Thursday, September 14, 2006

Kutcher 'Bag

Here’s a classic example of the inner ‘bag exploding all over a poor hottie victim who doesn’t know what hit her. This oily Ashton Kutcher looking scrote may not exhibit overt signs of douchitude, but as soon as Kutcher ‘Bag hits the dance floor, out comes ‘Bag Headlock Position #12. Before you can scream “Grieco!,” he’s tackled this sexy little beansprout spreading his ‘bag virus all over the poor thing.

And she is a sexy, sexy beansprout indeed.

Mmm…. perfect abs… I’d have abs for breakfast, lunch and dinner if I could… I’d lavish them with Freudian affections then make them a cup of tea. I’d lead a hiking expidition into the hills above the bellybutton, using only my cunning and trail mix to survive. She is quite the peach.

Whether she ever freed herself from the grip of Kutcher ‘Bag, we’ll never know…

EDIT: Photo altered after posting.

# posted by douchebag1

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