Friday, February 4, 2005

YoBro tells Pia to stop staring into the microwave

pia zadora with hat tilt bag

10 degree hat tilt? Check.

Douchie wrist acoutrement? Check.

Stupid $200 sh!t-wrapper of a t-shirt? Check

Smug millennial trust-fund scowl for his brah’s Instagram? Check.

Fish-Slap demeanor?  Chickity-Check.  Yo.

Check, please.

Sweetie, you can do better.  It’s written in that sniff-poo look on your pretty mug.  

But you choose not to. Hence we mock.

# posted by admin
12:41 pm May, 28 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Looks like she picked the wrong week to stop getting Russian black market Botox and Collagen injections.

12:42 pm May, 28 DoucheyWallnuts said...

Is that Captain Elliot from The Deadliest Catch? Looks like he’s getting a different kind of Deadliest Catch….

1:12 pm May, 28 Capt. James T. Douche said...

Judging by the graffiti on the wall behind them he spared no expense for tonight’s venue, five minutes after this was snapped a hobo junkie puked all over her tits while he got hustled out of this weeks pay from bussing tables at IHOP shooting dice in the corner.

1:16 pm May, 28 Capt. James T. Douche said...

I’m betting there’s a lot of burning and itching going on between the two of them. It looks like tig welding when their nethers touch.

1:58 pm May, 28 Charles Douchewin said...

Whenever he plays Rock-Paper-Scissors-Douche, YOBRO goes all in.
(*Spoiler Alert*: He always throws Douche.)

3:39 pm May, 28 dickie fingers said...

He’s Fish Slap’s little brother, Minnow Slap.

4:02 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

Helen of Bro. The crotch that launched a thousand penile swabs.

5:09 pm May, 28 Vin Douchal said...

The hat is on straight. His mug’s been belted so may times his face has a 20 degree tilt.

5:13 pm May, 28 Vin Douchal said...

Dyspeptic Pia has had enough of Yobro’s “Pull my finger” antics

5:18 pm May, 28 Vin Douchal said...

Official Rock-Paper-Scissors-Douche rules:
Rock smashes Douche’s teeth down his throat
Paper is summons for “Failure to Appear” for back child support payments
Scissors get jammed hard in to the orifice/organ of choice
Let’s play

6:56 pm May, 28 Dr. Bunsen HoneyDouche said...

Some PSA’s for y’all:

8:03 pm May, 28 Charles Douchewin said...

Thanks, Doc Bunsen. Because I thought Bikini Season WAS a season I had just forgotten about BECAUSE CANADA IS NEVER WARM.

11:30 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

I saw a normal shaved vagina, a few thousand times and I must go service it now!
Miss Jackson if yo nasty, Son. Stooned.

11:33 pm May, 28 The Reverend Chad Kroeger said...

^There was a thin layer of ice in the pool skimmer last night after I turned shit off cause algae usually don’t grow in the arctic, usually. But I think the old dog’s yeast is gumming up the works. My old canine has been in the pool too.
Ass Diggers

12:42 am May, 29 DarkSock said...

1.) I have always been attracted to sacs of fats. Including plastic sacs o’ butter.
2.) She talks like Greta Van Sustren, but without looking like Willem Dafoe with teats.
3.) Medical FACT.

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