Tuesday, October 3, 2006

The Earwig

Remember those summer-camp late night stories about the earwigs that would crawl into your ear while you were sleeping and try to eat their way into your brain?

And you thought it was just a campfire legend.

Here is proof that earwigs not only are real, but they grow up to be giant pink shirted spikey haired douchebags.

Tell me you don’t want to strap rubber bands to this scrote’s lips and fling him off a cliff using a giant Acme slingshot until he disappears from view, only to be followed by a small “whump” cloud of dust.

Ute here is all sorts of Slavic goodness. Someone needs to liberate her from being mauled by this rank summer camp insect before he crawls into her ear and we have to remove him with a q-tip.

# posted by douchebag1

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