Friday Thoughts and Links
This pic is like microwaved turtle poo.
Simmering with sizzling micro heat.
I have no idea what micro heat is.
But I digress. It’s Friday bitches!!
Kinda a piddling collection of links this week as your humb narrs found himself passed out in a pool of Tequila vomit beneath an underpass near where the 134 meets the 405.
Long story.
It involves illegal shipment containers, doughnuts, a moldy trampoline and a magical unicorn with the posterior of an enflamed rhesus monkey.
I blame Zapata and the Sandanistas.
Here’s yer links:
Your HCwDB Buy Something After You Click this Link Link of the Week: Sure you’re aging at a rapid pace, losing libido and depressed, but why not hang a poster and pretend that you’re still in college
Posters of prostitutes are not what they seem.
Need the perfect gift? Say it with bacon.
Sometimes ya just gotta boogie down.
Douche Tags. Still out there. Still… uhm, well, I guess the word is douchey.
Okay, nuff of that stalling. Here’s your pear:
Like a vanilla carnal cupcake of pedantic delight.
Enjoy! For the weekend is upon.
shweatty balls!
Velvet Netty Net Pokey Pear! Fap fap fap fap fap…..
Velvet Pokey Pear cares. She’s the Care Pear!
Prosty Moms = Boner Killer
Kisseus Vomitorious has crossed over the threshold from orange to brown, and now resembles a neatly coiled turd with a delicately pinched and blackened tip, burnt in the hot Scottsdale sun.
Kisseus’ time has come.
To the Closet of Poo with him!
You can order a peanut butter bacon fudge shake at the Biloxi Sonic.
^ I’m guessing that shake is a similar shade of burnt umber as douche on right, Sock.
More I’m learning about Canada:
Canadian Bears: smarter and more polite than american ones:
The more you know…
Also, if KV crosses into the Closet of Poo, does that make him the Jim Thorpe (massive respect) of douchebags?
I’m sure all the Mommy Hookers are as hot as the drawings.
This just; Douchebag on the left in above picture admitted to hospital after suffering a stroke as a result of holding his breath and sucking in his gut for an extended period of time.
This just in: Girls with huge ninns wearing bandannas give me the renoBs and counter act the presence of Docuhebags with oversized nipples and Mohawks.
Self-reflection is good, young hott. But leave the boob staring to me, if you will.
Saw a young women in the county piss test building yesterday. T-shirt, showing off them fine tit-tays at 10:00 am.
The most accurate thing I could have said to her was “Nice titties”.
Yet, somehow, that would have been bad.
The only thing more exciting than Canadian bears is Canadian beaver, and by beaver you know I mean the rodent. And one other thing:
For five years I lived in the vicinity of the Biloxi Sonic.
They were the five longest years of my life.
sometimes I wrap raw bacon around my junk, to, ya know, attract the bitches…results in much crotch sniffing
Bam. And there he is, permanently enshrined in the Closet of Poo…which just got a little more smelly.
‘Murica Pear!
babababababa boobies! I sez…
That’s one closet KV can stay in.
yup, I have made several epic turds that are remarkably similar in colour & texture to this cat…I was proud of them, yet always flushed
“murica pear = raging renoB

For those of you (understandably) too scared to click on Jacque’s link, here ya go:
Aw man…you only get to see half…