Friday Thoughts and Links
The now pensive Unholy Grieco sits amidst his art and contemplates the Grieco Virus that He unleashed uponst the world.
Back when He was just a scrotey Hollywood greaser. A clueless Origin Douche setting the template for decades of douchebags to come.
And, of course his Original Sin, to grease and taint the purity of The Holy Bleeth.
Those endless mid-90s nights.
Oh so long ago.
How the world has changed on you, Grieco. What a scary, alien place it is today in our post Jersey Shore world. The Grieco is sad.
And, in a way, I’m sympathetic for the greasy Grieco’s sad and lonely plight.
But at least the insular world of crappy abstract art holds some form of solitary resonance for Sad Grieco. Like the Trappist Monks of yore, the Grieco can meditate and allow his mind to go fully blank. Which, if you think about it, is really for the best for all those involved.
Yes, the Grieco meditates.
And so does the DB1.
Here’s your links:
Wanna help pay the bills around here? Why not join Amazon Prime?. Don’t cost nuthin’. Oh wait, actually it does. But c’mon, it’s free movie streaming n’ shit. Do it.
So I randomly stumbled across this great interview with iconic director Martha Coolidge. She of “Real Genius” masterwork. Well worth a read. Loved the dish on working with the late, great, apparently slightly dickish John Hughes.
When planning on robbing a bank, best not to try the Wizard invisible strategy.
Pictures of the summer of ’69. No, not that ’69 ya perv.
Justin Timberlake continues on his long road to post boy-band redemption with this r-rated video that’s kind of a ballsy choice.
Posing DJs. Or, as I like to call them, “iPods that bleed.”
Okay, nuff of that. Here ya go:
Real world firmness that is understated, yet quarter bouncing.
Pics from the summer of ’69 in New York were great. Great find. The thing that struck me was how skinny everyone was. We have turned into a country of complete lard asses.
Pepsi, not beer. (Speaking of Belushi…)
Grieco is already in his own personal hell: irrelevance. Even the fuctards from the Jersey Shore would probably call him grandpa and confuse him with Adrian Zmed. “C’mon grandpaps… Jumpstreet starred that fat kid that likes to draw dicks and the stripper guy. You are off your meds. Hey, weren’t you in some kind of disco show? Can you show us a move if your arthritis isn’t acting up?”
I don’t know about you guys, but I couldn’t see that bank robber.
What’s he bitching about?
Screw DJs. Steven Hawking could be a DJ if he put his mind to it. Get him an iTunes account and let him go.
And also, is it the webpage or am I having a stroke because all the Boss’ writings are marked out?
[1:18 pm July, 19
FredN. said…
Pepsi, not beer. (Speaking of Belushi…)]
That’s what I thought as well. Of course, our cool metalbag broheim is likely using one of those “cool” pop can covers to disguise his Milwaukee’s Beast.
Super Pear:

Stuffed Pear:

Cock-a-Doodle-Doo Pear:

Snap Pear:

Unreal Pear:

Giggity-Giggity Pear:

I’ve gotta say that the “Greico/Bleeth” meme is starting to show it’s age. Perhaps it’s time for an update?
And I can think of no couple more deserving of the throne(s) in this decade than the rapidly decomposing “Justin Beiber” (Google: “peeing in a mop bucket”) and his on-again/off-again girlfriend “Selena Gomez” who is watching her our career swirl down the proverbial toilet.
“Beiber/Gomez” 2014.
I think this photo says it all:
pear light heart
Snap pear is the immortal Kari Sweets… Known for PG-13 near nudes so close to the line she has to photoshop out a couple pixels of glorious vajay for some of them.
That triple pear should be nominated for an award.
An award for ass that transcends time and space.
An award for ass that beckons to be sculpted by Michelangelo.
An award for ass that should be in my hands and mouth.