Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Carlos the Jagoff and Kim Kill a Saturday
I’ll take “Patriotic Bikini Hotts With Attitude” for $1200, Alex.
Yup. Carlos the Jagoff and Kim are back. Once again posing like the true suburban gangstas they is. The kind that roll all up into a 7-11 like hustlahs, yo. Word.
Proving that you don’t need a job, a personality, or any consciousness above and beyond that of a vibrating eucalyptus tree to operate a digital camera and post the evidence to the internets.
Or, as the great John Lenin once said, You say you want a revolllutionnn.
Man, I would never get out of bed…..
what’s with his crooked abs ? someone been playing with photoshop again ?
Kim by the way needs no work what so ever, unless you count a splashing on mangurt all over her as work.
Baaah ! just saw the pic with the guns. Yeah, this guy is about as badass as his size extra small white pleather vest.
Speaking of guys with that last name, I will be killing MY Saturday at Lebowski Fest in Milwaukee, fraternizing with the polar opposite of douchebags.
Hope to see y’all there.
When does Nikita kick down the door and knock these two fucks into the next decade?
This Bleeth needs a serious intervention. Men, circle the Club Wagons !
Nothin worse than hairy brown nips on a Mulatto (respect)’dude.
Seems the standards for douche mocking have fallen off over the last year or so. No douchy tats, no douchy hairdo or facial hair, no douchy clothes. Yeah, his shorts are a little douchy and the pose is too, but I would consider those circumstantial evidence. This guy is NOTHING compared to the legends on this site, and IMHO – nottadouche.
My weiner stands and salutes her.
For Dark Sock?
Cross-eyed bleeths and firearms don’t mix.
I cannot get over this woman’s poo-chopper.
Makes me want to stand up and saaaaa-lute!
Salute, I says.
That woman is giving me the eye of the Chocolate Danger (or Dangler). And I would eat her ass with a reckless aplomb the likes of Eddie Money and Rick Springfield could only. I wish that I was Messie’s whirl. Son. Two tickets to Brownstar Town. I’d make two girls one cup blush at my Asiatic affinity for anal and anal discharge. But maybe that’s why i have the pancreatitis and shit. Fuck
Fenny Argentina?
page for Dark Sock to peruse for pear this week
John Lenin? The guy was a commie, but we still call him Lennon.
As my pancreas begins it’s journey to cancer over the next ten years; there will be frivolity and mirth and mock and disdain until around my 60th I will begin a rapid decline to rotting compost..and shit.
Until that time I will enjoy the paid goodies of Betty Boop skanks.
Of course nothing can compare to Simpsons porn parodies.
I’d boop her Betty.