into chopper into cash.
A perfect metaphor for the eternal churn.
I still rent my movies from Netflix rather than stream them, and something tells me that’s an important totem of generation gap and aging. The kids would never bother with such an unnecessary addendum added to the ritual of media consumption.
Hark! Suck it, Romney. A new day dawns.
And you probably read none of this because, hey, Benzino bites a Pear.
She has no panties and he’s about to toss her salad.
Benzino bites a pear, and it reminds him of prison and the comforting taste of toilet paper lint.
Benzino is doing his Jesus Quintana impersonation using the pear. Can’t fault him for that
You can fault him for being a collossal douchebag and talentless narcissist
Hopefully that stinger on her back will give him the well-deserved eye raping he so desperately needs.
I don’t know much about Mexicans except for the serial killing, cheating, and raping. (respect). I also don’t know why poor Mitt has to be berated on an A-list site like this. Let him lick his wounds and pay his tithes. Cause Mrs. Kroeger is a Mormon-Jew and she’s no weirdo except maybe for when she married deceased Jedidaya when she was 12 and cucked my cock when she was 14. Speaking about 14 I like that Mulatress Malia for carnal adventures for young persons.
I think a nice way to lighten things up would be the presentation of future Guggenheim candidate, Reverend Chad Spews, to the electorate. Son.
Mexicans are also good and climbing fences and killing US government agents with guns received from members of the ATF and Eric Holder’s US Justice Department, which was Bush’s fault, too!
funny shit:

Even Romney’s Mexican-Mormon family thinks his policies for the south of the border, and the war on drugs are counter productive.
King Taco
Plus , click the channel over to any random Mexican Telenovela and you’ll be regaled with some hottie or another talking really loudly and hardly dressed at all
Sometimes alls you can do is laugh.
I didn’t even realize that was Benzito. He’s off the charts!!!
Benzino is but the latest fruiting body to emerge from the toxic fungus Malluscellphonesalesius Miamivegasium. It’s poisonous hyphae have formed a mycelium that reaches around the globe too all continents except Antarctica. It is now the world’s largest living organism. As satisfying as crushing Benzino under a backhoe might be, it would be counterproductive as many spores would be released. Fire is the only acceptable solution.
Well put Ich. I would add that Benzino is a complete and total douchebag.
Heah jeah! Nothing quite like a hot woman hot woman in a bikini frolicking in tropical waters.
Frolicking I says.
I think you can even make out a little exposed nip and camel toe in that picture.
What? Don’t eyeball me like that.
I’ll take her out for Mexican food,beans…Benzito will be surprised.
Good mention about bringing down an old tree that never did anything to anyone other than provide shade and eye relief from the concrete jungle. Old people seem to have a thing for chopping down trees, which they justify by pretending are going to fall on their house, when I think it’s really a desire to make sure something dies before them.
Jacques – are those real photos? or special effects from a horror movie?
Canuck, do you really want to know?
Good point… I don’t really want to know. I’m just wondering what connection they might have the Mexican discussion!
J. D.: I usually peruse this site while eating lunch so how about we just stick to links of hot women alive and in one piece. Thanks Bro
And I saw Aggressive Mexican Treetrimmers back in ’92 at Metro. They opened up for Violent Femmes. Great show.