Wednesday, January 5, 2005

John Cougar (and) MelonBarf


Well now…This photograph pretty much captures the essence, the ” je ne sais quoi” if you will, of Hot Chicks with Douchebags, does it not? The very feely-feel of the site.

For this most wretched of weekdays – Monday – I propose we have a combination Haiku-Limerick ho-down. The best will be put on the front page, oh, say mid-week given the more stately pace of the site these days.

Posit your metered musings, as always, in the comments section.

# posted by Bagnonymous
12:52 pm March, 16 DarkSock said...

It clicks on “comments”.

If it clicks on the picture,

Alternate Cosmos.

1:00 pm March, 16 DarkSock said...

Sock posts have been lean
‘cuz I spent thousands of bucks
To get screwed. Again.
titanium spineshanks son
SockSpine fortified
With titanium, Lortab.
Boating time again!!!

1:36 pm March, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Dark Sock, Man O’ Dreams

His architect gig gets pale

Builds Internally

1:37 pm March, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

As has been told in

Lore. “Don’t drink leprauchan beer

Out of his butthole

1:40 pm March, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Go the distance….

Dr. Back says. Lenny too

Afraid of scalpel.

1:41 pm March, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Fecal transplants done

Orally not recommended

For drunk blonde chicks. Son.

1:50 pm March, 16 hermit said...

Brad was a known pedophile,

who targeted a gullible child

but the roofies he gave her

to change her behavior

were spewed out in a brown stream of bile.

2:18 pm March, 16 Jacques Doucheteau said...

David was nervous but he had a hunch,

that Joanna’s pregnancy could be ended with one punch.

No doubt he’d spawn a ‘tard,

so to her gut he gave it hard.

But instead of the baby she just lost her lunch.

2:22 pm March, 16 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Would you bang a dame

After she puked all over?

I bet The Rev would

2:25 pm March, 16 Jacques Doucheteau said...

And here’s another limerick musing a similar theme about the linky-link pic:


They just met, and Frank loved her tits.

She was so drunk she didn’t notice where he stuck his mitts.

For he reached up inside her,

and found the thing that had died there.

The abortion doctor left behind a couple bits.

2:27 pm March, 16 DoucheyWallnuts said...

There once was a Bleeth who blew chow

At the same time she crapped her trau

The puke on her dress

And shit made a mess

But The Rev would still bang that Frau

2:27 pm March, 16 Jacques Doucheteau said...

Nice x-ray pics, Sock. I recently have been having some pelvic issues myself and got an MRI scan done.

3:46 pm March, 16 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I would certainly fuck her twice,

If the puke was wiped off her face.

My daughter was constipated in fright,

So I gave her a purgative last night,

And she shit all over the place.

5:40 pm March, 16 DarkSock said...



No “c”. Some other sumbitch done jack’d… 10 years ago, and dammit I was one o’ the first 1% on the Gmail Beta.


I was the Master Beta.




9:55 pm March, 16 DarkSock said...

Jacques, I’m no doctor but judging by your MRI scans you’re fucked.

5:30 am March, 17 Et Tu Douche? said...

Re: MelonBarf

That looks like that stuff that Freckles lets out once a month.

5:38 am March, 17 Et Tu Douche? said...

There lives a man named Sock

Who appreciates and indulges the Mock

On the roadhouse/chitlin circuit he does Rock

Occasionally a groupie backstage will chug on his Cawk

5:46 am March, 17 Et Tu Douche? said...

Rain on the scarecrow

Blood on the plow

MelonBarf just blew some chow

6:19 am March, 17 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I’m looking at that MRI again and figured it out.


When Jacques went to Portland to visit the Baron Von Goolo, he watched “Andy Warhol’s 3-D-Flesh of Frankenstein” and became obsessed with organ sex. After seeing the psychedelic Dieter playing the mad doctor, he found his retarded blonde dwarf and fucked her right through the cervix.


Congrats on the Jesus-sized cocck, Joccck.


10:41 am March, 18 Vin Douchal said...

When John Largeman lets fly

It can bring a sting to your eye

This chick found out

What stench is about

Barfed up the rim job to this guy

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