Gynochin Haunts Our Collective Souls…
(from a hospital bead somewhere outside Peoria, Illinois, your humble narrator awakens from his diabetic coma…)
DB1: Wha?-…. What’s that?… What rouses me from this slumber?…
DB1’s Subconscious: Waaakkkkeee up…. the internet still needs your relic of a blog…
DB1: But… but why?
DB1’s Subconscious: Gyyyyyyynnnoooooooooochiiiiiiinnnnnnnnn… is still out there…
DB1: Gynochin? 2011 Douchebag of the Year Gynochin?
DB1’s Subconscious: Srsly, do you know any other Gynochins?
DB1: I suppose not.
DB1’s Subconscious: The worrrrllllddd… neeeeedssss your help…. The ‘Chin is still making insanely douchey kisssssssssey faces near hottiesssssss… whoooooo will mock this sorry piece of lemon pie shite?
DB1: I dunno. Who?
DB1’s Subconscious: You, ya dumbass!
DB1: Oh right! (::jumping out of bed, throwing off hospital gown revealing doughy ass::) I’m back!! I cannot rest!! Let… let me out of there!!.. The mock must return!!
And… the Mock continues on Monday.
Fuck the Chin!!!!!, speaking of Chin DW was Vincent “The Chin” Gigante really crazy? or did he just pull a fast one over the feds?
Those 2 blondes from Iowa who are on Spring Break will regret the day they met Gynochin and by regret I mean genital herpes.
Just realized I like girls with giant stupid sunglasses. Maybe I just like girls.
I dub thee the Bleachy Twins. Freshly bleached hair, teeth and waxed bungholes.
GynoChin & the Overbite Twins. Coming to a town near you!
I’ve heard of duck lips, but I believe Gynochin is debuting the feared and loathed “PinkSock Lips”.
Reminds me of that time cousin Crawford sat bare-assed on the pool intake. We never speak of it now.
what’s next? Stackhouse redux?
DB1 is just a young pup. Seems like he’s either sick or on walkabout. I think its time he pulls himself up by his nutstraps and get a real job. I’m old, and I’m just sayin.
I could go for a fried turkey right now. No water.
He’s got two assholes,one on his face and the other on his butt.
What would you do without me?