Monday, September 11, 2006

The Toad III

I didn’t realize The Toad was the same uber-scrote from the “Scrum De Douche” photo (thanks to dooouche_head for catching that in the comments section), but here he is a third time. Methinks we should celebrate The Toad as we elevate him into our Hall of Scrote as one of the rare and unholy “Source Douche.” Those who lurk among us spreading ‘baggery, a disciple of The Grieco, a Douche Bishop (Douchop?) in the Church of Douchebaggery.

Here he is polluting yet another hottie with his rank grip and greasy mug. He’s traded in the red shirt look for a Zoot Suit but the same pooey glasses, earring and Toad face remain intact. Preserved in hair-gel amber if you will.

Jessica Alba hottie is all that is gorgeous in life. Like a Georges-Pierre Seurat painted sunset, she’s a million dots of goodness.

EDIT: Wow that is the same chick as in the last pic. I love her. I’d give up my first born just to lick her shoulderblades.

# posted by douchebag1

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