Sunday, October 29, 2006

Brandon Walsh D.B.

Jason Priestly’s really let himself go. I mean, stick-on eyebrows? Come on Jason. It can’t be that bad on the unemployment line.

I’ve never been a huge surfboarder but some of these ‘bag jawlines make me want to shrink myself to microscopic size and start doing half turns over their chins. I’m convinced there’s a market for douche-jaw inspired slopes out there. I gotta call the x-games and pitch that one.

Sultry ambiguously South American hottie has lips to die for, even as she exhibits late stage Bleeth infection. Perhaps irreversable douchebaggery has taken hold. Given she’s got Plastic Priestly next to her, I can see why. Good luck Bleethed out hottie. Maybe someday you’ll return from your journey into the land of chinny douchebaggery.

# posted by douchebag1

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